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  • Fixed effect model output

    Dear Stata experts,

    I would really appreciate it if you could please assist me on the following.

    I use panel data for the period of 2006 to 2020. My regression result shows that for a certain year of the variable "Time" has no value and next to that specific year there is a the letter "b" (i.e. refer to the year of 2006 of the attached table below). Could you please help me on what this letter "b" next to 2006 mean? Also, why the regression result has no value for that specific year (i.e. no value for 2006)?

    Regression result
    Y Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval]
    X1 1.086 .221 4.91 0 .65 1.521
    X2 -.719 .342 -2.10 .037 -1.393 -.046
    2006b 0 . . . . .
    2007 -.03 .026 -1.16 .246 -.081 .021
    2008 -.354 .039 -9.01 0 -.432 -.277

    Moreover, I have expanded my model using more variables. However, my expanded model result shows that the variable "Time" begins from 2009 up to 2020 (in this case I have the same issue as above but for the year of 2009), Considering that my data are from 2006 to 2020, why does my expanded model output under variable "Time" begins from 2009 instead of 2006 (refer to the attached table below)?

    Regression result
    Y Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval]
    X1 1.001 .662 1.51 .137 -.329 2.331
    X2 -1.784 .691 -2.58 .013 -3.172 -.397
    X3 -.068 .071 -0.96 .341 -.211 .075
    X4 -.017 .009 -1.90 .063 -.036 .001
    X5 -1.201 1.41 -0.85 .398 -4.033 1.63
    X6 -.834 1.027 -0.81 .421 -2.896 1.229
    X7 1.582 2.063 0.77 .447 -2.563 5.726
    X8 2.552 2.822 0.90 .37 -3.115 8.22
    X9 .006 .764 0.01 .994 -1.528 1.54
    X10 0 0 0.40 .689 0 0
    X11 1 .505 1.98 .053 -.014 2.014
    X12 47.565 99.489 0.48 .635 -152.263 247.394
    X13 .001 .001 0.69 .491 -.002 .003
    X14 .001 .002 0.59 .558 -.002 .004
    2009b 0 . . . . .
    2010 .038 .115 0.33 .742 -.193 .27
    2011 .093 .143 0.65 .52 -.195 .381
    2012 -.022 .077 -0.28 .777 -.177 .133
    2013 .329 .118 2.79 .007 .092 .566
    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards
    Vasilis Zagkreos

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    As per -fvvarlist- notation, the -b.- prefix means -base- or reference category, that Stata automatically omits (-o-) to shelter you from the so called dummy trap (
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Dear Carlo,

      Thank you very much for your swift response.

      Regarding my expanded model attached on my previous post, do you know why the time variable begins with 2009 instead of 2006? (Note that my data are from 2006 until 2020)

      Thank you.


      • #4
        without firther details from your end (that is, posting exactly what you typed and what Stata gave you back, as recommended by the FAQ), my guess-work is that 2006-2008 were omitted due to perfect collinearity with the fixed effect.
        Last edited by Carlo Lazzaro; 19 Apr 2022, 12:39.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5

          Please find attached below the command used and the results of Stata as an additional info to get exactly what I did and therefore help you on my post #2.

          xtreg Price_BookValue_Ratio_n_w Return_on_Equity_w Price_Volatility_w LnTA_w INT_w NPL_over_TotalLoans_w TRAD_w RealGDPGrowth_w LongInterestRates10Year_w i.Time, re vce(cluster CompanyID)

          Regression results
          Price_BookValue_Ra~w Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval] Sig
          Return_on_Equity_w 1.273 .49 2.60 .009 .314 2.233 ***
          Price_Volatility_w -.587 .315 -1.86 .062 -1.204 .03 *
          LnTA_w .016 .028 0.57 .572 -.038 .07
          INT_w -.016 .006 -2.80 .005 -.028 -.005 ***
          NPL_over_TotalLoan~w -.767 .851 -0.90 .368 -2.435 .901
          TRAD_w -.103 .56 -0.18 .854 -1.201 .995
          RealGDPGrowth_w .749 1.363 0.55 .582 -1.921 3.42
          LongInterestRates1~w 8.476 1.956 4.33 0 4.642 12.31 ***
          2009b 0 . . . . .
          2010 .046 .075 0.61 .541 -.101 .192
          2011 .014 .107 0.13 .897 -.195 .223
          2012 -.069 .054 -1.29 .197 -.174 .036
          2013 .203 .078 2.60 .009 .05 .355 ***
          2014 .327 .081 4.05 0 .168 .485 ***
          2015 .461 .124 3.73 0 .218 .703 ***
          2016 .129 .085 1.52 .128 -.037 .294
          2017 .18 .095 1.88 .06 -.007 .367 *
          2018 .133 .09 1.48 .139 -.043 .309
          2019 .075 .092 0.81 .419 -.107 .256
          2020 .119 .094 1.27 .204 -.065 .302
          Constant .454 .424 1.07 .284 -.377 1.285
          Mean dependent var 0.861 SD dependent var 0.554
          Overall r-squared 0.241 Number of obs 847
          Chi-square 322.447 Prob > chi2 0.000
          R-squared within 0.191 R-squared between 0.235
          *** p<.01, ** p<.05, * p<.1

          If it has to do with collinearity is there any way to deal with this?

          Thank you.


          • #6
            thanks for clarifying.
            Sorry to appear pedantic, but you should use CODE delimiters to share what you typed and what Stata gave you back (as per FAQ again). Thanks.
            That said:
            1) if the years left unrepoted were omitted fue to perfect collinearity, Stata should have reported it;
            2) another cause might be missing values (less likely, though).
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)

