Hello there,
I am using STATA 17. I have this code I have tu run on a shared panel dataset at the firm-level. ideally I have to generate a variable that contain the number of observation based on a few conditions.
where del, mtarget and reloc are three dummies taking values 0 and 1 if the firm has been touched by a public provision, has been bought or relocated respectively. It is not that important the meaning fo the vars per se, I just would like to know why my team is able to run this code below in multiple occasions and with several modifications, while I with stata 17 I can't and I can't seem to figure out the reason either.
Thanks for anyone who might help,
I am using STATA 17. I have this code I have tu run on a shared panel dataset at the firm-level. ideally I have to generate a variable that contain the number of observation based on a few conditions.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(deleg mtarget reloc) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end
#delimit; use ${exit}firmexit_4plus4.dta, clear; ///THIS RUNS /* use for analysis only if single-establishment, not in a merger and no relocation */ gen inpanel=(deleg==0 & mtarget==0 & reloc==0); //// THIS DOES NOT label var inpanel "use obs for analysis";