Hi all,
I would like study the impact of a raising of the school leaving age reform on later life outcomes which are measured at the household level. Those born since April 1 1933 were affected by this reform. Only year of birth is publicly available in the data.
As the effect of the policy may differ if only one partner were affected vs. both, I would like to run the analyses separately by these groups. How can I properly identify households where both partners were affected by the reform i.e. both partners were born after 1933. More generally, how do I ensure that all individuals within a household fulfill a particular condition?
In the below data extract, I've provided the individual ID, household ID, year of birth & status of the respondent (finstat_fin). finstat_fin identifies whether someone is a core member or a partner of a core member. For e.g. : C1CM is a cohort 1 core member. C1CP is the partner of a cohort 1 core member. C1NP4 is a new partner of a cohort 1 core member, identified at wave 4. C1YP is a younger partner of a cohort 1 core member and C4OP is an older partner of a cohort 4 core member.
Thanks in advance for your help with this, really appreciated.
Many thanks
I would like study the impact of a raising of the school leaving age reform on later life outcomes which are measured at the household level. Those born since April 1 1933 were affected by this reform. Only year of birth is publicly available in the data.
As the effect of the policy may differ if only one partner were affected vs. both, I would like to run the analyses separately by these groups. How can I properly identify households where both partners were affected by the reform i.e. both partners were born after 1933. More generally, how do I ensure that all individuals within a household fulfill a particular condition?
In the below data extract, I've provided the individual ID, household ID, year of birth & status of the respondent (finstat_fin). finstat_fin identifies whether someone is a core member or a partner of a core member. For e.g. : C1CM is a cohort 1 core member. C1CP is the partner of a cohort 1 core member. C1NP4 is a new partner of a cohort 1 core member, identified at wave 4. C1YP is a younger partner of a cohort 1 core member and C4OP is an older partner of a cohort 4 core member.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long idauniq int idahhw1 str12 finstat_fin float yob_fin 119190 10001 "C1CM" 1935 118967 10001 "C1CM" 1925 107161 10002 "C1CM" 1950 105327 10002 "C1YP" 1955 118162 10003 "C1CM" 1921 120124 10003 "C1CM" 1923 106163 10004 "C1CM" 1932 118542 10005 "C1CM" 1951 118861 10005 "C1CM" 1952 120442 10006 "C1CM" 1947 108230 10007 "C1CM" 1935 106289 10008 "C1CM" 1936 117769 10009 "C1CM" 1940 119916 10010 "C1CM" 1944 117816 10011 "C1CM" 1947 117652 10011 "C1CM" 1947 112899 10012 "C1CM" 1940 120884 10013 "C1CM" 1933 118229 10014 "C1CM" 1933 117527 10014 "C1CM" 1933 end
Many thanks