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  • Gap between ylabel and plot region

    Hi Statalist.

    I have created two graphs with the Interflex-package, and my end goal is to stack them together using the graph combine function.

    However, when I create the graphs there's a huge distance / or gap between the ylabel and the plot region in the first graph. I have used the exact same code to reproduce both of them (see below).

    Graph 1: Huge gap between plot region and ylabel
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Skærmbillede 2022-04-24 kl. 14.18.26.png
Views:	1
Size:	634.0 KB
ID:	1661210

    Graph 2: Small gap between plot region and ylabel
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Skærmbillede 2022-04-24 kl. 14.21.38.png
Views:	1
Size:	123.6 KB
ID:	1661211

    Can someone help me?

    I have used the following code:

    use data.dta
    keep if indicator == 1
    * GRAPH 1
    interflex agenda index_magt problem andelK venstrepar_pct log_indb gaeld_1000 lag_y socindex, fe(kom_nr yr) vce(cluster) cluster(kom_nr)
    use data.dta
    keep if indicator == 2
    * GRAPH 2 *
    interflex agenda index_magt problem andelK venstrepar_pct log_indb gaeld_1000 lag_y socindex, fe(kom_nr yr) vce(cluster) cluster(kom_nr)
    PS: I'm using STATA17 on Mac.

    PPS: I haven't uploaded data with dataex, because the example data doesn't reproduce the above difference.

  • #2
    I solved the problem by altering the Y-axis range on the first graph.

