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  • Binary Panel logistic Regression Fixed Effect, Random Effect or Pooled Cross Section


    I have dataset of 10,000 unique firms spanning across 9 years. It is an unbalanced panel data. My dependent variable (status) indicates whether a firm is a good(y=1) or a bad performer (y=0). The objective of econometrics analysis is to identify ndependent variables that can impacts the dependent variables significantly. I plan to use logit regression for my case as I think it will help in studying the impact of independent variable on the probability of being good peforming firm. Independent variables include various firm characteristics some of them are ownership of the firm which rarely change overtime, age of the firm which increase by one unit each year, size of the firm, profitability ratio, debt-equity ratio and other independent variables.

    I ran binary logit regression in three ways:
    (a) pooling data as a cross-section and running a binary logit regression using clustered standard errors [logit status i.ownership age log_size other_independent_variables, vce(cluster id)]
    How do we interpret the beta coefficients?

    (b) Binary fixed effects panel logit regression [xtlogit status i.ownership age log_size other_independent_variables, fe]. How do we interepret the beta coefficients directky from the output?
    I also learnt from statalist forum that fixed effects panel logistic regression is flawed as it is conditional fixed effects logistic model. However, I did not understand the difference between conditional fixed effects logistic model and fixed effects logistic model. From what I could understand from help file on xtlogit is that the unoberserved heterogeneity coefficient is assumed to be 0 while calculation. Please let me know if my understanding is right. If not, please help me understand it
    (c) Binary random effects panel logit regression [xtlogit status i.ownership age log_size other_independent_variables, re]How do we interpret the beta coefficients?
    From statalist forum I also understood that the random effects does not account for serial correlation which results in inconsistent beta coefficients. Is it right? Is there any way I can fix this problem?

    (d) Does xtlogit does not account for serial correlation in even fixed effects? Moreover, how do I detect serial correlation in panel data. Google scholar search helped me find xtserial command in stata. However, I wonder is the xtserrial works for panel logistic regression
    (e) Also, in statalist forum I found that the selection between logistic panel regression fixed effects and random effects is done using Hausman test. But, I think Hausman test is used for xtreg,fe and xtreg, re. Is it valid for xtlogit re and xtlogit fe?
    (f)The objective is to decide which of the (a), (b) and (c) is best suited for my analysis. I do not know how to find whether pooled panel logit is better than FE panel logit,pooled panel logit is better than RE panel logit, and if panel FE logistic regression is better than panel RE logistic regression.

    I would be grateful if someone helps me with this as I have not been able to find any resource which could help me find the same for panel logit.

    If possible, please provide a resource for the same. I could not find any good source for interpreting the beta coefficients also. help xtlogit only helped in undertsanding the stata command

  • #2
    a) pooled logit makes sense in absence of evidence of a group-wise effect;
    b) -xtlogit,fe- is not flawed. It simply uses conditional fixed effect vs fived effect due to the incidental parameters bias (see, id interested
    c) -xtlogit, re- supports -vce(cluster clusterid)- standard error...;
    d) ...whereas -xtlogit, fe- does not;
    e) you can go -hausman- with -xtlogit-, too (keeping in ming that -hausman. does not support non default standard errors;
    f) the reference section of -xtlogit- entry, Stata .pdf manual, provides valuable references. In addition, you may be interested in:
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Dear Prof. Carlo Lazzaro,
      Thank you so much for responding.

      I would be grateful if you could help me with some more questions. My questions can be elementary.

      (a) How do we check for heteroskedasticity and serial correlation in panel logistic regression? If I find any of these will xtlogit, fe and xtlogit, re give consistent estimates of beta? Does using vce cluster solve the problem of serial correlation? But, as you said it is only present for RE. How to ensure that FE is consistent in presence of serial correlation if VCE cluster can not be used?

      (b) I could not find any journal article on google scholar which advocates usage of Hausman test for panel logistic regression. Could you please provide me with the some reference for citing that Hausman test can be used for panel logistic regression. And, is it a good way to choose between RE and FE for panel logistic regression?



      • #4
        your query has already received an excellent reply from Andrew Musau at
        That said:
        1) -vce(cluster panelid)- standard errors (SEs) deal with both heteroskedastcity and/or serial correlation (see: in -xtlogit,re-;
        2) you can use -boostrap- SEs for -xtlogit,fe.
        As an aside, please call me Carlo, like all in (and many more out of) this forum do. Thanks.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          Dear Carlo Lazzaro,
          Thank you so much for your help.

          I did use xtlogit status i.ownership age log_size, re vce(robust) and xtlogit status i.ownership age log_size, fe vce(boot) for my data. But I can not run hausman test post that. How do I then choose between FE and RE?

          I can not find any journal article advocating usage of hausman test for panel logistic regression. I would be grateful if you could provide some reference for citation purpose.


          • #6
            three threads can hopefully shade some lights on the issues you're interested in:



            Eventually,, page 426-427 states that -hausman- compares two estimators in terms of their consistency under both H0 and Ha or H0 only.
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Thank you so much for your help Carlo Lazzaro! I am very grateful for your support.

