Hello, my name is Arnola and i would like to ask some questions,
I have a small panel data consist of 34 N and 8 T, with 1 dependent variable. and 7 independet variables. I use panel regression and found that the best model to use is the FE model. I run "vif, uncentered" after running "xtreg dep indep, fe" and it shows that my model has multicollinearity. I cure this by transform all my variables into first difference and run it again and then there is no multicollinearity. But then i test for heteroskedasticity, it appears that my model has one, and some post told me to transform all my variables to natural logarithms, so i did and run my model from the very first step (hausmen, etc). But my model still hetero. I did a test for autocorr and the results show there is no serial autocorr. what should i do? is there another method i should do?
- i transform ALL my variables to natural logarithm to avois hetero (even though 3 of the variables are already in percentage format) is this okay? because some post said it is not necessary
- this is my first time in the forum, pardon me if i post my question in a wrong way
- i already read some post that is related to my question and i still can't figure this out
Thank you in advance
Below is the code i'm using:
I have a small panel data consist of 34 N and 8 T, with 1 dependent variable. and 7 independet variables. I use panel regression and found that the best model to use is the FE model. I run "vif, uncentered" after running "xtreg dep indep, fe" and it shows that my model has multicollinearity. I cure this by transform all my variables into first difference and run it again and then there is no multicollinearity. But then i test for heteroskedasticity, it appears that my model has one, and some post told me to transform all my variables to natural logarithms, so i did and run my model from the very first step (hausmen, etc). But my model still hetero. I did a test for autocorr and the results show there is no serial autocorr. what should i do? is there another method i should do?
- i transform ALL my variables to natural logarithm to avois hetero (even though 3 of the variables are already in percentage format) is this okay? because some post said it is not necessary
- this is my first time in the forum, pardon me if i post my question in a wrong way
- i already read some post that is related to my question and i still can't figure this out
Thank you in advance
Below is the code i'm using:
transform variables to ln gen lnCHL=ln(CHL) gen lnGOV=ln(GOV) gen lnTPT=ln(TPT) gen lnPENG=ln(PENG) gen lnAMH=ln(AMH) gen lnAPM=ln(APM) gen lnPOV=ln(POV) *stating panel data xtset Provinsi Tahun *run PLS FE RE reg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV xtreg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV, fe xtreg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV, re * restricted F-test reg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV i.Provinsi testparm i.Provinsi: F( 33, 196) = 58.13 Prob > F = 0.0000 * hausman test xtreg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV, fe estimates store FEM xtreg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV, re estimates store REM hausman FEM REM: Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic chi2(6) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B) = 194.40 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000 (V_b-V_B is not positive definite) *LM test xtreg lnCHL lnGOV lnTPT lnPENG lnAMH lnAPM lnPOV, re xttest0: chibar2(01) = 363.60 Prob > chibar2 = 0.0000 *Multicol test . vif, uncentered Variable | VIF 1/VIF -------------+---------------------- lnPENG | 4765.04 0.000210 lnAMH | 4194.83 0.000238 lnAPM | 2926.06 0.000342 lnGOV | 796.88 0.001255 lnPOV | 22.72 0.044023 lnTPT | 21.09 0.047412 -------------+---------------------- Mean VIF | 2121.10 *transform first difference and run it again vif, uncentered Variable | VIF 1/VIF -------------+---------------------- dlnAPM | 3.02 0.330674 dlnGOV | 2.15 0.464344 dlnPENG | 2.10 0.476792 dlnAMH | 1.56 0.639131 dlnPOV | 1.30 0.766340 dlnTPT | 1.08 0.926223 -------------+---------------------- Mean VIF | 1.87 *Modified Wald test . xttest3 Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (34) = 3.3e+05 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000 *Woolridge test . xtserial dlnCHL dlnGOV dlnTPT dlnPENG dlnAMH dlnAPM dlnPOV Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data H0: no first-order autocorrelation F( 1, 33) = 0.027 Prob > F = 0.8705