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  • How to comment log numbers

    Good Morning,
    I need to compare simple averages of a logarithm variable (no regressions or models log-lin / log-log/... simple averages of the variables by groups). How can I comment results? for example if the average monthly earnings (in the log form) are 7,39. What I can state?

  • #2
    If your logarithms are natural logarithms, and guessing at dp comma, then exp() is the inverse function.

    . di exp(7.39)
    If something like 7 is the result, then it seems unlikely that you're using logarithms to base 10, as back transforming would get you 10 million or so.

    But, but, but: The average of a variable in logarithmic form is the logarithm of the geometric mean, and back-transforming gives you the geometric mean.

    Statistics is taught in weird ways in many places. I suppose many economics students are expected to know lots about fixed and random effects, instrumental variables, difference-in-difference this, that and the other, but are never taught about geometric means. Or they were mentioned briefly in an introductory course some years ago..,,

