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  • margins after reghdfe - scaling of marginal effects

    Dear Statalisters,

    I have a scaling problem with the margins plot of a linear fixed effects regression that I have not managed to solve by looking at previous posts. I apologize in case I overlooked similar issues that had already been discussed.

    I have a quarterly dataset of individuals across firms. I am interested in the marginal effect of wage on a separation indicator (that is 1 when the worker leaves the firm). I am running the following regression where I include individual, industry and quarter fixed effects, and further allow for skill-specific wage coefficients:

    reghdfe sep c.w_ln_resc#c.age, absorb(persnr industry1_destatis quarter c.w_ln_resc#i.skill) vce(cluster betnr quarter)
    To see how the marginal effect of w_ln on sep differs depending on age, I use the marginsplot command:

    margins, dydx(w_ln_resc) over(age) post vsquish
    marginsplot, xdimension(age) graphregion(color(white) lcolor(none)) recast(line) ///
        recastci(rarea) ciopts(fintensity(15) lcolor(white)) ytitle(labor supply elasticity)
    This is what I get:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph_abs.png
Views:	1
Size:	45.9 KB
ID:	1660674

    When I instead include the interaction c.w_ln_resc#i.skill without absorbing it, I get a very different result. With the followig code

    reghdfe sep c.w_ln_resc#c.age c.w_ln_resc#i.skill, ///
        absorb(persnr industry1_destatis quarter) vce(cluster betnr quarter)
    margins, dydx(w_ln_resc) over(age) post vsquish
    marginsplot, xdimension(age) graphregion(color(white) lcolor(none)) recast(line) ///
        recastci(rarea) ciopts(fintensity(15) lcolor(white)) ytitle(labor supply elasticity)
    I get
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph_fe.png
Views:	1
Size:	51.3 KB
ID:	1660675

    As far as I understand, the slope of the two plots can differ because when absorbing the interaction c.w_ln_resc#i.skill, the margins command does not adjust for the fact that the mean of skill differs across ages. What I however do not understand is why also the total level of the marginal effect is so different.

    Any insights would be much appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Last edited by Nina Furbach; 20 Apr 2022, 09:45.