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  • Interpreting COX regression model

    I am new to survival analysis
    the following is my stata output for stcox i.OPtype age i.Grade i.pT_stg i.pN_stg i.profile_grp i.adjuvantCTx i.adjuvantRTx i.adjuvantHTx

    Does the model have good fit ? Can we interpret Grade, pT_stg pN_stg and adjuvantCTx are predictive factors for event?

    Why does grade 1 , pT_stg 2 and 3 return empty ?
    Cox regression with no ties

    No. of subjects = 496 Number of obs = 496
    No. of failures = 11
    Time at risk = 41,547.4334
    LR chi2(14) = 27.97

    Log likelihood = -49.900141 Prob > chi2 = 0.0144

    _t | Haz. ratio Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
    OPtype |
    Oncoplastic BCS | .6868941 .5714724 -0.45 0.652 .1344991 3.508006
    age | 1.00784 .0337547 0.23 0.816 .9438062 1.076217
    Grade |
    1 | 4.58e+08 . . . . .
    2 | 2.26e+08 1.83e+08 23.68 0.000 4.60e+07 1.11e+09
    3 | 1.77e+08 2.31e+08 14.57 0.000 1.38e+07 2.28e+09
    pT_stg |
    1 | 1.57e+08 1.98e+08 14.97 0.000 1.33e+07 1.86e+09
    2 | 5.94e+07 . . . . .
    3 | 9.59e-10 . . . . .
    pN_stg |
    1 | 2.596447 3.103781 0.80 0.425 .2493773 27.03348
    2 | 47.70519 72.07748 2.56 0.011 2.468825 921.809
    3 | 101.268 161.3288 2.90 0.004 4.461004 2298.855
    profile_grp |
    HR+ Her- | .036285 .0767722 -1.57 0.117 .0005738 2.294609
    HR+ Her2+ | 4.89e-21 . . . . .
    HR- Her2- | .1837431 .3253954 -0.96 0.339 .0057121 5.910521
    HR- Her2+ | .4165586 .8317754 -0.44 0.661 .0083179 20.86111
    adjuvantCTx |
    Yes | .0623398 .0685511 -2.52 0.012 .0072236 .5379938
    adjuvantRTx |
    Yes | .951613 1.114361 -0.04 0.966 .0958701 9.445777
    adjuvantHTx |
    Yes | .7045474 .7733386 -0.32 0.750 .0819593 6.056505
    Last edited by Jeffrey Hing; 19 Apr 2022, 04:47.

  • #2
    You are probably overfitting your data. With only 11 failures there just isn't a lot of information in your data. Simplifying your model is probably unavoidable. We don't like that, but statistical technique can only reveal information that is already present in the data. If the information is not in the data, than no statistical technique can save us. (On the other hand, since this seems to be medical data, the patients and their families will be quite happy there are so few failures...). One way to simplify your model is to reduce the number of categories in your categorical variables. A good candidate will be Grade. In your reference category (0) it only has 4 observations. That is one of the reasons of the ridiculous effect sizes. So that has to go, maybe merge categories 0 and 1. That is probably not enough, you will need to drop more variables.
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      Thank you. I shall try to collapse and remove variables.

      1) I am trying to show difference in outcomes in the OPtype if any.. . any suggestion how this can be done better? given the events are between 10 to 40 , and total n = 490
      when i use stcox i.OPtype, p=0.71 -> i think this is good evidence that the OPtype does not have any predictive value.... but how do i show that it remains so after adjusting for other covariates?

      Cox regression with no ties

      No. of subjects = 538 Number of obs = 538
      No. of failures = 11
      Time at risk = 45,002.2667
      LR chi2(1) = 0.14
      Log likelihood = -64.648001 Prob > chi2 = 0.7068

      _t | Haz. ratio Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
      OPtype |
      Oncoplastic BCS | .7786501 .5273234 -0.37 0.712 .2064834 2.936294

      2) can i clarify
      stcox var1 = univariate analysis
      stcox var1 var2 var 3.... means a multivariate analysis

      so i have done all the univariate analysis on the individual variables -> only adjuvantCTx has been shown to be significant in univariate 0.03

      i see some paper using a higher p cut off to decide to be put in the multivariate like 0.1 . what is the highest p cut off recommended to form part of the multivariate ? 0.2 ? 0.3?

      3) so in this case i decide to fit adjuvantCTx into a multivariate analysis with others .... how important is the Prob > chi2 value to be <0.05 when i fit the multiple covariates?

      Do I have to show the Prob > chi2 value in the final results of multivariate analysis ? Some studies seem to omit it... is that bad statistics reporting?
      Last edited by Jeffrey Hing; 19 Apr 2022, 07:55.


      • #4
        I have collapsed and reduced the variables to binary groups as clinically sound as it can be

        Do you think this model is a better fit ?

        Can i draw some hypothesis that Nodal involvement and adjuvant CTx were significant preditive factors from the multivariate analysis?

        Adjusted model for IBDFS -> N stage, HR+ , no adjuvantCTx – predictive
        Cox regression with no ties

        No. of subjects = 496 Number of obs = 496
        No. of failures = 11
        Time at risk = 41,547.4334
        LR chi2(8) = 15.49
        Log likelihood = -56.140712 Prob > chi2 = 0.0503

        _t | Haz. ratio Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
        OPtype |
        Oncoplastic BCS | 1.004597 .707045 0.01 0.995 .252876 3.990945
        age | 1.000331 .0289541 0.01 0.991 .9451615 1.05872
        1.Grade_b | .9460382 .8408483 -0.06 0.950 .1657113 5.400889
        1.pT_stg_b | .3051431 .3492425 -1.04 0.300 .0323807 2.875551
        1.pN_stg_b | 6.277062 5.011925 2.30 0.021 1.312544 30.01919
        1.HR_gp | .226595 .154796 -2.17 0.030 .0593965 .8644494
        adjuvantCTx |
        Yes | .093439 .076913 -2.88 0.004 .0186154 .4690112
        adjuvantRTx |
        Yes | 1.078709 .982753 0.08 0.934 .1808927 6.432616

