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  • Retrieving r-class (string) macros in table or matrix

    Dear Statalist forum,

    I am trying to figure out how to retrieve r-class (string) macros in a table or matrix (though I believe that Stata does not allow strings in matrices).

    The specific problem poses with a community-contributed program entitled ‘fuzzy’ from SSC which conducts Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The r-class macro in question is called r(reducsols) which lists the reduced set of configurations of variables that are sufficient conditions of outcome y.

    An example of the code for a simplified version of what I am running is as follows:

    foreach ag in DIR_LAvag_ep1 DIR_LAvag_ep2 { 
    foreach nrc in DIR_LAvnrc1 DIR_LAvnrc2 {
    foreach un in DIR_LAvunep1 DIR_LAvunep2 {
    foreach hx in DIR_LAvhxgdp1 DIR_LAvhxgdp2 {
    foreach cc in DIR_LAvcc1 DIR_LAvcc2 {
    foreach pv in DIR_LAvpv1 DIR_LAvpv2 {
    foreach gdp in DIR_LAvgdp1 DIR_LAvgdp2 {
    fuzzy DIR_eIGpt `ag' `nrc' `un' `hx' `cc' `pv' `gdp', label(E A N U H C P G) drop cluster(countrycode2) settest(yvv) sigonly greater (col1) reduce
    return list
    A data example is as follows:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input long countrycode2 float(DIR_eIGpt DIR_LAvag_ep1 DIR_LAvnrc1 DIR_LAvunep1 DIR_LAvhxgdp1 DIR_LAvcc1 DIR_LAvpv1 DIR_LAvgdp1 DIR_LAvag_ep2 DIR_LAvnrc2 DIR_LAvunep2 DIR_LAvhxgdp2 DIR_LAvcc2 DIR_LAvpv2 DIR_LAvgdp2)
     1      .9998251  .8579121    .9997882      .7823363  .11661627  .02323773  .56741875   .7343208  .8440647   .9998929     .7003923  .10530783 .026175546  .50763994   .7106618
     3     .19934624  .6786882  .011351976      .9725192  .05396127  .50025994   .6642866   .4664742  .6325099  .02962735     .9760606  .05315039  .37887615   .6172676   .3793009
     3     .06085407  .5604528  .002472623      .9710385  .09835684   .4457565   .7360237   .7771915     .4988  .01798621     .9744317  .09047104   .3367762   .7008132   .7586276
     3      .3594101  .5653122    .5309777      .9995583  .12453914  .52044666   .8301989    .844972  .5034773  .22173548     .9998644  .11168496   .4075425    .811894   .8345274
     5       .387501  .9989905 .0040096687  .00008248127   .1535487   .2276504 .023387434 .032034628  .9992915  .02107551  .0020224352  .13480234  .18011445  .02546238 .033655904
     5      .2110556   .998571  .016540676  .00004868941   .3353772  .04033948  .05054407  .03250478  .9989647 .033512454  .0015545706  .27759176  .04143649  .05016291  .03408699
     7      .1711162  .9960191  .003064675   .0006900888  .04937361   .8998212   .7091022  .04794051  .9968322  .01929836    .00582937  .04914059   .8903816   .6692826   .0478759
     8     .12861241   .950956   .04945715    .034356616 .015572606  .02072834  .15898545   .0863899  .9508063    .048094    .04038786  .01778144 .023801103  .13887922   .0802676
     8      .1847435  .8259943   .34100765     .08502126 .015229258  .04789184   .0497537  .12477698  .8063341  .09800395   .063685186 .017435826  .04781452  .04947099   .1111096
     8     .19031915  .7638974    .4487884     .05598809 .014733804   .1583389  .06581113   .2135595  .7326642  .11219413     .0515391 .016935462  .13120243 .063315734  .18010275
     9      .9961787 .29768136  .002472623      .9849795          .   .9006351   .9419191  .58698845 .27274442  .01798621     .9887825          .   .8913726   .9408779  .54831934
    10     .08019128  .5663563    .9166325    .001549922  .52753866   .3814808   .3278866   .5701323  .5046363   .9106932   .008714626  .43483925   .2892033  .27101982   .5301206
    10      .0793902  .3977356    .9622811   .0006900885    .675774   .6130423   .4050345   .6371341  .3629395   .9633512    .00582937   .5882706  .53559804   .3327227   .6029769
    10     .29730946  .3477167    .8841813   .0007550285   .9196295   .4542588   .6051697   .7258599  .3176546   .8712117   .006096048   .9124197   .3432107   .5498409   .7012182
    11     .08354057  .1803669   .50121576      .6811365          .          .          .   .8744409  .1681514   .1223007    .54952455          .          .          .   .8673537
    11     .05797481 .14991052    .3164574      .8943532   .8658571   .9130123   .7302107   .9021435  .1409319   .0947731     .8721384   .8423233   .9063495   .6939902   .8979744
    11     .06892747 .14722352    .6050046      .9380805   .8747861   .9098822   .7458922   .9191231 .13852443  .52614045     .9338567   .8542024   .9025797   .7124126    .916567
    11      .1868905 .11966184    .6828637       .866134   .8878932   .9048929   .6885604   .9552838 .11374672    .619596     .8297703   .8715014   .8965453   .6453582   .9554403
    12     .12979953  .9573952  .002472623    .013843493   .4346958   .9817634   .9638572   .7207978  .9578095  .01798621   .025755856   .3578402   .9838437   .9647185    .695573
    12      .3299338  .9348686 .0036495586  .00052688544   .4638002   .9866836   .9837757   .8407758  .9329839  .02043557   .005096964   .3820327   .9886657   .9852605   .8298393
    13    .010446037  .2326092    .6941381      .9998242   .7805845   .9869347   .9866411   .9426604  .2146944   .6334344     .9999571   .7272249   .9889064   .9880738   .9420126
    13      .5827419 .24265434     .335379      .9994754   .9180566   .9836338   .9892424   .9731322 .22364126   .0972654     .9998319   .9104332   .9856992   .9905809   .9740347
    15      .2305927 .15231666    .8017349     .44620895          .          .          .   .9071078 .14308673   .7679586    .16686647          .          .          .   .9034268
    15     .44808555 .12229127    .6984933      .9235589  .50829065   .9937497   .9509165   .9716776 .11611824   .6387978     .9140911   .4193047   .9951671   .9507676   .9725415
    15      .3089917 .09921297    .9831311      .9293272   .6658258   .9936525    .937879    .994944 .09523124   .9852031     .9220477   .5754836   .9950823   .9363952   .9955834
    16     .24497074  .9260473    .6921626   .0009481966          .          .          .  .07496368  .9230513   .6310049   .006827132          .          .          .  .07084865
    16     .20051724  .8527917    .5608154    .006368514  .03733589   .8176467   .6673003  .19308197  .8380291   .3697783    .01754992  .03840642   .7880222   .6207436  .16433184
    16      .2027896  .7707778     .633033     .14804713 .069051065   .6311538   .4921599   .5357814  .7408186   .5593211    .08509903  .06609651   .5570791   .4049764   .4860035
    17      .9999931  .8849078     .028967     .24122047          .    .835052   .8227899   .3550775  .8757141  .04028201    .11174891          .   .8099363   .8031552   .2896273
    17       .884125  .8527655    .6573328     .55798787 .024547355  .08183897  .02872823  .28025186  .8379983  .58852214    .28546757  .02654456   .0748908 .030509435   .2314199
    17      .5060262  .7922843    .7892691      .6274149  .03397624  .19526803  .07178957   .2870156  .7663343   .7522393     .4508732 .035344046  .15736952  .06837282   .2366413
    18       .940098  .9687806    .7382533      .5807858   .0273262  .06246279  .57862633   .1662027  .9699548   .6881583     .3351463  .02917356   .0597017  .52009255  .14354117
    18      .0784303  .9133025    .8266576     .01878535 .016262518  .07844792   .4252648  .19216953  .9085431   .7993741    .02994887 .018473156 .072273366  .34921685  .16362806
    19      .3761744  .9867235    .8745244     .00939097 .009776367 .018262668 .024047654  .03226896  .9881948   .8592731   .021263184 .011801998  .02142071 .026093194 .033870865
    20     .09775539 .58515173    .9999998      .9992882  .02430561  .05781099   .3242459  .49328315  .5256026   .9999999     .9997537  .02631424  .05595807  .26814586   .4016703
    21             1  .2323775    .6466626      .9634154          .    .628721  .04087318   .8137519 .21448804   .5756525     .9657286          .  .55418026  .04160533   .7995969
    21     .12937467 .16608436    .8422685      .9706991   .9937236   .7973086  .04852753   .9183831 .15540047   .8190027     .9740553   .9955429   .7623762  .04839512   .9157603
    21     .04824586  .1426942    .7373155      .9018189    .996276   .7699111   .0995608   .9561101 .13446346   .6869869     .8830876    .997578   .7278587  .09136338   .9563125
    24      .2256738 .15875778  .002515915     .11660291          .          .          .   .8682277 .14885081  .01808894     .0749865          .          .          .     .86045
    24      .4311629 .15255158  .002651252      .5962827          .   .9817777   .9746339   .9081886 .14329706 .018402595     .3716838          .    .983858   .9760111   .9046122
    24     .23738016 .13512745  .002499571      .6533053    .980954   .9777166   .9709578   .9390358 .12767053 .018050302     .5104984   .9836752   .9797482   .9721991    .938125
    24       .488186 .09130382  .002726541      .9160923   .9986492   .9727237   .9518052   .9854144 .08802892 .018572422     .9036104   .9992589   .9745644   .9517369   .9864166
    26     .23227173 .11183016   .50119853      .5785442  .16413684   .3725552   .7185971   .9028055 .10667153   .1222563     .3300409  .14317036  .28272638   .6803823   .8987023
    26     .21087545 .09838736  .063975655      .7007349   .5261584    .218339   .8402543   .9485477  .0944806   .0524321     .5777393  .43371895  .17358427   .8237404   .9482982
    28     .08682521  .3645156    .9659503     .44917625  .08408125  .29572412  .28913605   .7811438  .3328139   .9673417     .1677023  .07870112  .22790436  .24055608    .763056
    28     .08646757  .3289162    .9882327     .03023658   .6147999   .3028594  .28432205   .8648812  .3007411   .9901406    .03790611   .5113621  .23294047   .2367881   .8567271
    28     .04547818  .2986325    .9377541    .014949712   .9744344   .4997293   .6828803   .9124943 .27359533   .9356223   .026752764   .9769636   .3782997   .6387665   .9093281
    29      .7277751 .51212263     .956488      .9586241          .          .          .   .6186623   .465512   .9569549     .9600171          .          .          .  .58275783
    29     .02555997   .326193    .9514986       .984271  .08684949  .50934446  .06028131   .8652772 .29829535   .9513625     .9881147  .08099722  .39167956  .05859467   .8571678
    30     .18614653  .9940083   .00437525    .005641208   .1976793   .5048323  .13514587 .029660573  .9950496 .021686597   .016528541  .16952516  .38529995  .12000613 .031466827
    30      .3368868  .9934592  .005810529   .0003543044  .04662901  .43083945  .04169093  .03861104   .994552   .0237976  .0041831457  .04672209   .3255736  .04233724  .03962035
    30     .27513126  .9878085   .02475335  .00026119032 .029059326   .6180102  .04621218  .05837571  .9892447  .03825127   .003593603 .030797133  .54146695  .04635511  .05688706
    31     .11476108  .3227723  .027727526    .036438864   .3707477   .8985887    .848554   .8742544 .29522458  .03970602    .04158664   .3058241   .8888794   .8335023   .8671467
    31      .2030878   .253549    .4230216     .12052163  .24782024   .8264717   .6931003   .8775847 .23334835  .10876093     .0762975  .20873085   .7991401   .6506344   .8708426
    34     .04162662  .9269835    .6214322      .6626219          .   .7946273   .6621299  .12269536    .92411  .54551995    .52342033          .    .758995   .6147822  .10946125
    34     .09544399  .9156401     .619681       .870963  .03396461   .8202729   .7314411   .1568286  .9112164   .5434449     .8371093  .03533339   .7913319   .6954339   .1362532
    34      .1583759    .86975    .7992728      .5241954   .2214308   .9051107   .7939234  .27802128  .8579828   .7648534    .22134297  .18810578   .8968093    .769065  .22969915
    35    .073107265  .9806591    .8732589     .12652935 .010533265  .04721186 .030385725   .0753463  .9821928   .8577036    .07827634  .01260294  .04724718  .03205211  .07116639
    38      .9806584 .50463533     .166614    .001650542  .25392935    .477426  .26742026   .6474922 .46040455  .07333149   .008990997  .21350776  .36093915   .2235802   .6143549
    38      .5262823   .427531    .5131345   .0034617945  .26897055   .5232615  .26741827   .7045932  .3901508   .1564741    .01298039  .22527897   .4116006   .2235786   .6775287
    39     .04976773  .3672153    .9851026      .9850503          .   .8688331   .6524152   .6594344  .3352545   .9871376     .9888489          .   .8522069   .6036091   .6275067
    40     .12378021  .5510712  .003163408     .00941492          .          .          .   .3177647  .4922863 .019500047   .021289954          .          .          .  .26046455
    40        .82735   .507312  .003698132      .3850896   .5016611  .16996717   .5505832   .3918921 .46222925  .02052431    .15007663   .4139963  .13948162   .4852424   .3187668
    40   .0014227626  .4810545   .02961482    .010110683   .8773099  .18867947   .4731031  .50529724  .4395683  .04057666    .02205314   .8575471   .1527248    .388882   .4187632
    40      .6063197  .4294734  .008942577     .56296396   .8424221  .25060558  .53848803   .5268753  .3919316  .02740303     .2958789   .8108825   .1962029   .4673829   .4661571
    42      .9986849  .7789831    .7566686     .09796886          .  .23474108  .10109074   .5893991  .7505496   .7112193    .06849763          .   .1850846  .09261061  .55092955
    42     .09975518  .6729922    .8795261      .8062148  .03108327   .3328224  .09749778   .6998408  .6258926   .8654652     .7373034  .03267887   .2541945  .08967882   .6722453
    43      .3482103  .9521151    .5182519      .6106392  .02529511   .7361481  .11050633  .12063693  .9520732   .1733942     .4073334   .0272553    .685529  .10025097  .10782901
    43     .25510073  .9072071    .6375297     .57590866 .025895827   .7453616  .10904261  .26348257  .9015481   .5646955     .3240986 .027824474   .6970477  .09906702    .218496
    44     .19453003  .2559963    .9992501      .9543986          .   .6538942   .6225269    .824612 .23552956    .999556     .9548442          .  .58436686   .5694787   .8117587
    44     .13654691   .206112    .9998828      .9840348  .28695875   .4018747   .0965764   .9425777  .1910978    .999945     .9878902  .23938403   .3041107  .08892541    .941924
    45      .4452345   .246923    .9999999      .8852993   .3839523 .026125696   .0230752   .7937378  .2274441   .9999999     .8586959   .3164525  .02885608 .025163304   .7771697
    47     .08553947  .2767326    .8143232      .9985367          .          .          .   .8227617 .25402543   .7838328     .9993934          .          .          .   .8096873
    47      .4351964 .20646553   .55957234      .9983528   .6024202   .9270939   .8492582   .8290179 .19141266   .3627516     .9992965   .4973211   .9231364   .8343298     .81669
    48  1.391801e-08 .05493563  .003198876      .9992154          .   .8923233   .7962229   .7608361 .05447786  .01957146     .9997218          .   .8812197   .7717815   .7403104
    50     .05414808  .3854773    .9997039      .7962793   .3598762  .13101365   .9355268   .9908762  .3517986    .999844     .7219189  .29711172  .11153447   .9337747    .991741
    51      .3146939  .9516885 .0031940616    .001388444  .15351115   .1148937  .07679686  .22634156  .9516072   .0195618   .008251364  .13477263  .09974177   .0725748  .18993236
    52    .009016321  .5136841    .6232916      .8751847   .8063771 .035145435  .14733092  .28622463  .4665785   .5477257     .8434995   .7621335  .03693958  .12967648   .2360304
    52     .40661725  .4018367    .8625531       .889023   .9218137  .04191217    .176029   .3976283  .3666735   .8443873     .8642445   .9151697  .04277924  .15227334    .323346
    55      .9966942  .9980261  .002472623   .0006345244          .   .4443388   .9166693   .0995741  .9985271  .01798621   .005590948          .   .3357069   .9125205   .0909806
    55     .10750972    .99705  .002472623  .00015406223   .0667715   .3867867  .54793805  .14720343  .9977162  .01798621   .002762095  .06416174  .29306686   .4813251  .12874317
    55     .21488322   .994991    .6551015 .000025015255  .03177695 .036302567   .5273974   .2365531  .9959291   .5858251   .001114761 .033320464   .0379502   .4511374   .1977825
    55     .08344603  .9898693    .9291963  3.516645e-06 .019461866 .036492098   .7034419   .4530184  .9912144   .9256154 .00041825545  .02163753  .03811523   .6626774   .3682057
    59     .10264227  .5236542  .002551245      .7760423  .23090126   .8372994  .11095332   .6945974  .4734001 .018171903     .6907093  .19550733   .8127614  .10061228   .6664208
    59     .23887786  .3739157  .002570422     .10574128  .12073804   .7954388  .46814775   .8782703  .3413175 .018216604    .07125959   .1086295   .7600183    .384726   .8716031
    61      .9998758  .7911064  .005208078      .9949507          .   .8738552   .6904417   .3330384  .7649361     .02296     .9971406          .   .8584433   .6475439  .27236325
    61      .1130863  .7464546  .019473294      .9769777  .07133704   .8125427   .5592293  .51992977  .7120226  .03535403      .980829  .06803011    .781588   .4980882   .4507771
    61      .1755819  .6390516     .696996      .9249986   .3812578   .7695017   .5079321   .6231587  .5867278   .6369529      .916089   .3142794   .7273437   .4229797  .58767074
    62      .9946911  .9951331 .0024882345     .03466761   .2763385   .8487343   .7618228   .0593544  .9960551 .018023394    .04056911   .2310521    .827112   .7311733   .0577221
    64      .9996303 .19489923    .6528819     .25540313          .   .6228805  .22257572   .9748879  .1811082   .5831451    .11557686          .   .5472379  .18862543   .9758305
    64     .04599826 .15802057     .629343   .0025604726   .2994132   .8220571   .6734463   .9853518  .1481914   .5549211   .011178738  .24917376   .7935799   .6278428   .9863548
    64 3.0843955e-06 .12238888    .8068217     .04586949   .4898676   .8212793   .4086491   .9883026 .11620624   .7743739    .04664151   .4040285      .7926   .3356586    .989251
    67      .3741288  .3948864    .9784541      .3917411   .3652713   .5681746   .9514636    .837355  .3603473   .9805021     .1518712   .3014312   .4780994   .9513645   .8260155
    68     .57454455  .9970089  .002506361   .0013938566  .09216986   .6861615   .8032665 .027011445  .9976814 .018066375  .0082673235  .08539095   .6236369   .7801024  .02899811
    68       .363982  .9954597    .5453243    .002328964  .08367497   .5930102   .8720326  .03284762  .9963432  .28715914   .010665695  .07836353  .51211673   .8610063  .03440086
    68     .27512652  .9929559    .7123315    .005987952   .0891206   .6541901   .8962056  .03945197  .9940926   .6559001   .017023345   .0828758   .5847242    .889069  .04037361
    69     .03014102  .6005257    .9406983      .9491047 .034220915   .7064064   .8060006   .4490146 .54289144    .939031     .9482006 .035568215   .6485663    .783332  .36492035
    69   .0003240467  .4903043    .9989377      .9475987  .04974325   .3607727  .15474205   .5046364  .4481867   .9993429     .9462798  .04946514   .2742168   .1355332   .4173322
    70      .4728313 .07775325  .002472623      .8265254  .13220136   .9701675   .9724965   .9789435 .07562216  .01798621     .7687915  .11782333   .9718623   .9738002   .9799489
    70      .4292493 .06774736  .002472623      .7986053   .3298305    .947925   .9820712   .9924564 .06639519  .01798621      .725518  .27319214   .9473144   .9835652   .9932494
    label values countrycode2 countrycode2
    label def countrycode2 1 "AGO", modify
    label def countrycode2 3 "ARM", modify
    label def countrycode2 5 "BDI", modify
    label def countrycode2 7 "BFA", modify
    label def countrycode2 8 "BGD", modify
    label def countrycode2 9 "BLZ", modify
    label def countrycode2 10 "BOL", modify
    label def countrycode2 11 "BRA", modify
    label def countrycode2 12 "BTN", modify
    label def countrycode2 13 "BWA", modify
    label def countrycode2 15 "CHL", modify
    label def countrycode2 16 "CHN", modify
    label def countrycode2 17 "CIV", modify
    label def countrycode2 18 "CMR", modify
    label def countrycode2 19 "COD", modify
    label def countrycode2 20 "COG", modify
    label def countrycode2 21 "COL", modify
    label def countrycode2 24 "CRI", modify
    label def countrycode2 26 "DOM", modify
    label def countrycode2 28 "ECU", modify
    label def countrycode2 29 "EGY", modify
    label def countrycode2 30 "ETH", modify
    label def countrycode2 31 "FJI", modify
    label def countrycode2 34 "GHA", modify
    label def countrycode2 35 "GIN", modify
    label def countrycode2 38 "GTM", modify
    label def countrycode2 39 "GUY", modify
    label def countrycode2 40 "HND", modify
    label def countrycode2 42 "IDN", modify
    label def countrycode2 43 "IND", modify
    label def countrycode2 44 "IRN", modify
    label def countrycode2 45 "IRQ", modify
    label def countrycode2 47 "JAM", modify
    label def countrycode2 48 "JOR", modify
    label def countrycode2 50 "KAZ", modify
    label def countrycode2 51 "KEN", modify
    label def countrycode2 52 "KGZ", modify
    label def countrycode2 55 "LAO", modify
    label def countrycode2 59 "LKA", modify
    label def countrycode2 61 "MAR", modify
    label def countrycode2 62 "MDG", modify
    label def countrycode2 64 "MEX", modify
    label def countrycode2 67 "MNG", modify
    label def countrycode2 68 "MOZ", modify
    label def countrycode2 69 "MRT", modify
    label def countrycode2 70 "MUS", modify
    My aim is for the r() results to appear in columns and the rows to represent the model runs. The final objective is simply to calculate frequencies of the different configurations in r(reducsols) across all model runs.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Perhaps instead of storing your results as rows in a matrix, you should look into storing your results as observations in a Stata dataset.

    With recent versions of Stata you can use the frame post command to store your results as observations in a Stata dataset available in memory in a new frame.
    help frame post
    If you are running an older version of Stata that does not support frame commands you will want to use the post command to store your results as observations in a Stata dataset on disk.
    help post


    • #3
      Dear William,

      Many thanks for this very helpful suggestion. Could I request a tweak to the code I am trying to run using post (I am running Stata 15.1 so could not try frame post).

      When I run the following I receive a 'type mismatch' error:

      tempname p
      postfile `p' reducsols using QCAPost, replace
      foreach v in DIR_eIGpt DIR_eIGq2_Adj  {
      quietly fuzzy `v' DIR_LAvag_ep DIR_LAvnrc DIR_LAvunep DIR_LAvhxgdp DIR_LAvcc_pct DIR_LAvpv_pct DIR_LAvgdp, label(E A N U H C P G) drop cluster(countrycode2)  settest(yvv) sigonly greater (col1) reduce
      return list
      post `p' (r(reducsols))
      postclose `p'
      If, on the other hand, I enter r(reducsols) in quotation marks the contents are returned next to the error message: 'not found'

      The corresponding data is as follows:

      * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
      input long countrycode2 float(DIR_eIGpt DIR_eIGq2_Adj DIR_LAvag_ep DIR_LAvnrc DIR_LAvunep DIR_LAvhxgdp DIR_LAvcc_pct    DIR_LAvpv_pct    DIR_LAvgdp)
      1      .9998251      .9574024  .8440647    .9997882     .7003923  .10530783 .026175546  .50763994   .7106618
      3     .19934624     .17721674  .6325099  .011351976     .9760606  .05315039  .37887615   .6172676   .3793009
      3     .06085407    .022036113     .4988  .002472623     .9744317  .09047104   .3367762   .7008132   .7586276
      3      .3594101     .37081975  .5034773    .5309777     .9998644  .11168496   .4075425    .811894   .8345274
      5       .387501  .00001955587  .9992915 .0040096687  .0020224352  .13480234  .18011445  .02546238 .033655904
      5      .2110556       .735802  .9989647  .016540676  .0015545706  .27759176  .04143649  .05016291  .03408699
      7      .1711162     .00294715  .9968322  .003064675    .00582937  .04914059   .8903816   .6692826   .0478759
      8     .12861241     .08031154  .9508063   .04945715    .04038786  .01778144 .023801103  .13887922   .0802676
      8      .1847435     .20894924  .8063341   .34100765   .063685186 .017435826  .04781452  .04947099   .1111096
      8     .19031915      .3044795  .7326642    .4487884     .0515391 .016935462  .13120243 .063315734  .18010275
      9      .9961787       .720389 .27274442  .002472623     .9887825          .   .8913726   .9408779  .54831934
      10     .08019128 1.1845084e-07  .5046363    .9166325   .008714626  .43483925   .2892033  .27101982   .5301206
      10      .0793902    .001566566  .3629395    .9622811    .00582937   .5882706  .53559804   .3327227   .6029769
      10     .29730946    .014759542  .3176546    .8841813   .006096048   .9124197   .3432107   .5498409   .7012182
      11     .08354057    .004728793  .1681514   .50121576    .54952455          .          .          .   .8673537
      11     .05797481    .007443714  .1409319    .3164574     .8721384   .8423233   .9063495   .6939902   .8979744
      11     .06892747  .00015329804 .13852443    .6050046     .9338567   .8542024   .9025797   .7124126    .916567
      11      .1868905    .010399266 .11374672    .6828637     .8297703   .8715014   .8965453   .6453582   .9554403
      12     .12979953     .05126755  .9578095  .002472623   .025755856   .3578402   .9838437   .9647185    .695573
      12      .3299338     .20535123  .9329839 .0036495586   .005096964   .3820327   .9886657   .9852605   .8298393
      13    .010446037  .00006562753  .2146944    .6941381     .9999571   .7272249   .9889064   .9880738   .9420126
      13      .5827419     .23269664 .22364126     .335379     .9998319   .9104332   .9856992   .9905809   .9740347
      15      .2305927     .04270992 .14308673    .8017349    .16686647          .          .          .   .9034268
      15     .44808555     .50063473 .11611824    .6984933     .9140911   .4193047   .9951671   .9507676   .9725415
      15      .3089917    .010731183 .09523124    .9831311     .9220477   .5754836   .9950823   .9363952   .9955834
      16     .24497074     .20939353  .9230513    .6921626   .006827132          .          .          .  .07084865
      16     .20051724      .4114117  .8380291    .5608154    .01754992  .03840642   .7880222   .6207436  .16433184
      16      .2027896     .13480467  .7408186     .633033    .08509903  .06609651   .5570791   .4049764   .4860035
      17      .9999931      .6176195  .8757141     .028967    .11174891          .   .8099363   .8031552   .2896273
      17       .884125      .9773079  .8379983    .6573328    .28546757  .02654456   .0748908 .030509435   .2314199
      17      .5060262     .21173424  .7663343    .7892691     .4508732 .035344046  .15736952  .06837282   .2366413
      18       .940098      .7585389  .9699548    .7382533     .3351463  .02917356   .0597017  .52009255  .14354117
      18      .0784303      .4710951  .9085431    .8266576    .02994887 .018473156 .072273366  .34921685  .16362806
      19      .3761744    .012627024  .9881948    .8745244   .021263184 .011801998  .02142071 .026093194 .033870865
      20     .09775539     .13107002  .5256026    .9999998     .9997537  .02631424  .05595807  .26814586   .4016703
      21             1      .9999965 .21448804    .6466626     .9657286          .  .55418026  .04160533   .7995969
      21     .12937467    .003043826 .15540047    .8422685     .9740553   .9955429   .7623762  .04839512   .9157603
      21     .04824586  .00012157515 .13446346    .7373155     .8830876    .997578   .7278587  .09136338   .9563125
      24      .2256738    .012097793 .14885081  .002515915     .0749865          .          .          .     .86045
      24      .4311629      .1940743 .14329706  .002651252     .3716838          .    .983858   .9760111   .9046122
      24     .23738016    .003540721 .12767053  .002499571     .5104984   .9836752   .9797482   .9721991    .938125
      24       .488186     .21840997 .08802892  .002726541     .9036104   .9992589   .9745644   .9517369   .9864166
      26     .23227173    .023997463 .10667153   .50119853     .3300409  .14317036  .28272638   .6803823   .8987023
      26     .21087545     .02122122  .0944806  .063975655     .5777393  .43371895  .17358427   .8237404   .9482982
      28     .08682521    .005550078  .3328139    .9659503     .1677023  .07870112  .22790436  .24055608    .763056
      28     .08646757    .000464673  .3007411    .9882327    .03790611   .5113621  .23294047   .2367881   .8567271
      28     .04547818 .000010604184 .27359533    .9377541   .026752764   .9769636   .3782997   .6387665   .9093281
      29      .7277751      .2033074   .465512     .956488     .9600171          .          .          .  .58275783
      29     .02555997     .04023627 .29829535    .9514986     .9881147  .08099722  .39167956  .05859467   .8571678
      30     .18614653  .00014760887  .9950496   .00437525   .016528541  .16952516  .38529995  .12000613 .031466827
      30      .3368868      .5596472   .994552  .005810529  .0041831457  .04672209   .3255736  .04233724  .03962035
      30     .27513126      .4532535  .9892447   .02475335   .003593603 .030797133  .54146695  .04635511  .05688706
      31     .11476108    .012712446 .29522458  .027727526    .04158664   .3058241   .8888794   .8335023   .8671467
      31      .2030878      .0957369 .23334835    .4230216     .0762975  .20873085   .7991401   .6506344   .8708426
      34     .04162662     .12345727    .92411    .6214322    .52342033          .    .758995   .6147822  .10946125
      34     .09544399      .1073348  .9112164     .619681     .8371093  .03533339   .7913319   .6954339   .1362532
      34      .1583759     .05503572  .8579828    .7992728    .22134297  .18810578   .8968093    .769065  .22969915
      35    .073107265   .0002766019  .9821928    .8732589    .07827634  .01260294  .04724718  .03205211  .07116639
      38      .9806584      .8354854 .46040455     .166614   .008990997  .21350776  .36093915   .2235802   .6143549
      38      .5262823     .10208546  .3901508    .5131345    .01298039  .22527897   .4116006   .2235786   .6775287
      39     .04976773             .  .3352545    .9851026     .9888489          .   .8522069   .6036091   .6275067
      40     .12378021      .5831824  .4922863  .003163408   .021289954          .          .          .  .26046455
      40        .82735      .8376833 .46222925  .003698132    .15007663   .4139963  .13948162   .4852424   .3187668
      40   .0014227626 2.7252565e-13  .4395683   .02961482    .02205314   .8575471   .1527248    .388882   .4187632
      40      .6063197      .4611286  .3919316  .008942577     .2958789   .8108825   .1962029   .4673829   .4661571
      42      .9986849      .8757755  .7505496    .7566686    .06849763          .   .1850846  .09261061  .55092955
      42     .09975518     .23629354  .6258926    .8795261     .7373034  .03267887   .2541945  .08967882   .6722453
      43      .3482103      .3328321  .9520732    .5182519     .4073334   .0272553    .685529  .10025097  .10782901
      43     .25510073      .2586315  .9015481    .6375297     .3240986 .027824474   .6970477  .09906702    .218496
      44     .19453003    .030483797 .23552956    .9992501     .9548442          .  .58436686   .5694787   .8117587
      44     .13654691  .00008887635  .1910978    .9998828     .9878902  .23938403   .3041107  .08892541    .941924
      45      .4452345      .4811004  .2274441    .9999999     .8586959   .3164525  .02885608 .025163304   .7771697
      47     .08553947     .04438684 .25402543    .8143232     .9993934          .          .          .   .8096873
      47      .4351964      .3532977 .19141266   .55957234     .9992965   .4973211   .9231364   .8343298     .81669
      48  1.391801e-08 4.1020844e-15 .05447786  .003198876     .9997218          .   .8812197   .7717815   .7403104
      50     .05414808  .00002808865  .3517986    .9997039     .7219189  .29711172  .11153447   .9337747    .991741
      51      .3146939    .013652898  .9516072 .0031940616   .008251364  .13477263  .09974177   .0725748  .18993236
      52    .009016321   .0021141325  .4665785    .6232916     .8434995   .7621335  .03693958  .12967648   .2360304
      52     .40661725     .28967324  .3666735    .8625531     .8642445   .9151697  .04277924  .15227334    .323346
      55      .9966942      .7606896  .9985271  .002472623   .005590948          .   .3357069   .9125205   .0909806
      55     .10750972    .022440704  .9977162  .002472623   .002762095  .06416174  .29306686   .4813251  .12874317
      55     .21488322      .3224138  .9959291    .6551015   .001114761 .033320464   .0379502   .4511374   .1977825
      55     .08344603     .13795918  .9912144    .9291963 .00041825545  .02163753  .03811523   .6626774   .3682057
      59     .10264227     .07942887  .4734001  .002551245     .6907093  .19550733   .8127614  .10061228   .6664208
      59     .23887786     .15832353  .3413175  .002570422    .07125959   .1086295   .7600183    .384726   .8716031
      61      .9998758      .8660875  .7649361  .005208078     .9971406          .   .8584433   .6475439  .27236325
      61      .1130863     .05742959  .7120226  .019473294      .980829  .06803011    .781588   .4980882   .4507771
      61      .1755819     .03148685  .5867278     .696996      .916089   .3142794   .7273437   .4229797  .58767074
      62      .9946911      .3939208  .9960551 .0024882345    .04056911   .2310521    .827112   .7311733   .0577221
      64      .9996303      .9497025  .1811082    .6528819    .11557686          .   .5472379  .18862543   .9758305
      64     .04599826   .0003803027  .1481914     .629343   .011178738  .24917376   .7935799   .6278428   .9863548
      64 3.0843955e-06  2.158611e-14 .11620624    .8068217    .04664151   .4040285      .7926   .3356586    .989251
      67      .3741288      .2234895  .3603473    .9784541     .1518712   .3014312   .4780994   .9513645   .8260155
      68     .57454455    .011586648  .9976814  .002506361  .0082673235  .08539095   .6236369   .7801024  .02899811
      68       .363982      .1595537  .9963432    .5453243   .010665695  .07836353  .51211673   .8610063  .03440086
      68     .27512652     .29577357  .9940926    .7123315   .017023345   .0828758   .5847242    .889069  .04037361
      69     .03014102     .00680166 .54289144    .9406983     .9482006 .035568215   .6485663    .783332  .36492035
      69   .0003240467 .000013423763  .4481867    .9989377     .9462798  .04946514   .2742168   .1355332   .4173322
      70      .4728313      .3099931 .07562216  .002472623     .7687915  .11782333   .9718623   .9738002   .9799489
      70      .4292493     .07173268 .06639519  .002472623      .725518  .27319214   .9473144   .9835652   .9932494
      Many thanks, once again.


      • #4
        Since my understanding from the Stata Journal article that presented the community-contributed fuzzy command is that r(reducsols) is a returned macro I believe you want
        post `p' ("`r(reducsols)'")
        and if that doesn't work, please show the results of the return list command in your code.

        It wouldn't hurt, and might be required, to precede the variable name reducsols in your postfile command with str# where # is a number you expect to be large enough to hold the longest possible value. There's an example in the output of help post that discusses this.


        • #5
          Thanks so much, William! After including str#, it works perfectly. I really do appreciate the help.

