Good morning all,
I am currently working on some data that might be best understood through mediation analysis. I have a binary outcome variable, a set of continuous mediators, a group of covariates, and multiple treatment/exposure variables. My original thought was to create an index with the group of treatment/exposure variables, but that did not work out. So far I've searched -gsem-, -medeff-, and -paramed-, and none of them seems to provide an option for multiple treatment/exposure variables. I was wondering if there is any Stata package available for mediation analysis with multiple treatment/exposure variables? If not, what might be some Stata techniques that can handle this situation?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I am currently working on some data that might be best understood through mediation analysis. I have a binary outcome variable, a set of continuous mediators, a group of covariates, and multiple treatment/exposure variables. My original thought was to create an index with the group of treatment/exposure variables, but that did not work out. So far I've searched -gsem-, -medeff-, and -paramed-, and none of them seems to provide an option for multiple treatment/exposure variables. I was wondering if there is any Stata package available for mediation analysis with multiple treatment/exposure variables? If not, what might be some Stata techniques that can handle this situation?
Thanks a lot in advance!