I have a data set with company names and their daily returns value. I want to calculate the information share month-wise for which I first need to clean the data. Following are the issues I am facing and need help with:
1) I want to drop the company from the dataset if it has a missing return value for even a single day. Example: for the following table, since a, d has missing ret, a and d will both be dropped from the data set completely(even the ones with ret values)
2) I want to calculated the information share if company c(suppose) has 19 returns in jan'2020 and 19 returns in the subsequent month (feb'2020) i.e. equal number of returns . I was planning to use a dummy variable to differentiate . like dummy variable =0 for equal count of ret for jan and feb and 1 otherwise. How to go about this? Any alternate suggestions for this.
P.S: I am new to Stata and appreciate your help. Thanks a lot
1) I want to drop the company from the dataset if it has a missing return value for even a single day. Example: for the following table, since a, d has missing ret, a and d will both be dropped from the data set completely(even the ones with ret values)
Date | Company names | ret |
1st Jan 2020 | a | 1 |
1st Jan 2020 | b | 2 |
1st Jan 2020 | c | 3 |
1st Jan 2020 | d | |
2nd Jan 2020 | a | |
2nd Jan 2020 | b | 1 |
2nd Jan 2020 | c | 2 |
2nd Jan 2020 | d | 3 |
3rd Jan 2020 | a | 1 |
3rd Jan 2020 | b | 2 |
3rd Jan 2020 | c | 3 |
3rd Jan 2020 | d | 1 |
4th Jan 2020 | a | |
4th Jan 2020 | b | 1 |
4th Jan 2020 | c | 2 |
5th Jan 2020 | a | 3 |
5th Jan 2020 | b | 1 |
5th Jan 2020 | c | 2 |
6th Jan 2020 | d | 3 |
6th Jan 2020 | a | 3 |
P.S: I am new to Stata and appreciate your help. Thanks a lot