I'm using Stata 17 on a Mac. For as long as I can remember, I've used hotkeys to toggle between the command line and the do-file editor: command-1 to move from the do-file editor to the command line and command-9 to move from the command line back to the do-file editor. Up until very recently, using command-9 to move from the command line back to the do-file editor has moved me back to whatever do-file I moved to the command line from. (For example, if I was working in "somecode.do" and pressed command-1, I would go to the command line. And then when I pressed command-9, I would be placed right back into "somecode.do".). Now, though, when I use command-9, Stata opens a brand new do-file rather than place me back into the do-file I was working from.
I looked at the menu dropdowns in Stata 17, and I see that command-9 is now associated with the menu dropdown action called "New Do-File Editor." In Stata 16, command-9 is still associated with the menu dropdown action called "Recent do-file."
Was this change deliberate? It seems to be an inefficient way to toggle between the command line and the do-file editor.
I looked at the menu dropdowns in Stata 17, and I see that command-9 is now associated with the menu dropdown action called "New Do-File Editor." In Stata 16, command-9 is still associated with the menu dropdown action called "Recent do-file."
Was this change deliberate? It seems to be an inefficient way to toggle between the command line and the do-file editor.