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  • Random effect model with moderating variables

    Dear all,
    I have run the Hausman test and I got the result that implies a Random Effect model is appropriate for my model. I am analyzing between firm effects in a 3 year panel dataset. To run the RE model though, I am having some doubts due to the nature of my conceptual model:

    I have 1 dependent variable: WB

    I have 3 independent variables: TERT, WEEK, INVES

    I have 2 moderating variables: FAM, LAR

    I have 7 controlling variables (3 for time and 4 for firm level variables): TIME1, TIME2, TIME3, CHAIR, MULT, IND, ROE

    Which would be the command I should use? The examples I have found so far don´t mention moderation or any control variables so I am not sure about what to type after xtreg.
    Also, would using MLE or GSL be more preferred?

    Thank you in advance!

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    If you have three variables for time, how did you -xtset- your dataset?
    2) about moderating variables, see -fvvarlist- and
    3) I would go -xtreg, re- (GLS).
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Dear Carlo,

      Stata gave me this when I entered the panel data. It seem OK to me.

      Panel variable: compid (strongly balanced)
      Time variable: Year, 2018 to 2020
      Delta: 1 year

      When I say I have 3 time variables I mean 3 dummies to control for time fixed effects: I created 3 columns, one for each year and filled it with 0 or 1 depending on the year I am controlling.

      I have seen that moderators work with ##. Thank you for that.

      Why wouldn´t my command be:
      xtreg womenonBOD_n c.Womenintertiaryeducation##Familyownership1FOB0No nF c.Womenintertiaryeducation##Firmsize1Large0Nonlarg e c.Totalweeksofleavereservedfo##Familyownership1FOB 0NonF c.Totalweeksofleavereservedfo##Firmsize1Large0Nonl arge c.Investmentinchildcarechild##Familyownership1FOB0 NonF c.Investmentinchildcarechild##Firmsize1Large0Nonla rge Firmcontrolvariable1chairgend Firmcontrolvariable2multipled Firmcontrolvariable3industry Firmcontrolvariable4ROE, re

      I have doubts wether I have to use re, mle or gsl...
      I already used re for Hausman test, so would I have to run it again?


      • #4
        1) -xtset- outcome is Ok;
        2) I fail to get why you can't have one categorical variable only (0, 1, 2 according to the year you're controlling. BTW: why you need another -timevar- when you already have -Year-? Hene you laready checked for perfect collineraity issues?):
        3) your code includes tons of predictirss and/or interactions. Please consider a more parsimonious specification of the right-hand side of your regression equation;
        4) I would go -xtreg,re-
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          To control for fixed effects, I have been suggested to do so because the time could be a confound variable I am not controlling for with RE model...
          As I have 3 IV and 2 moderators, it is hard to make it more simple ahahaha I know it´s very long...
          I want to measure between firm effects comparing 2 countries, but I should include country as a control variables too, right? Because they are very different in terms of the IVs.


          • #6
            Also, as I have said, for the Hausman test I need to run FE and then RE, and then decide based on the Prob > chi2 = 0.9456. As I am already including the xtreg, re command here, and the result says I should do RE, do I need to run it again? Because the command and the results are exactly the same. Maybe in the Hausman I shouldn´t include the interactions and do it once the test tells me to do RE?


            • #7
              go as you were suggested to if you think it is an effective an efficient way. Probably an example/excerpt of your dataset shared via -dataex- would be enlightening.
              As far as -hausman- outcome is concerned, its outcome is identical because it focuses on the coefficients that are common for the -fe and the -re- specifications. Hence, if you add a time-invariant predictor, you obtain a coefficient from -re- only. Hence, being not common between the two specifications, -hausman- skips it.
              Kind regards,
              (StataNow 18.5)

