* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str8 task byte(beg end t) str1 ml "a" 3 4 1 "" "b" 1 5 2 "" "c" 2 7 3 "" "d" 0 5 4 "" "e" . 7 5 "?" "f" 0 . 6 "?" end encode task, gen(tsk) twoway (rbar beg end tsk if t==1, barw(.2) hor) (rbar beg end tsk if t==2, barw(.2) hor) (rbar beg end tsk if t==3, barw(.2) hor lpattern(shortdash)) (rbar beg end tsk if t==4, barw(.2) hor lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black)), /* */ ysc(rev noline) ylab(,val angle(0) notick nogrid) ytitle("") /* */ xti(Moment, size(small)) xscale(titlegap(3)) /* */ xlabel(0 "a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3 "d" 4 "e" 5 "f" 6 "g" 7 "h", labsize(vsmall)) /* */ leg(off)
Is there a way to add arrows in the x-line axis in a graph?
I was able to do this using the graph editor, but I would like to know if there is a coding solution.
Thank you in advance!