I am working in Stata and I have 3 variables, teacherid, yearexp, action. teacherid is a unique number assigned to each teacher, this number is repeated through the data as it is associated to students and there are several students with the same teacher. yearexp refers to the teacher's years teaching and is numeric. action is either "1" for if the teacher assigned a discipline to the student or "2" if the teacher did not assign a discipline to the student. I would like to combine the data so that I can look at all of the teacherid for the same yearexp are combined to see how many "actions" (disciplines) they assigned for that year. Can anyone help me do this?
I am working in Stata and I have 3 variables, teacherid, yearexp, action. teacherid is a unique number assigned to each teacher, this number is repeated through the data as it is associated to students and there are several students with the same teacher. yearexp refers to the teacher's years teaching and is numeric. action is either "1" for if the teacher assigned a discipline to the student or "2" if the teacher did not assign a discipline to the student. I would like to combine the data so that I can look at all of the teacherid for the same yearexp are combined to see how many "actions" (disciplines) they assigned for that year. Can anyone help me do this?