Dear Stata Users,
I am runing pscore regression and I am getting an error because one or some of the variuables are not balanced across treatment and control group. Could you help maybe with finding a solution for this?
For example, a variable in sector 1 is unbalanced:
the code I use is:
the error I get is:
Thank you for your help!
I am runing pscore regression and I am getting an error because one or some of the variuables are not balanced across treatment and control group. Could you help maybe with finding a solution for this?
For example, a variable in sector 1 is unbalanced:
the code I use is:
foreach num of numlist 1(1)28{ use pdata_1, clear keep if sector==`num' pscore treatment v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7, level(0.01) pscore(prscore) blockid(b1) comsup keep id year prscore b1 comsup sort id year save p_res`num', replace }
Step 1: Identification of the optimal number of blocks
Use option detail if you want more detailed output
The final number of blocks is 5
This number of blocks ensures that the mean propensity score
is not different for treated and controls in each blocks
Step 2: Test of balancing property of the propensity score
Use option detail if you want more detailed output
Variable v5 is not balanced in block 3
The balancing property is not satisfied
Try a different specification of the propensity score