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  • Re-scaling the second stage IV but using std of the first stage -- I need your assistance

    Hello, I use the "xtivreg2" analysis for my analysis, but because my instrument is a dummy variable I want to use the following steps to get the similar results to my baseline :

    -I get " std" of my dummy variable
    -"std" of the fitted value that I obtained from the first stage
    -and then recalling the second stage by a ratio of these two standard deviations.

    to get the std of my shock :
    sum shock_recession

    so to do this :
    foreach v in "ltotalfertility" {            
    foreach vart in "0"          {     
     xi: xtivreg2  d`vart'`v' (shock_recession = instrument) l(1/2).shock_recession l(1/1).d0`v' tt*, fe partial(tt*) robust  kernel(tru) bw(1) first  savefirst savefprefix(st1)
    outreg2 using myfile,  replace label keep (shock_recession l(1/2)shock_recession l(1/1).d0`v') bdec(3) cdec(3) stats(coef se) addstat(kleibergen-Paap_rk_LM_statistic, `e(idstat)', p-value, `e(idp)', kleibergen-Paap_rk_LM_statistic, `e(widstat)') excel,
    foreach vart in "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"            {     
     xi: xtivreg2  d`vart'`v' (shock_recession = instrument) l(1/2).shock_recession l(1/1).d0`v' tt*, fe partial(tt*) robust  kernel(tru) bw(1) first 
    outreg2 using myfile,  append label keep (shock_recession l(1/2)shock_recession l(1/1).d0`v') bdec(3) cdec(3) stats(coef se) addstat(kleibergen-Paap_rk_LM_statistic, `e(idstat)', p-value, `e(idp)', kleibergen-Paap_rk_LM_statistic, `e(widstat)') excel,

    but for getting the fitted value of first stage I tried in this way, because I need the standard deviation of first stage:

    gen fitted=.
    gen resi =.
    foreach v in ltotalfertility { 
    forvalues i=0/5 {
    xi: xtivreg2  d`i'`v' (shock_recession = instrument) l(1/2).shock_recession l(1/1).d0`v' tt*,fe partial(tt*) robust  kernel(tru) bw(1) first 
    predict f  if d`i'`v' 
        predict r if `i' `y', resid
        replace fitted= f if d`i'`v' & year==`i'
        replace resi = r  if d`i'`v' & year==`i'
    but I get an error
    predict not supported after xtivreg2 with partialling-out option
    and then
    foreach v in ltotalfertility { 
        forvalues i=0/5{
        xi: xtivreg2  d`i'`v' (shock_recession = instrument) l(1/2).shock_recession l(1/1).d0`v' tt*,fe partial(tt*) robust  kernel(tru) bw(1) first 
        predict res_d`i'`v' if e(sample), res

    option res not allowed

    how can I compute the "std" of the fitted value from the first stage? and re-scaling the second stage by the ratio of these two "standard deviations, std of my shock and std of the second stage.

    I appreciate receiving your help. in any stage I receive errors.

