Dear Community,
I need to bootstrap a set of commands. Namely,
1. Run a regression
2. Obtain fitted values
3. Obtain mean from fitted values
I am doing thi in the context of medical cost estimation. Unfortunately, my code does not work:
Running the simulate command returns only empty values. I am guessing that somewhere in Step 3 (my program), the storing of the mean from my fitted values does not work.
Thank you!
I need to bootstrap a set of commands. Namely,
1. Run a regression
2. Obtain fitted values
3. Obtain mean from fitted values
I am doing thi in the context of medical cost estimation. Unfortunately, my code does not work:
Running the simulate command returns only empty values. I am guessing that somewhere in Step 3 (my program), the storing of the mean from my fitted values does not work.
* Step 1 quietly glm cost time if death==1, link(log) family(gamma) predict GLM2 sum GLM2 return list matrix GLMmean = (r(mean)) matrix list GLMmean * Step 2: program capture program drop GLMboot program define GLMboot, rclass preserve bsample glm cost time if death==1, link(log) family(gamma) predict GLMbootfit2 sum GLMbootfit2 return scalar GLMmean_1 = r(mean) restore end * Step 3: Monte Carlo preserve simulate GLMmean_1=r(mean), reps(10) seed(12345): GLMboot, rclass bstat, n(2000) estat bootstrap, all