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  • Aggregate statistics chart

    Rather basic/noob charting question:
    How can I create an aggregate statistics chart in Stata?

    Concrete example:
    Say I have the data from
    Gneezy, Uri & Rustichini, Aldo. (1998). Pay Enough or Don't Pay at all. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 115. 10.1162/003355300554917.
    i.e. I have a table with
    student_id, donations_collected(shekels), and group_id
    where group_id denotes whether the observation (student) belongs to control group, treatment group 1 or treatment group 2.

    Now, I'd like to create:
    1. Summary tables comparing the 3 groups
    2. Chart comparing the 3 groups (i.e. groups on x axis, average donation on y axis, average donation for the group shown in basically 3 points)

    Here's the actual summary tables from the paper for illustration (this is what I'd like to replicate):
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-04-20 030734.png
Views:	1
Size:	71.8 KB
ID:	1660527

    Chart illustration (what I'd like to replicate)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-04-20 031222.png
Views:	1
Size:	7.7 KB
ID:	1660528
    Thank you for your help!

    Stata SE/17.0, Windows 10 Enterprise

  • #2
    You need to type in those results as new variables. Then graph bar or twoway bar would help. What you show could be something from say MS Excel and the principles here for Stata are not much different.

