I am very new to Stata and i do not know how to form the right regression. I am testing the effect of corruption on economic growth represented in the time period 1996 to 2016. I will be testing the results by splitting the data into developed and developing countries using a dummy variable, developing=0, developed=1. I will also be representing the corruption variable as a lag.
Before forming my regression, i want to group my data using five year periods.
Through doing this
egen country_id = group(country)
gen period1 = 1 if year >= 1996 & year < 2001
replace period1 = 2 if year >= 2001 & year < 2006
replace period1 = 3 if year >= 2006 & year < 2011
replace period1 = 4 if year >= 2011 & year < 2017
collapse(mean) GDPpercapitagrowth RealGDPpercapita FDI Populationrate Corruptioncontrolindex TradeOpenness PoliticalStability, by (period1 country)
If i am to generate the lag, will i have to do this before grouping the data or after ?
I am very new to Stata and i do not know how to form the right regression. I am testing the effect of corruption on economic growth represented in the time period 1996 to 2016. I will be testing the results by splitting the data into developed and developing countries using a dummy variable, developing=0, developed=1. I will also be representing the corruption variable as a lag.
Before forming my regression, i want to group my data using five year periods.
Through doing this
egen country_id = group(country)
gen period1 = 1 if year >= 1996 & year < 2001
replace period1 = 2 if year >= 2001 & year < 2006
replace period1 = 3 if year >= 2006 & year < 2011
replace period1 = 4 if year >= 2011 & year < 2017
collapse(mean) GDPpercapitagrowth RealGDPpercapita FDI Populationrate Corruptioncontrolindex TradeOpenness PoliticalStability, by (period1 country)
If i am to generate the lag, will i have to do this before grouping the data or after ?