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  • Creating a Graph That Shows Treatment Status by Group Over Years of A Panel

    Hi all,

    I'm stuck with a graph I'm trying to figure out. I am in one of those difference-in-differences with staggered rollout situations where I'm trying to create a graph that will nicely summarize the treatment status of each state in each year of my panel. I took a run at using catplot and took a look at the new waffle plot command, but I don't think there's any way to get either of those to achieve what I'm looking for.

    Here's a very rough Microsoft Paint sketch of what I have in my head (with blue meaning treated and light gray meaning untreated):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample_graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	26.6 KB
ID:	1661291

    This is just a sketch, but my data is available here, and the setup is that each observation is a state in a fiscal year, with treatment status indicated by the "post" variable, which takes on values 0 or 1.

    Any suggestions are most welcome!

  • #2
    Look up Yiqing Xu's panelview


    • #3
      Oh this looks great- thank you!

