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  • (linear) OLS Regression - Control variable interpretation

    Hi everybody,
    i am studying sociology since this semester and i have to make an OLS regression. It is about subjective health (dichotomised)
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ID:	1660742

    so my constant is 0,23 and regarding to my reccords it means: The estimated value of subjective health is 0.237 with all control variables not assuming the event of interest (i.e., they are smokers, drink alcohol, are middle-aged, not physically active, do not eat fruit, have middle education, are unemployed, and are male).

    But how can you interprete the control variable?
    They are, except age ("zalter") and years of education (zbildung), all dichotomised and 1 is what i am in intersted in ).
    Age and years of education are both centerd and metric variables.

    My idea of interpretation is: When I consider phyiscal activity ("sport01)": holding the other control variables constant, individuals who are active in sports have 0.159 higher subjective health?

    when i interprete years of education ("zbildung"): holding the control variables constant, subjective health is increased by 0.015 per additional year of education?

    i have also the AME

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ID:	1660743

    i really appreciate any ideas/suggestings

  • #2
    Yeah your seem to have the right interpretation. The commas threw me off a little, but that seems pretty good


    • #3
      Thank you jared for the reply - and im happy i understood it correctly
      yeah the commata is in germany normal/standard :-)

