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  • Help With Table Output for psmatch2 rbounds Estimation

    Hi Hi,

    Does anyone have a good method for outputting the estimates created by an rbounds test using psmatch2 results?

    rbounds is a user written command that allows me to generate Rosenbaum bounds and I get the following stata output.
      gen rbounds_diff= right_vote - _right_vote if _treat==1 & _support==1
    (7,271 missing values generated)
    . rbounds rbounds_diff, gamma(1 (.1) 3)
    Rosenbaum bounds for rbounds_diff (N = 77 matched pairs)
    Gamma           sig+      sig-    t-hat+    t-hat-       CI+       CI-
        1        5.7e-08   5.7e-08  -.043111  -.043111  -.058265  -.029635  
      1.1        7.0e-09   3.8e-07  -.045959  -.040853  -.061071  -.026934  
      1.2        8.6e-10   1.8e-06  -.048828  -.038702  -.063178  -.023993  
      1.3        1.1e-10   6.9e-06  -.050878  -.036051  -.065694  -.022305  
      1.4        1.3e-11   .000022  -.052603  -.033887  -.067391  -.020334  
      1.5        1.6e-12   .000057    -.0547  -.032135  -.069763  -.018063  
      1.6        2.0e-13   .000135  -.057044  -.030918  -.071574  -.016203  
      1.7        2.4e-14   .000286  -.058376  -.029506  -.073443  -.014169  
      1.8        2.9e-15   .000555  -.059979  -.028104  -.075232  -.012895  
      1.9        3.3e-16   .001001  -.061393  -.026353  -.076749  -.011252  
        2              0   .001696  -.062621  -.025005  -.078716  -.009478  
      2.1              0   .002726  -.063823  -.023673   -.08011  -.007926  
      2.2              0   .004183  -.064948  -.022942  -.081928  -.006495  
      2.3              0   .006167  -.065947  -.021961  -.083727  -.005543  
      2.4              0   .008778  -.067106   -.02093  -.085055  -.004394  
      2.5              0   .012113   -.06799  -.019582  -.085994  -.003104  
      2.6              0   .016267  -.069381  -.018601  -.087217  -.001943  
      2.7              0    .02132  -.070101  -.017708  -.088455  -.000595  
      2.8              0   .027343  -.071232  -.016643  -.089653   .000758  
      2.9              0   .034394  -.071894  -.015847  -.090831   .002071  
        3              0   .042513  -.072605  -.014932  -.091861   .003243  
    * gamma  - log odds of differential assignment due to unobserved factors
      sig+   - upper bound significance level
      sig-   - lower bound significance level
      t-hat+ - upper bound Hodges-Lehmann point estimate
      t-hat- - lower bound Hodges-Lehmann point estimate
      CI+    - upper bound confidence interval (a=  .95)
      CI-    - lower bound confidence interval (a=  .95)
    there does not appear to be documentation on outputting results to the table so I am hoping statalist can give me some clues to reporting these results in my paper.

