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  • is there a way I can place titles, like the ID-country's name, above the tables and the results I get from tests?

    I have 8 countries as my ID and I am using several commands and methods like the impulse response functions, cointegration tests, stationarity tests etc. and I would like to label them.
    Is there a command I can write after my

  • #2
    exceedingly unclear - please read the FAQ; my guess is that you want to look at
    help table
    if you are using version 17

    you might also want to look at the set of 7 blogs about this command at the Stata blog website


    • #3
      Let me try to explain it better. For example when I use this command to generate the IRFs using
      irf create vec1, set(vecintro, replace) step(20)
      The vec1 will be displayed as the name of the IRFs.
      Can I do this on other commands as well like : vecrank lnGDP lnCPI lnPOIL lnREC, lag(4) or vec lnGDP lnCPI lnPOIL lnREC, lags(10) rank(1) ?

