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  • Statistically insignificant variables

    I am running a panel data analysis and most of my independent variables are statistically insignificant. Why is that?
    What should I do to make them significant?
    Should I center those variables to increase the p value?
    Please suggest

  • #2
    reduce the p value*


    • #3
      If you are confident that you've got appropriate data and an appropriate empirical model specification then the question of significance or insignificance of particular parameter estimates is in an important sense already resolved.

      Post hoc tinkering in an attempt to obtain smaller p-values (sometimes called p-hacking) is quite generally frowned upon and considered scientifically unsound.


      • #4
        It's impossible for me to properly emphasize how bad an idea "X p value isn't significant, let me do Y to decrease it" is.


        • #5
          okay. I have another problem
          so I am using a panel data analysis to compute the economic impact of hosting the Fifa world cup on host and neighbouring countries.
          dependent variables are GDP per capita, inflation rate and unemployment rate
          independent variables are Infrastructure investment, tourism, human development index, economic growth rate, population growth rate, economic freedom index and corruption perception index
          I am planning to use 2 dummy variables
          dummy1 - 1 if host country or 0 if neighbouring
          dummy2 - 1 if impact is in or after the World Cup year or 0 if before the World Cup year
          but I don't understand how I will compare the host and neighbouring countries using the dummy and similarly for the years(before and after impact)
          what should be my regression equation? please suggest


          • #6
            Use synthetic controls.

