Dear Forum,
I am conducting SEM analysis in Stata and I have specified a well-fitting measurement model via CFA using the Satorra-Bentler adjustment. Overall, I have good model-fit
I am conducting SEM analysis in Stata and I have specified a well-fitting measurement model via CFA using the Satorra-Bentler adjustment. Overall, I have good model-fit
- Goodness of fit indices: with my re-specified model, I achieved overall good model fit, e.g. CFI > 0.92, RMSEA < 0.7
- I have two behaviors that I am measuring
- for BI1, the path between EC and BI1is significant (as theory suggests)
- for BI2, I have a strong insignificant path between EC and BI2, where BI2 is the purchase of second-hand furniture.
- However, all the indirect paths - from EC to ATB, SN, and PBC are all significant.
- When I delete the insignificant paths, then the direct path between EC and BI2 is suddenly significant - how can that be?