I am using catplot to plot a categorical outcome variable over time for 2 treatment groups.
If I display the graphs over 2 columns, is there a way to show only the axis tile (l1title) for the first graph?
So far I have:
Where "Week" displays as the axis title for both graphs - can I keep it only for the graph in the first column? (& retain the spacing so that both graphs are the same size)
I am using catplot to plot a categorical outcome variable over time for 2 treatment groups.
If I display the graphs over 2 columns, is there a way to show only the axis tile (l1title) for the first graph?
So far I have:
catplot catvar week, by(randgroup, col(2) note("")) /// percent(week randgroup) asyvars stack /// ytitle("Proportion (%)") /// l1title("Week") /// legend(cols(3))