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  • Latent class analysis: introducing third variables for distal outcome computation with the plugin by Penn State

    Hi everyone,

    I am using the LCA Distal Stata Functions plugin developed by Penn State ( to use latent classes as a predictor for a distal outcome. In a next step, I would like to introduce third variables to check for confounding effects. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an option within the plugin to introduce third variables, and I couldn't find a solution to this problem on this forum or elsewhere.

    So I was wondering if it might be impossible to integrate third variables in computations with the plugin? Or am I maybe (hopefully) missing something?

    I am using the Penn State plugin because I am new to latent class analysis and I find calculations are a lot easier with said plugin than with base Stata. Additionally, since I am using Stata 15, I believe I cannot use the full spectrum of latent class analysis computations available in newer Stata versions (I might be mistaken). Nonetheless, if there is a way to solve my problem with base Stata, this would obviously be preferable to not being able to solve it.

    Any suggestions for possible solutions would be very much appreciated!
    Last edited by Karl Healy; 27 Apr 2022, 05:13.