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  • How do I visualize my SEM model in the builder with written code.

    Dear Stata Users,

    This link
    explains that I can either write a SEM model with the SEM builder or the command syntax. What I would however like to do is visualize the model I wrote with the command syntax,using the SEM builder (without actually making it, just using the command syntax).

    So my syntax is for example as follows:

     . sem (L1 -> m1 m2)       (L2 -> m3 m4)       (L3 <- L1 L2)       (L3 -> m5 m6 m7)
    Is there a way to do this?
    SEM stands for structural equation modeling. SEM is a notation for specifying structural equations, a way of thinking about them, and methods for estimating their parameters.

  • #2
    I do not use sem, but this has been discussed before in the forum: It may be the same thing as finding the original function from an inverse in mathematics (i.e., undoing a function). This is not possible for all functions.

