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  • asclogit? - how to group both by person and choice set

    I have a file of survey responses from a Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) questionnaire. Each scenario was built from a combination of attributes and levels, with known efficiency, to make the choice sets.
    The design assumed that interactions among the attributes were insignificant in two-way (and higher) interactions.
    20 groups of survey questions were created (called blocking) so respondents did not have answer a ton of questions.
    Respondents were asked to choose between two choices, A and B. The driver# = the respondent.

    A sample of the data is shown here:
    line choiceset SP_scenario driver# SP_Q# LorS alternative distance TT max_TT toll SP_choice work_type yrs_truck
    1 1 1 1 18 1 A 55 83 122 -4 1 1 14
    2 1 1 1 18 1 B 65 105 142 8 0 1 14
    3 2 1 1 19 1 A 65 83 142 0 0 1 14
    4 2 1 1 19 1 B 60 92 133 -8 1 1 14
    The driver# = the respondent. When I run asclogit:

    asclogit SP_choice distance TT max_TT toll if LorS==1, case(choiceset) alternatives(alternative) casevars(work_type yrs_truck)

    I get results that thinks each choiceset is independent of each other when, in fact, it is not. It should also take into consideration the driver#. Can anyone tell me how to group appropriately? Thanks so much!