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  • Bootstrap own program

    Dear Community,
    I need to bootstrap a set of commands. Namely,
    1. Run a regression
    2. Obtain fitted values
    3. Obtain mean from fitted values

    I am doing thi in the context of medical cost estimation. Unfortunately, my code does not work:
    Running the simulate command returns only empty values. I am guessing that somewhere in Step 3 (my program), the storing of the mean from my fitted values does not work.

    * Step 1
    quietly glm cost time if death==1, link(log) family(gamma)
    predict GLM2
    sum GLM2
    return list
    matrix GLMmean = (r(mean))
    matrix list GLMmean
    * Step 2: program
    capture program drop GLMboot
    program define GLMboot, rclass
            glm cost time if death==1, link(log) family(gamma)
            predict GLMbootfit2
            sum GLMbootfit2
            return scalar GLMmean_1 = r(mean)
    * Step 3: Monte Carlo 
    simulate GLMmean_1=r(mean), reps(10) seed(12345): GLMboot, rclass
    bstat,  n(2000)
    estat bootstrap, all
    Thank you!

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist!

    I can find two mistakes if that helps. But also read the whole thing before doing any revision.
    1. I have never seen specifying a simulation command with options like ", rclass bstat, n(2000)". I tried that and got an error. Generally, within one level of command, if you're typing two or more commas, it's usually against the grammar. I'd suggest moving that 2000 up to the line 4 of the program instead, as "bsample 2000". And take away all the extra options after the "GLMboot" in the simulate statement.
    2. In your program, you named the rclass object "r(GLMmean_1)". But in the simulate statement, you asked for a non-existing "r(mean)". Try covert that back to r(GLMmean_1).
    First, a disclaimer is that I am not very well-versed in the bootstrap command, but are you working off someone else's code that has been tested? I'm a bit confused by the approach. You ended with an estat boostrap, but the command before that was not bootstrap. It feels somewhat like this was duct taped together. I'd suggest check out help bootstrap, which allows both setting repetition (rep()) and sample size (size()), and it's very close to the concept of simulate that it takes user-written program as well.

    sysuse auto, clear
    keep price weight foreign
    expand 1000
    capture program drop GLMboot
    program define GLMboot, rclass
        glm price weight if foreign==1, link(log) family(gamma)
        capture drop GLMbootfit2
        predict GLMbootfit2
        sum GLMbootfit2
        return scalar GLMmean_1 = r(mean)
    bootstrap testvar = r(GLMmean_1), size(2000) rep(10) saving(output, replace): GLMboot


    • #3
      Thank you very much Ken!
      Your code works perfectly and your annotations make a lot of sense!

