I have a regression with 10 covariates, that are partly factor variables like ib10.variablep
Some of my variables have missing values - which Stata will then in Regression (reg) not use at all (case wise deletion).
A reviewer wants a table from me where I show all possible combinations and how many missing I would have in this combination.
Obviously, this is manually not humanly possible, so I search for a Stata based solution.
I don't know if I need a data example for this, because it's independent of any data - I just need to find the right program/code.
But assume
GDP = ib1.country + population + shareofsomething + attitudinalscale + ib10.variablep (and 5 others I omit for ease) and my code is
reg GDP b1.country population shareofsomething attitudinalscale ib10.variablep , robust
local nobs = e(N)
And now I leave one out and get different number of obs (nobs) but is it somehow possible to automize / get a table from this? (I know I could code it from scratch but maybe something is preinstalled or available.)
Thank you!
I have a regression with 10 covariates, that are partly factor variables like ib10.variablep
Some of my variables have missing values - which Stata will then in Regression (reg) not use at all (case wise deletion).
A reviewer wants a table from me where I show all possible combinations and how many missing I would have in this combination.
Obviously, this is manually not humanly possible, so I search for a Stata based solution.
I don't know if I need a data example for this, because it's independent of any data - I just need to find the right program/code.
But assume
GDP = ib1.country + population + shareofsomething + attitudinalscale + ib10.variablep (and 5 others I omit for ease) and my code is
reg GDP b1.country population shareofsomething attitudinalscale ib10.variablep , robust
local nobs = e(N)
And now I leave one out and get different number of obs (nobs) but is it somehow possible to automize / get a table from this? (I know I could code it from scratch but maybe something is preinstalled or available.)
Thank you!