Dear statalist users,
I am examining the effect of the appointment of a chief digital officer at S&P500 companies on strategic change in the company. I am looking at appointments between 2010 and 2019.
I performed a matching of treatment and control firms based on industry (exact matching) and total assets (nearest neighbor).
Now I want to use the matched sample for a difference in differences analysis.
Please find an excerpt of my data below:
The variable time = 0 refers to the year prior appointment and time = 1 refers to the year after appointment. The variable treatment = 1 if the company belongs to the treatment group, zero otherwise. The variable sc is my dependent variable (a composite measure of strategic change).
There are a few characteristics of my data that differ from the "standard" case:
Do you see any further issues with my approach?
Thanks a lot!
I am examining the effect of the appointment of a chief digital officer at S&P500 companies on strategic change in the company. I am looking at appointments between 2010 and 2019.
I performed a matching of treatment and control firms based on industry (exact matching) and total assets (nearest neighbor).
Now I want to use the matched sample for a difference in differences analysis.
Please find an excerpt of my data below:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float matchGroup double PERMCO byte(time treatment) float(interaction sc) 1 1467 1 1 1 -.15027764 1 1467 0 1 0 -.12327062 1 21351 0 0 0 -.11199666 1 21351 1 0 0 -.05841219 4 2551 1 1 1 -.11911808 4 2551 0 1 0 -.10512438 4 36364 1 0 0 -.06052626 4 36364 0 0 0 .20290615 6 3178 1 1 1 -.1839711 6 3178 0 1 0 -.05224591 6 3194 1 0 0 -.04042549 6 3194 0 0 0 .2118327 7 3178 0 1 0 -.17966723 7 3178 1 1 1 -.1585436 7 20834 1 0 0 .04626698 7 20834 0 0 0 .6909865 8 3178 0 1 0 -.16531967 8 3194 1 0 0 -.03260051 8 3194 0 0 0 .04626698 8 3178 1 1 1 .4350691 end
There are a few characteristics of my data that differ from the "standard" case:
- The treatment doesn't happen at a fixed time but in any of the years between 2010 and 2019. I am not certain whether this can be treated as I did with assigning a time variable a value of 0 for the year prior appointment and 1 for after appointment. Does this create any methodological issues bc in my case e.g. time = 1 does not refer to the same year?
- How can I incorporate the matching into the analysis? I tried to do to this by -xtset- on my matchGroup variable.
- Some companies in my sample received several treatments. How can this be handled? I ignored this for now.
xtset matchGroup xtreg sc time##treatment, fe
Thanks a lot!