I'm working with a panel dataset and try to apply synthetic controls by using the synth command but I get the following message:
. synth Fish_val_EX_CHN(2005) Fish_val_EX_CHN(2003) Fish_val_EX_CHN(2000), trunit(70
> 31) trperiod(2011) xperiod(2000(1)2010) nested fig
Synthetic Control Method for Comparative Case Studies
First Step: Data Setup
Fish_val_EX_CHN(2005) does not exist as a (numeric) variable in dataset
I don't know why this suddenly happens. I used synth with the same dataset earlier today and had no problems. I wanted to divide Fish_val_EX_CHN/1000000 and after that this issue occured.
Year int %ty Year
country str23 %23s Country
Fish_val_EX_CHN long %14.2f Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic
invertebrates nes
I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance!
I'm working with a panel dataset and try to apply synthetic controls by using the synth command but I get the following message:
. synth Fish_val_EX_CHN(2005) Fish_val_EX_CHN(2003) Fish_val_EX_CHN(2000), trunit(70
> 31) trperiod(2011) xperiod(2000(1)2010) nested fig
Synthetic Control Method for Comparative Case Studies
First Step: Data Setup
Fish_val_EX_CHN(2005) does not exist as a (numeric) variable in dataset
I don't know why this suddenly happens. I used synth with the same dataset earlier today and had no problems. I wanted to divide Fish_val_EX_CHN/1000000 and after that this issue occured.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input int Year str23 country long Fish_val_EX_CHN double(Temp_C Dist_CHN Tot_Fish_prod Real_FX Abs_Lat Coast_L Cap_Lab_R Trop_Land_share RD_share_GDP Aqua_prod_ton Aqua_prod_share_tot) float Country_ID 2000 "Rep. of Korea" 81124815 11.5 809.5382 2506252 83.43557027765927 35.90776 2413 181711.6610506022 0 2.1 667883 .0377497408054814 809 2001 "Rep. of Korea" 52142790 11.5 809.5382 2677494 78.20622978694682 35.90776 2413 186785.4798102272 0 2.3 668022 .0405036684708866 809 2002 "Rep. of Korea" 45785097 11.5 809.5382 2499127 82.45252467948828 35.90776 2413 190680.96708887594 0 2.2 794340 .03914863064816302 809 2003 "Rep. of Korea" 65285364 11.5 809.5382 2502112 83.34565406586015 35.90776 2413 211950.9113828802 0 2.3 839845 .036372445144756266 809 2004 "Rep. of Korea" 116946151 11.5 809.5382 2542856 84.4091683696239 35.90776 2413 233018.65934260548 0 2.4 952856 .029224078896289415 809 2005 "Rep. of Korea" 96604343 11.5 809.5382 2720037 94.16744681025544 35.90776 2413 261676.33958147527 0 2.5 1057725 .029396528259476164 809 2006 "Rep. of Korea" 60097042 11.5 809.5382 3052166 100.65588235665079 35.90776 2413 280624.133415942 0 2.7 1279163 .03320545824710178 809 2007 "Rep. of Korea" 142358089 11.5 809.5382 3288047 100 35.90776 2413 299359.6854835015 0 2.9 1399075 .02808037894880329 809 2008 "Rep. of Korea" 168567163 11.5 809.5382 3366428 80.67631176170084 35.90776 2413 320515.3043235146 0 3 1394818 .03171248269228281 809 2009 "Rep. of Korea" 120786302 11.5 809.5382 3204179 72.21748011761848 35.90776 2413 320435.20921299624 0 3.1 1331719 .032677637084487045 809 2010 "Rep. of Korea" 195157503 11.5 809.5382 3112810 78.77197196815182 35.90776 2413 316093.1472635671 0 3.3 1377233 .035485864039701324 809 2011 "Rep. of Korea" 414000247 11.5 809.5382 3257098 79.38658201522226 35.90776 2413 309393.06106546015 0 3.6 1499335 .04067642030778735 809 2012 "Rep. of Korea" 306477170 11.5 809.5382 3189134 79.50851806964307 35.90776 2413 325611.2650322277 0 3.9 1509226 .04935428722857725 809 2013 "Rep. of Korea" 289746739 11.5 809.5382 3138722 84.30108308759111 35.90776 2413 340266.54666936205 0 4 1533446 .04872208230167471 809 2014 "Rep. of Korea" 224528615 11.5 809.5382 3323489 89.3367988520243 35.90776 2413 355209.5054660225 0 4.1 1567442 .05814754549804132 809 2015 "Rep. of Korea" 199406412 11.5 809.5382 3335467 90.6098587725274 35.90776 2413 369631.87863532023 0 4 1676485 .047895127236957886 809 2016 "Rep. of Korea" 252050381 11.5 809.5382 3231019 88.37155179539953 35.90776 2413 378462.11799395905 0 4 1859220 .04985040660676139 809 2017 "Rep. of Korea" 232774411 11.5 809.5382 3697861 91.05733070221126 35.90776 2413 397119.8755508933 0 4.3 2334719 .06410671794354042 809 2018 "Rep. of Korea" 247043337 11.5 809.5382 3624756 92.18888074545826 35.90776 2413 408718.07266367954 0 4.5 2278850 .07360513203878491 809 2019 "Rep. of Korea" 321707431 11.5 809.5382 . 87.53400648009686 35.90776 2413 416608.8651022231 0 . 2406351 . 809 end format %ty Year
Year int %ty Year
country str23 %23s Country
Fish_val_EX_CHN long %14.2f Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic
invertebrates nes
I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance!