I am formating a regression table using the codes below. The number of observations in the table has no decimals, while my F-statistic is showing up with 9 decimals instead of zero decimals as specified in the "sfmt(%9.0fc)" option of the esttab command. How can I get my F-statistic to display in the table without decimals?
** Col00: OLS reg `var' X`n', robust est store D00 ** Col02: First stage reg X`n' IV`n' , robust est store D02 test IV`n'= 0 estadd local fstat "`r(F)'" ** Col2: 2SLS ivregress 2sls `var' (X`n' = IV`n'), robust est store D2 *Print table esttab D00 D02 D2 using "$tablesov\regression-results.tex" , /// replace noobs b(%10.3f) se star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// scalars("N Number of Obsevations" "fstat F-statistic") sfmt(%9.0fc) /// align(cccc) mtitles ("OLS" "First stage" "2SLS") label nogaps numbers nonotes keep(X`n' IV`n')