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  • Advice on running fixed effect model controlling for year and industry

    I want to run a fixed effect model controlling for year and industry effects. I have read through some references on how to go about it, but yet not really sure if the procedures I am following are right

    First, I would need to xtset my panel data with industry grouping. But I am not sure if I group data using Ticker/firrm id is okay too

    egen id = group(Industry)
    xtset id Year, y
    The next I am confused which following to run as some references says to add Stata features xi: before running fixed effect model on panel data

    Methord 1

    xtreg DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Year, fe
    Methord 2

    xi: xtreg DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Year, fe
    Lastly, run command to see if time fixed effects are needed

     testparm i.year 
    Below is my data in panel structure

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str9 Ticker int Year str23 Industry byte SICCode float(ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS DACC)
    "TH:SPSU"   2007 "Industrials"             11   .014094287  14.58573  .4777623  -.04100476 0   -.13350403
    "TH:GC"     2012 "Industrials"             11    .06899457  13.93367  .8494591           0 0   .030991036
    "TH:TPCH"   2012 "Resources"               33 -.0020756533  11.93638         . .0002619121 1            .
    "TH:EE"     2014 "Agro & Food Industry"    22 .00018812453  14.25858  2.487009 .0023916855 0    .05917667
    "TH:TTL"    2014 "Consumer Products"       66    -.2715816 14.133175 1.5325614   .00266392 1    -.1782501
    "TH:EE"     2011 "Agro & Food Industry"    22  -.006340273 14.210468  1.240886 .0038401396 1   .015338974
    "TH:EE"     2013 "Agro & Food Industry"    22   .007601305 14.259856   1.34223  .003901328 0   .017898992
    "TH:CSR"    2000 "Services"                55   .008508377 14.677366 .12823841  .004070032 0     .1108473
    "TH:CSR"    2001 "Services"                55   .012657777  14.68637 .17238885  .004446275 0    .04925008
    "TH:CSR"    2002 "Services"                55   .017517675 14.697324  .2813456 .0044545652 0     .0520633
    "TH:CSR"    2003 "Services"                55   .016676517 14.698357  .3215286 .0045120073 0    .04526159
    "TH:EE"     2012 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    .04046876 14.252687 2.1824718  .004553293 0   .066115335
    "TH:CSR"    1998 "Services"                55   .010474646 14.285906  .2188438  .005102376 0    .05515802
    "TH:CSR"    1999 "Services"                55   .010221212  14.29216  .2686679  .005165552 0     .0815233
    "TH:CSR"    2008 "Services"                55   .029514614 14.471094  .4226215  .005320657 0   -.02775518
    "TH:CSR"    2004 "Services"                55   .019360255 14.700903  .3890025  .005347091 0    .04013493
    "TH:EE"     2010 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    -.0299568 14.219323 2.4644845  .005696073 1    .02374406
    "TH:CSR"    1995 "Services"                55   .010037953 14.220117 .28630632  .006270718 0    .02764596
    "TH:CSR"    2005 "Services"                55    .02462999  14.70609  .3725338  .006273235 0    .04560977
    "TH:CSR"    1997 "Services"                55    .00933447 14.296027  .3062665   .00647284 0     .1511482
    "TH:EE"     2009 "Agro & Food Industry"    22   -.07361579 14.250206  2.899881  .006887054 1   -.05890745
    "TH:CSR"    2006 "Services"                55    .02740221 14.673937   .437736  .007565762 0    .04198445
    "TH:CSR"    2007 "Services"                55    .03638902 14.472492  .4850081  .008483323 0    .01137247
    "TH:CSR"    2010 "Services"                55    .03227611  14.42795  .5435546  .008543436 0    .03366521
    "TH:GREEN"  2010 "Resources"               33   -.08444518  13.22606  .3865738  .008890579 1  -.067248516
    "TH:CSR"    2009 "Services"                55    .03392785 14.416633 .58970714  .009038656 0    .04010501
    "TH:CSR"    2011 "Services"                55   .022481415 14.432555  .4915923  .010028908 0    .02457018
    "TH:CSR"    2012 "Services"                55   .036740415  14.37295  .5702619  .011839443 0   .008430988
    "TH:FANCY"  2008 "Consumer Products"       66  -.002275843  14.20212  .4007641  .012065365 1  -.029234566
    "TH:FANCY"  2012 "Consumer Products"       66   -.05364843 14.061686  .6559972  .014183925 1   -.05211401
    "TH:BSBM"   2014 "Industrials"             11   .005101281  14.44726  .7634732  .014200117 0    .02556101
    "TH:FANCY"  2011 "Consumer Products"       66  -.024740083  14.11579   .667412  .014276002 1   .017903345
    "TH:GREEN"  2007 "Resources"               33   .014111684 13.316074  .9278563   .01436874 0   .071650654
    "TH:CSR"    1996 "Services"                55  -.007614495  14.32066 .23859185  .014927885 1    .03803191
    "TH:NUSA"   2009 "Property & Construction" 77  -.063287064 12.200255 1.3596687  .014996982 1    .51596266
    "TH:ESTAR"  2004 "Property & Construction" 77   .023478456 15.229934 .59103405  .016378747 0     .2145841
    "TH:THL"    1997 "Resources"               33  -.026333883 13.660789 .24226014  .017023228 1    .07399729
    "TH:FANCY"  2010 "Consumer Products"       66    .03932139 14.175484  .6812707  .018084953 0   -.08507758
    "TH:CITY"   2009 "Industrials"             11    .09795809 13.618333 .55446744  .018106194 0   -.08706427
    "TH:GREEN"  2008 "Resources"               33   .010875948  13.31223  .3286618  .018575953 0   -.10521555
    "TH:GREEN"  2011 "Resources"               33    -.1208288 13.110133  .3045941  .019580014 1    .02429825
    "TH:MAX"    2014 "Agro & Food Industry"    22  -.012943343  13.77311 13.087386   .01972279 1   -.10308635
    "TH:GREEN"  2009 "Resources"               33   .002910374 13.319901   .385308  .020149376 0   -.02801403
    "TH:THL"    1996 "Resources"               33  .0031028066 13.689335 .45175385  .020599913 0    .04710346
    "TH:FANCY"  2014 "Consumer Products"       66   .015741581  14.06943   .752555  .021333985 0    .06809422
    "TH:CITY"   2013 "Industrials"             11     .1124619  13.92324  .8257934  .021445643 0  -.006409266
    "TH:BROCK"  2011 "Property & Construction" 77   .010353744 14.031117   .692175  .021804526 0   -.01194092
    "TH:BROCK"  2012 "Property & Construction" 77    .02430121  14.04804 1.0046791  .021842003 0   -.04838569
    "TH:TSTE"   2005 "Services"                55    .04087449  13.88498  .4739544  .022144897 0   .023569893
    "TH:BROCK"  2010 "Property & Construction" 77   .011040293  14.03121  .7512964  .023772333 0   -.06749149
    "TH:MANRIN" 2010 "Services"                55    .09554751 13.346224  .4891901   .02389487 0    .05745332
    "TH:ESTAR"  2008 "Property & Construction" 77    .02516061  15.26544  .3088253  .024305776 0    -.1190804
    "TH:CITY"   2010 "Industrials"             11    .07490723 13.666142  .7111215  .025234194 0    .06643253
    "TH:TH"     2012 "Services"                55    .02724144 12.925256  4.993073  .025324503 0    .08167597
    "TH:SST"    1998 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    .01872324 12.972658  .4327315   .02566896 0 -.0011186806
    "TH:TH"     2005 "Services"                55    .02668001 11.897432  .9901683  .026434926 0  -.003942776
    "TH:PRIME"  2007 "Resources"               33   -.25100282  12.80208 2.3704576   .02659985 1    -.1731891
    "TH:BROCK"  2014 "Property & Construction" 77   .009595572 14.050385 1.8651003  .026659023 0   -.05020552
    "TH:BROCK"  2009 "Property & Construction" 77   .014665804 14.035526  .5113254   .02693292 0    .09961533
    "TH:SUPER"  2013 "Resources"               33     .0835338 13.519955  3.961224  .027229553 0     .3377129
    "TH:ESTAR"  2009 "Property & Construction" 77   .005035982 15.273445   .381608   .02761785 0   .009397772
    "TH:BROCK"  2013 "Property & Construction" 77  -.012355656 14.042366 1.1352468  .028494047 1   -.02570643
    "TH:FANCY"  2013 "Consumer Products"       66   .020482384  14.09883  .6306444   .02878652 0    .06619368
    "TH:FANCY"  2009 "Consumer Products"       66    .05592462 14.225496  .7258965   .02887053 0  -.007587069
    "TH:AI"     2004 "Resources"               33    .18728033 14.297224 4.2949805   .02918375 0   -.10123187
    "TH:TSTE"   2004 "Services"                55    .05979726 13.869002  .7465113  .029244095 0    .03331303
    "TH:UPOIC"  2002 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    .06390125 13.508128 1.7738768  .031169387 0  .0021835372
    "TH:MANRIN" 2002 "Services"                55    .06497018 13.248763   .840821     .031558 0    .02312358
    "TH:CFRESH" 2009 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    .12792502 14.174372 1.1547698  .031629577 0   -.07600099
    "TH:TH"     2007 "Services"                55 -.0018997847 11.890032  .6124228   .03241979 1    .07279292
    "TH:MANRIN" 2007 "Services"                55   .025828796 13.326117  .8162632  .032711364 0   .025271904
    "TH:FANCY"  2007 "Consumer Products"       66    .02627013 14.226185  .6320099   .03333391 0    -.0577042
    "TH:THL"    1995 "Resources"               33   .013611668  13.73223  .6076633   .03417372 0   .000791589
    "TH:TH"     2009 "Services"                55  -.002619219   11.8903  .6817165   .03444753 1    .06828755
    "TH:TH"     2008 "Services"                55   .003706535 11.894767  .6790115  .034921978 0    .12491308
    "TH:MANRIN" 2011 "Services"                55   -.03799874  13.28389 .47471395  .035524487 1   .032001007
    "TH:BROCK"  2008 "Property & Construction" 77    .06539111 14.066417  .3550506  .035737906 0   -.14796616
    "TH:BROCK"  2006 "Property & Construction" 77    .03812097 13.986418  .9880153  .035969894 0    -.4165837
    "TH:ACC"    2013 "Resources"               33   .063474126  13.53639  1.285913   .03597594 0   -.17010236
    "TH:MANRIN" 2001 "Services"                55    .09485351 13.266666  .7510354  .036446296 0    .10605314
    "TH:TTL"    2013 "Consumer Products"       66    .04614244 14.424273   .773465   .03727758 0   -.13896605
    "TH:SST"    2003 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    .06153486 13.217994  .8110731   .03738622 0    .14343196
    "TH:TSTE"   1997 "Services"                55    .14295185 12.848227         .   .03742298 0    .13269389
    "TH:TH"     2010 "Services"                55 .00008161378  11.89842  .8241841   .03748113 0   -.09472122
    "TH:MANRIN" 2004 "Services"                55    .04591553  13.30616  .6469458   .03791901 0  .0043247337
    "TH:RWI"    2010 "Industrials"             11    .03927566  13.23513         .   .03825545 0    -.1099177
    "TH:ACC"    2014 "Resources"               33   .011469268  13.51036 1.1477786   .03838602 0            .
    "TH:SST"    2002 "Agro & Food Industry"    22    .05623237  13.19954   .652477   .03862874 0    .05832521
    "TH:CITY"   2006 "Industrials"             11    .18833555  13.42103 1.0002177   .03882907 0    .01367529
    "TH:UPOIC"  2001 "Agro & Food Industry"    22     .1261874 13.623796 1.7563664   .03899378 0   -.07932497
    "TH:CITY"   2011 "Industrials"             11     .0856399 13.752286  .6785945   .03927528 0  -.068395935
    "TH:GREEN"  2006 "Resources"               33    .12532954  13.40116 1.2430297   .03951602 0    .12175868
    "TH:CITY"   2012 "Industrials"             11    .13172463  13.86745  .9200115   .04030529 0   -.10071439
    "TH:MANRIN" 2005 "Services"                55    .07761973 13.354243  .6799977   .04041657 0    .04470363
    "TH:MANRIN" 2003 "Services"                55     .0770766 13.302565  .7287181   .04195387 0     .0433143
    "TH:TR"     2009 "Consumer Products"       66   .028913254 16.588186  .4736879   .04249008 0  -.022260224
    "TH:TR"     2001 "Consumer Products"       66    .10832603  15.53708  .4141641   .04271182 0     .0465218
    "TH:GREEN"  2014 "Resources"               33   -.27074698 12.623858  9.593626   .04274346 1   -.17125164
    "TH:CITY"   2014 "Industrials"             11    .11920575 14.035776  .9363398   .04375213 0   -.10432828
    "TH:TSTE"   1998 "Services"                55    .06311437  12.78541  .6154369   .04412123 0    .08939533
    format %ty Year

  • #2
    The people who use method 2 are still in 2010, so don't listen to them. The method you wanna go with is the first one.

    Edit: with the usual disclaimers about using two way fixed effect models.
    Last edited by Jared Greathouse; 17 Apr 2022, 17:24.


    • #3
      Jared GreathouseThank your Jared for your useful advice as usual.

      I have two following questions, just to understand the mechanics of it - would be really helpful to get your insight on or any other resources

      So, I should always group variable(s) (i.e. industry/firm or industry firm) that I am interested to run the fixed effect on. So for example, if I was interested to control for firm (i.e coded as Ticker) specific characteristics, I should have done

       egen id = group(Ticker) 
       xtset id Year, y
      Secondly, putting in the argument fe is the same as putting i.Industry

       xtreg DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Year, fe
      The above code is same putting indicator variable instead of fe argument

       xtreg DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Year i.Industry
      Not sure if my intuition is right. Thank you once again


      • #4
        not quite.
        Starting from:
         egen id = group(Ticker)  
         xtset id Year, y
        you can go -fe- with -xtreg.fe- (this is the approach that I would follow):
         xtreg DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Year, fe vce(cluster clusterid)
        or you can go -fe- via -regress- (no need to -xtset- your dataset in this case):

        regress DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Ticker i.Year, vce(cluster clusterid)
        Your last code calls in fact -xtreg, re., as the -re- specifucation is the -xtreg- default mode.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          Carlo Lazzaro Thank you for you advice and extending my knowledge on FE models. I have looked into cluster analysis and get the essence behind the using the command here


          • #6
            please find two links to the same reference about clustered standard errors:
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              I ran the following regressions and I am fully aware might be wrong. I have id variable in my data which is the grouped by Ticker (I used that when cleaning, sorting and running other regressions). However, since I want to control for industry fixed effects, following earlier comments I tried to form id2 grouped by Industry - but thrown with error when I try to xtset the data

              Please note I have a variable in my data SICCode- which is basically numerical coding since Industry is a string variable

              egen id2 = group(Industry)
              xtset id2 Year, y
              repeated time values within panel
              Anyway, I went ahead to test out the regression to understand mechanics of it- where I xtset data using id variable grouped by Ticker and likewise fixed effect at firm level was picked I believe instead of Industry

              First regression method:

              xtset id Year, y
              Panel variable: id (strongly balanced)
               Time variable: Year, 1995 to 2014
                       Delta: 1 year
              xtreg DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.Year, fe
              Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =      6,091
              Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =        528
              R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                   Within  = 0.7144                                         min =          1
                   Between = 0.4957                                         avg =       11.5
                   Overall = 0.6909                                         max =         20
                                                              F(24,5539)        =     577.41
              corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.1063                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                      DACC | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                       ROA |   .6401016   .0054889   116.62   0.000     .6293412    .6508619
                      Size |    .038937   .0088432     4.40   0.000     .0216008    .0562731
                       MTB |   .0003609   .0002078     1.74   0.082    -.0000464    .0007683
                       LEV |   .0346429   .0059425     5.83   0.000     .0229933    .0462924
                      LOSS |   .0074047   .0104997     0.71   0.481    -.0131788    .0279883
                      Year |
                     1996  |   .0016526    .029886     0.06   0.956    -.0569356    .0602409
                     1997  |   .0469281   .0300176     1.56   0.118    -.0119181    .1057743
                     1998  |  -.0114191   .0291586    -0.39   0.695    -.0685814    .0457433
                     1999  |   .0107773   .0295857     0.36   0.716    -.0472223    .0687769
                     2000  |   .0260907   .0293926     0.89   0.375    -.0315303    .0837116
                     2001  |  -.0178249   .0276522    -0.64   0.519    -.0720341    .0363843
                     2002  |  -.1813733   .0274959    -6.60   0.000     -.235276   -.1274706
                     2003  |    -.01713   .0271839    -0.63   0.529    -.0704212    .0361612
                     2004  |  -.0221002   .0268507    -0.82   0.411    -.0747382    .0305378
                     2005  |  -.0244461   .0265148    -0.92   0.357    -.0764254    .0275333
                     2006  |    -.02022   .0264784    -0.76   0.445    -.0721282    .0316881
                     2007  |  -.0083642   .0264438    -0.32   0.752    -.0602043     .043476
                     2008  |  -.0266679   .0264223    -1.01   0.313    -.0784659    .0251302
                     2009  |  -.0165806   .0264107    -0.63   0.530     -.068356    .0351948
                     2010  |  -.0374606   .0264728    -1.42   0.157    -.0893577    .0144366
                     2011  |  -.0175649    .026584    -0.66   0.509      -.06968    .0345501
                     2012  |  -.0221275   .0266933    -0.83   0.407     -.074457    .0302019
                     2013  |  -.0249732   .0270992    -0.92   0.357    -.0780984    .0281519
                     2014  |  -.0409506   .0274826    -1.49   0.136    -.0948273    .0129262
                     _cons |  -.6167919   .1317045    -4.68   0.000    -.8749845   -.3585993
                   sigma_u |  .15568554
                   sigma_e |  .26735488
                       rho |  .25322653   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
              F test that all u_i=0: F(527, 5539) = 1.62                   Prob > F = 0.0000
              testparm i.Year
               ( 1)  1996.Year = 0
               ( 2)  1997.Year = 0
               ( 3)  1998.Year = 0
               ( 4)  1999.Year = 0
               ( 5)  2000.Year = 0
               ( 6)  2001.Year = 0
               ( 7)  2002.Year = 0
               ( 8)  2003.Year = 0
               ( 9)  2004.Year = 0
               (10)  2005.Year = 0
               (11)  2006.Year = 0
               (12)  2007.Year = 0
               (13)  2008.Year = 0
               (14)  2009.Year = 0
               (15)  2010.Year = 0
               (16)  2011.Year = 0
               (17)  2012.Year = 0
               (18)  2013.Year = 0
               (19)  2014.Year = 0
                     F( 19,  5539) =    6.21
                          Prob > F =    0.0000

              Second regression method 2:

               regress DACC ROA Size MTB LEV LOSS i.SICCode i.Year, vce(cluster id)
              Linear regression                               Number of obs     =      6,091
                                                              F(30, 527)        =      34.03
                                                              Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                              R-squared         =     0.6967
                                                              Root MSE          =     .27407
                                                 (Std. err. adjusted for 528 clusters in id)
                           |               Robust
                      DACC | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                       ROA |   .6304195   .0405184    15.56   0.000     .5508221    .7100169
                      Size |   .0179765   .0039318     4.57   0.000     .0102526    .0257003
                       MTB |   .0001491   .0001746     0.85   0.393    -.0001939    .0004921
                       LEV |   .0409664   .0329415     1.24   0.214    -.0237463    .1056791
                      LOSS |   .0206045   .0103923     1.98   0.048     .0001891    .0410199
                   SICCode |
                       22  |  -.0041235   .0145793    -0.28   0.777    -.0327641    .0245171
                       33  |  -.0182999   .0182552    -1.00   0.317    -.0541619    .0175621
                       44  |  -.0195803    .014036    -1.40   0.164    -.0471536    .0079931
                       55  |  -.0006888   .0092429    -0.07   0.941    -.0188463    .0174687
                       66  |   .0217312   .0081192     2.68   0.008     .0057812    .0376813
                       77  |  -.0363604   .0140163    -2.59   0.010    -.0638951   -.0088256
                      Year |
                     1996  |   .0038867   .0089561     0.43   0.664    -.0137072    .0214807
                     1997  |   .0391513   .0142677     2.74   0.006     .0111229    .0671798
                     1998  |   -.015147   .0112009    -1.35   0.177    -.0371509     .006857
                     1999  |     .00445   .0114109     0.39   0.697    -.0179664    .0268664
                     2000  |   .0060156   .0106625     0.56   0.573    -.0149305    .0269618
                     2001  |  -.0210449   .0128656    -1.64   0.102     -.046319    .0042292
                     2002  |  -.1853722   .0452815    -4.09   0.000    -.2743265   -.0964179
                     2003  |  -.0204993   .0120276    -1.70   0.089    -.0441274    .0031287
                     2004  |  -.0174669   .0119117    -1.47   0.143    -.0408672    .0059334
                     2005  |  -.0170047   .0353712    -0.48   0.631    -.0864906    .0524811
                     2006  |  -.0172031   .0185462    -0.93   0.354    -.0536366    .0192303
                     2007  |   .0033796   .0114736     0.29   0.768    -.0191599    .0259191
                     2008  |  -.0189758   .0141154    -1.34   0.179    -.0467051    .0087536
                     2009  |  -.0055381   .0112587    -0.49   0.623    -.0276555    .0165793
                     2010  |  -.0239323   .0138993    -1.72   0.086    -.0512372    .0033725
                     2011  |  -4.04e-06   .0105676    -0.00   1.000    -.0207638    .0207557
                     2012  |  -.0008115   .0130941    -0.06   0.951    -.0265344    .0249115
                     2013  |   .0001275   .0113703     0.01   0.991    -.0222092    .0224641
                     2014  |   -.011693   .0131433    -0.89   0.374    -.0375127    .0141268
                     _cons |  -.3071289   .0531258    -5.78   0.000    -.4114932   -.2027647
              Any advice would be really helpful


              • #8
                1) controlling for -i.industry- in -xtreg,fe- usually is wasting your time, as -panelid- (ie, firms) rarely change -industry- as time goes by (hence, as expected, the -fe- estimator will wipe out -industry-, as it is a time-invariant variable).
                2) stick with your first -xtreg, fe- code (the within R-sq is good);
                3) replace default standard errors with their cluster-robust counterparts (ie, use the -robust- or -vce(cluster panelid iptions; the do the very saem job under -xtreg-).
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  Carlo Lazzaro Thank you Carlo for reviewing my work and providing such useful advice. I understood the intuition behind your thought

