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  • Always display a numeric variable (dollar amount) with exactly 2 decimal places

    I have formatted my dollar-amount variable to %5.2f, %7.2f etc to display 2 decimal places. However, the 0s to the right of the decimal do not show, i.e $44.00 is displayed as 44 while $44.50 is displayed as 44.5 and $44.58 and any with more decimal places is displayed correctly. I would like to set these variables to always display 2 decimal places (i.e 44.00, 44.50 etc): it makes everything easier to view. Can anybody recommend how to do this?

    BTW, i am using an ancient version of Stata - 11.

    Thank you for any advice!

  • #2
    The fixed decimal format you show should give you what you want, but I don't have Stata 11 to check. What does the manual show under -help formats-?

