Dear all,
I have combined npgraphs showing Engelcurves, calculated using npregress kernel. However im not satisfied with the way they look when combined, since the y-titles collide with the values of the y-axis so it looks shabby. That is, I would like the gap to be slightly larger. Also since I will use the combined graphs in my thesis I will use a caption and since the ytitle and xtitle sufficiently inform the reader about the information contained in the graph I would like to omit the title above.
I have used the following code:
However, when running this code I get an error saying that yscale() is not allowed. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong or if there is a smoother way?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I have combined npgraphs showing Engelcurves, calculated using npregress kernel. However im not satisfied with the way they look when combined, since the y-titles collide with the values of the y-axis so it looks shabby. That is, I would like the gap to be slightly larger. Also since I will use the combined graphs in my thesis I will use a caption and since the ytitle and xtitle sufficiently inform the reader about the information contained in the graph I would like to omit the title above.
I have used the following code:
foreach var of varlist w_beef w_pork w_poultry{ npregress kernel `var' net_income_month qui npgraph, name(Engel_`var', replace) matrix A = e(bwidth)*5 npregress kernel `var' net_income_month, bwidth(A) npgraph, msymbol(cirlce_hollow) msize(vsmall) ylabel(0.(0.2)1 yscale(titlegap(3)) title(""), format(%9.1f)) name(Engel_`var', replace) }
Thanks a lot in advance!