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  • Logit model: hypothesis testing

    Dear Statalisters,

    I have a question regarding how to accurately write down the interpretation of the results from my logistic regression model.
    I calculate the following logit model:
    logit bOptingOut i.bNonManagerOwners i.bNonOwnerManagers i.bExtraPpa i.bMinorities i.bFamilyOwnedStrict i.bSubsidiary i.bOnlySwissOwners lncapital cntSignatoryPower lnAge avgNoShabPubs i.bHasBranches i.industry i.firmCanton, nolog vce(cluster industry)
    The dependent variable bOptingOut is 1 if a firm decides not to have its financial statements audited (i.e. the firm "opts out") and 0 if it has its financial statements audited (i.e., no opting-out). The results (excerpt) are as follows:

    Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =    217,048
                                                    Wald chi2(16)     =          .
                                                    Prob > chi2       =          .
    Log pseudolikelihood = -19762.173               Pseudo R2         =     0.2711
                                          (Std. Err. adjusted for 18 clusters in industry)
                         |               Robust
              bOptingOut |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     1.bNonManagerOwners |   -.475967   .1019198    -4.67   0.000    -.6757262   -.2762079
     1.bNonOwnerManagers |   -.247673   .0655799    -3.78   0.000    -.3762072   -.1191387
             1.bExtraPpa |   -.142257   .0887571    -1.60   0.109    -.3162178    .0317038
          1.bMinorities  |  -.4899325   .2936192    -1.67   0.095    -1.065416    .0855505
    Regarding the first independent variable bNonManagerOwners (binary variable which is 1 if there are owners who are not part of management and 0 otherwise), I formulated the following hypothesis, say, H1:
    "The presence of owners who are not part of the firm's management reduces the probability that a firm performs an opting-out."
    And, is it correct that H1 is a one-tailed test (because I make a statement about the sign of the coefficient)?

    Based on the results, when looking at the p-value of 0.000 and the 95% confidence interval, this appears to be the case: the value is negative at a 95% confidence level. As the p-value is 0.000, this is even the case at a 99% confidence level.

    Is it correct to phrase my results as follows?
    "The presence of owners who are not part of the firm's management has a significant negative effect on the probability of the the firm performing an opting-out (p-value < 0.01)."

    Furthermore, can I, based on the above results, "accept" hypothesis H1 that "the presence of owners who are not part of the firm's management reduces the probability that a firm performs an opting-out" - or what is the correct way of concluding on this?
    I know that I can "reject the null hypothesis that bNonManagerOwners has no impact on the probability of an opting-out", but this is not really the statement I want to make.

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this. It seems a bit like a trivial question, but when I was actually writing down my results, I suddenly became somewhat insecure (as I remember that this can be somewhat delicate). I want to make sure I get this right!

    Kind regards,

  • #2
    some comments about your post:
    1) are you sure that you have a cross-sectional dataset (217,048 are really impressive)?;
    2) you would be better off with odds ratios than coefficients;
    3) 18 clusters are too limited for -vce(cluster clusterid)- standard errors to work out properly;
    4) reported 95% CIs are two-sided;
    5) the statistical significance of your regression may well be due to the sky-rocketing sample size, with limited practical meaning;
    6) you can say that 0.00001 is still significant at 99%; however, if you set -level(99)- you see that the CI changes, whereas the z and p-values remain the same (because they're fed differently).
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Dear Carlo,

      thanks a lot for your immediate and helpful reply!

      Here are my answers to your comments/questions:
      1) Yes, I have 217'048 individual active Swiss firms in my data set (99% of all active limited liability companies).
      2) Happy to look into that. In the finance literature I use relating to the topic of voluntary audit they never use odds ratios, therefore I refrained from it until now.
      3) Every firm is assigned to one of have 18 industries in my data set, so there is not much I can do about it (refining the industries further in a manual way does not make sense considering the sample size). I could cluster by cantons (there, I have 26, which is not much more). I originally only used standard errors, but in one of my previous posts in this form it was suggested that I should rather use clustered standard errors (by industry). What does it mean that standard errors do not work out properly? What can I do about it?
      4) So I can half the p-value of 0.000 to get the one-sided p-value, right?
      5) I also look at different measures for each variable, e.g. difference in means between firms with and without opting-out and the results appear reasonable. In order to account for the big sample size, I only consider coefficients significant if they are so at the 99% level. For example, the coefficient of bMinorities I consider as not significant as reaching a significance at a 90% level is relatively easy with my high number of observations.
      6) Thanks for the hint - I am working directly with 99% confidence intervals now.

      Kind regards,


      • #4
        About Carlo's #3 comment, maybe you can remove the eighteen industries from the cluster robust standard errors and leave them solely as a fixed effect, that is, drop the vce(cluster industry) given that you've already included i.industry among the model's specifications for predictors.

        The question that I have, and one that would make me hesitant to interpret much of anything from the fitted model that you (partially) show, is this: why is the model chi-square test statistic (and its p-value) missing? And what are the implications of that for anything that you can say?

        I suspect that it has to do with including i.industry both among the fixed effects and as the clustering variable for adjusting the standard errors Regardless, the answer to the mystery seems to lie down below in the regression output table, among those regression coefficients that you neglect to show.


        • #5
          I share all Joseph's points.
          As far as your appreciated clarifications are concerned:
          1) do you mean that all your 200K and counting observations refer to the same year?
          2) odds ratios are simply a variation on the coefficient metric (see -logistic, or-);
          3) as per Joseph's wise advice, go back to default standard errors and use -i.industry- as a predictor only;
          4) correct (in general); but, according to you H1, check the sign of the inequality:
          . sysuse auto.dta
          (1978 automobile data)
          . ttest mpg, by(foreign) unequal
          Two-sample t test with unequal variances
             Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. err.   Std. dev.   [95% conf. interval]
          Domestic |      52    19.82692     .657777    4.743297    18.50638    21.14747
           Foreign |      22    24.77273     1.40951    6.611187    21.84149    27.70396
          Combined |      74     21.2973    .6725511    5.785503     19.9569    22.63769
              diff |           -4.945804    1.555438               -8.120053   -1.771556
              diff = mean(Domestic) - mean(Foreign)                         t =  -3.1797
          H0: diff = 0                     Satterthwaite's degrees of freedom =  30.5463
              Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0
           Pr(T < t) = 0.0017         Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0034          Pr(T > t) = 0.9983
          5) and 6) I've nothng to comment on.

          In addition, please find two links to the same reference about clustered standard errors:

          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Dear Carlo and Joseph,

            thanks a lot for your replies and helpful inputs.

            Regarding your first question, Carlo: Yes, the 217'048 firms represent the number of active firms (LLCs - or GmbH in German or SAGL in Italian) at 31 March 2022, so these are individual firms counted once each, not a panel.

            I am sorry for omitting parts of the output, I wanted to avoid inflating the post. I read about the missing Wald/chi2 test statistics in the header section of the regression output in the Stata manual:
            "The VCE you have just estimated is not of sufficient rank to perform the model test. As discussed in [R] test, the model test with clustered or survey data is distributed as F(k,d-k+1) or chi2(k), where k is the number of constraints and d=number of clusters or d=number of PSUs minus the number of strata. Because the rank of the VCE is at most d and the model test reserves 1 degree of freedom for the constant, at most d-1 constraints can be tested, so k must be less than d. The model that you just fit does not meet this requirement. [...] There is no mechanical problem with your model, but you need to consider carefully whether any of the reported standard errors mean anything. The theory that justifies the standard error calculation is asymptotic in the number of clusters, and we have just established that you are estimating at least as many parameters as you have clusters. That concern aside, the model test statistic issue is that you cannot simultaneously test that all coefficients are zero because there is not enough information.You could test a subset, but not all, and so Stata refuses to report the overall model test statistic."

            I interpret this in a way that I need more clusters than parameters in my model. As hinted at by you, it appears that I cannot use industry at the same time as fixed effects and cluster the standard errors by industry.

            The good news is that I managed to create more clusters (now 76 industries instead of only 18) - I call this now industryCode instead of industry.

            This leaves me basically with two choices:
            a) Use "regular" standard errors, i.e. omit vce(cluster industryCode):

            logit bOptingOut i.bNonManagerOwners i.bNonOwnerManagers i.bExtraPpa i.bMinorities3 i.bFamilyOwnedStrict i.bSubsidiary i.bOnlySwissOwners lncapital cntSignatoryPower lnAge avgNoShabPubs i.bHasBranches i.industryCode i.firmCanton, nolog level(99)
            This yields the following results (now complete) - which are even more significant (that's why I was cautious about using them). The Pseudo R2 increases from 0.2711 to 0.2910 (due to the higher number of industries).

            Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =    217,048
                                                            LR chi2(112)      =   15778.82
                                                            Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
            Log likelihood = -19221.609                     Pseudo R2         =     0.2910
                      bOptingOut |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [99% Conf. Interval]
             1.bNonManagerOwners |  -.4841245   .0469849   -10.30   0.000    -.6051495   -.3630996
             1.bNonOwnerManagers |  -.2452574   .0480072    -5.11   0.000    -.3689157    -.121599
                     1.bExtraPpa |  -.1382002    .045024    -3.07   0.002    -.2541744    -.022226
                  1.bMinorities3 |  -.4604815   .1229742    -3.74   0.000     -.777242    -.143721
            1.bFamilyOwnedStrict |   .0209835   .0458776     0.46   0.647    -.0971893    .1391563
                   1.bSubsidiary |  -.9550148   .0569368   -16.77   0.000    -1.101674   -.8083555
              1.bOnlySwissOwners |  -.0178219   .0338535    -0.53   0.599    -.1050227    .0693789
                       lncapital |  -.5395199   .0200113   -26.96   0.000    -.5910657   -.4879741
               cntSignatoryPower |   -.520834   .0156834   -33.21   0.000    -.5612319   -.4804361
                           lnAge |  -.6446674    .019442   -33.16   0.000    -.6947468    -.594588
                   avgNoShabPubs |  -1.170168   .0347081   -33.71   0.000     -1.25957   -1.080766
                  1.bHasBranches |  -1.148336   .0901091   -12.74   0.000    -1.380441   -.9162299
                    industryCode |
                              2  |   .0904507    .459456     0.20   0.844     -1.09303    1.273931
                              3  |  -.6294895   1.074514    -0.59   0.558    -3.397254    2.138275
                              4  |  -1.198041   .6368218    -1.88   0.060    -2.838385    .4423034
                              5  |  -1.294953   .2433216    -5.32   0.000    -1.921708    -.668198
                              6  |   2.065705   1.026078     2.01   0.044    -.5772967    4.708706
                              7  |  -.0224299   .4953217    -0.05   0.964    -1.298294    1.253434
                              8  |    1.95403   1.028266     1.90   0.057    -.6946067    4.602666
                              9  |  -.3241109   .6496923    -0.50   0.618    -1.997607    1.349386
                             10  |   -.291357   .2571026    -1.13   0.257    -.9536093    .3708953
                             11  |  -.0325726   .8467835    -0.04   0.969    -2.213742    2.148597
                             12  |     .83876   .4503021     1.86   0.063    -.3211412    1.998661
                             13  |   .1236133   .3903042     0.32   0.751    -.8817437     1.12897
                             14  |   .3798787   .4378093     0.87   0.386    -.7478434    1.507601
                             15  |  -.6297594   .4136461    -1.52   0.128    -1.695241    .4357224
                             16  |   .0437097   .4713602     0.09   0.926    -1.170434    1.257853
                             17  |   .5767568    1.06206     0.54   0.587     -2.15893    3.312443
                             18  |  -.3978541   .2475683    -1.61   0.108    -1.035548    .2398397
                             19  |   -.566116   .2820721    -2.01   0.045    -1.292685    .1604535
                             20  |  -.5233256   .3701252    -1.41   0.157    -1.476705    .4300537
                             21  |   -.391715     .30091    -1.30   0.193    -1.166808    .3833777
                             22  |   1.126675     1.0482     1.07   0.282    -1.573309     3.82666
                             23  |   .3332096   .6839517     0.49   0.626    -1.428533    2.094953
                             24  |    .200157   .5072906     0.39   0.693    -1.106537    1.506851
                             25  |   .0240627    .292074     0.08   0.934      -.72827    .7763954
                             26  |   .2301082   .3077886     0.75   0.455    -.5627028    1.022919
                             27  |  -.2364117   .3629276    -0.65   0.515    -1.171251    .6984279
                             28  |  -.8972398   .5599407    -1.60   0.109    -2.339551    .5450718
                             29  |  -.3785789   .4191164    -0.90   0.366    -1.458151    .7009934
                             30  |  -1.285513   .9266358    -1.39   0.165    -3.672369    1.101342
                             31  |   .1210549   .2391977     0.51   0.613    -.4950775    .7371874
                             32  |  -.4540017   .3959799    -1.15   0.252    -1.473978    .5659749
                             33  |  -.4776997    .220345    -2.17   0.030    -1.045271    .0898715
                             34  |   .5757263    .250125     2.30   0.021     -.068553    1.220006
                             35  |   .3208583   .2221519     1.44   0.149    -.2513671    .8930837
                             36  |   .0316027   .2226537     0.14   0.887    -.5419152    .6051206
                             37  |  -.5518799   .2392931    -2.31   0.021    -1.168258    .0644983
                             38  |  -2.469843   .3149307    -7.84   0.000    -3.281051   -1.658636
                             39  |   .0835844   .8009241     0.10   0.917    -1.979459    2.146628
                             40  |  -.6901296   .2726575    -2.53   0.011    -1.392449    .0121896
                             41  |    -1.7783   .3092152    -5.75   0.000    -2.574786   -.9818147
                             42  |  -1.303276   .2407126    -5.41   0.000    -1.923311   -.6832418
                             43  |  -.5456249   .2220515    -2.46   0.014    -1.117592    .0263418
                             44  |   .7298492    .359304     2.03   0.042    -.1956565    1.655355
                             45  |   -1.28154    .239028    -5.36   0.000    -1.897235   -.6658442
                             46  |    .660989   1.086433     0.61   0.543    -2.137476    3.459454
                             47  |   .4227933   .4339422     0.97   0.330    -.6949678    1.540554
                             48  |   .1784865   .2250326     0.79   0.428     -.401159    .7581321
                             49  |   .3445133   .3057495     1.13   0.260    -.4430452    1.132072
                             50  |   -.276035   .2271677    -1.22   0.224    -.8611802    .3091102
                             51  |    .147096    .238885     0.62   0.538    -.4682309     .762423
                             52  |    .955897   .2354402     4.06   0.000     .3494433    1.562351
                             53  |   1.001919   .2478741     4.04   0.000     .3634381    1.640401
                             54  |   .4314656   .2261721     1.91   0.056     -.151115    1.014046
                             55  |   .0518369   .2247766     0.23   0.818    -.5271493    .6308231
                             56  |   .3807077   .2814076     1.35   0.176    -.3441503    1.105566
                             57  |   .5332225   .2761398     1.93   0.053    -.1780664    1.244511
                             58  |   .8601667   .2607548     3.30   0.001      .188507    1.531826
                             59  |  -.5061689   .4366572    -1.16   0.246    -1.630923    .6185855
                             60  |   .3329024   .2873354     1.16   0.247    -.4072246    1.073029
                             61  |  -2.049866   .2352119    -8.71   0.000    -2.655732      -1.444
                             62  |    .234115   .2878026     0.81   0.416    -.5072152    .9754453
                             63  |  -.6467861   .3121173    -2.07   0.038    -1.450747    .1571748
                             64  |  -.7987558   .2287431    -3.49   0.000    -1.387959   -.2095526
                             65  |  -.1473063   .2642058    -0.56   0.577    -.8278553    .5332427
                             67  |  -.2088834    .238546    -0.88   0.381    -.8233372    .4055705
                             68  |  -.5474738   .2321565    -2.36   0.018    -1.145469    .0505218
                             69  |  -3.309971   .2894417   -11.44   0.000    -4.055523   -2.564418
                             70  |  -2.487875   .2327554   -10.69   0.000    -3.087413   -1.888336
                             71  |   .5196918   .4312529     1.21   0.228    -.5911422    1.630526
                             72  |  -.0026603   .7992953    -0.00   0.997    -2.061509    2.056188
                             73  |  -1.574756   .8524188    -1.85   0.065    -3.770441    .6209296
                             74  |   .3076063   .2503798     1.23   0.219    -.3373294    .9525421
                             75  |  -.6793672   .3677915    -1.85   0.065    -1.626735     .268001
                             76  |   1.689291   .7517393     2.25   0.025    -.2470607    3.625644
                             77  |    .128588   .2520747     0.51   0.610    -.5207134    .7778894
                      firmCanton |
                             AI  |   1.126676   .4619519     2.44   0.015    -.0632331    2.316585
                             AR  |   .1904033   .2034823     0.94   0.349    -.3337323    .7145389
                             BE  |   .0135044   .0836614     0.16   0.872     -.201993    .2290018
                             BL  |   .0875298   .1153635     0.76   0.448    -.2096269    .3846865
                             BS  |   -.254843   .1069721    -2.38   0.017    -.5303849    .0206988
                             FR  |  -.4775334   .1030259    -4.64   0.000    -.7429105   -.2121564
                             GE  |  -.2937688    .085501    -3.44   0.001    -.5140046   -.0735329
                             GL  |  -.1060686   .2299423    -0.46   0.645    -.6983608    .4862237
                             GR  |   .1320913    .134044     0.99   0.324    -.2131833    .4773659
                             JU  |  -.1831015   .1808943    -1.01   0.311    -.6490544    .2828513
                             LU  |  -.1002957   .0938942    -1.07   0.285    -.3421511    .1415598
                             NE  |   .0010236   .1321634     0.01   0.994    -.3394068    .3414541
                             NW  |   .2753609   .2146462     1.28   0.200     -.277531    .8282527
                             OW  |   .6831951   .2578862     2.65   0.008     .0189243    1.347466
                             SG  |   .0857546   .0966833     0.89   0.375    -.1632851    .3347943
                             SH  |  -.3241302   .1458283    -2.22   0.026    -.6997589    .0514985
                             SO  |   .0166902   .1209425     0.14   0.890     -.294837    .3282175
                             SZ  |   .2248543   .1195617     1.88   0.060    -.0831163    .5328249
                             TG  |   .3028561   .1195055     2.53   0.011    -.0049697     .610682
                             TI  |  -.2129209   .0895607    -2.38   0.017    -.4436138    .0177721
                             UR  |   .4969335   .3349623     1.48   0.138    -.3658721    1.359739
                             VD  |  -.4278007   .0812012    -5.27   0.000    -.6369611   -.2186402
                             VS  |   .0793945   .1019918     0.78   0.436    -.1833189    .3421079
                             ZG  |   .0152319   .0915646     0.17   0.868     -.220623    .2510867
                             ZH  |  -.0479379     .07526    -0.64   0.524    -.2417949    .1459191
                           _cons |   12.39738   .3053851    40.60   0.000     11.61076      13.184
            b) Cluster standard errors by industry, but do not include the industry fixed effects.

            logit bOptingOut i.bNonManagerOwners i.bNonOwnerManagers i.bExtraPpa i.bMinorities3 i.bFamilyOwnedStrict i.bSubsidiary i.bOnlySwissOwners lncapital cntSignatoryPower lnAge avgNoShabPubs i.bHasBranches i.firmCanton, nolog vce(cluster industryCode) level(99)
            In this case the Pseudo R2 decreases somewhat to 0.2489 (as the industries are not considered anymore as independent variables):

            Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =    217,048
                                                            Wald chi2(37)     =   10231.46
                                                            Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
            Log pseudolikelihood = -20363.684               Pseudo R2         =     0.2489
                                              (Std. Err. adjusted for 76 clusters in industryCode)
                                 |               Robust
                      bOptingOut |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [99% Conf. Interval]
             1.bNonManagerOwners |  -.4244449    .086926    -4.88   0.000    -.6483516   -.2005383
             1.bNonOwnerManagers |  -.2349951   .0494157    -4.76   0.000    -.3622815   -.1077088
                     1.bExtraPpa |  -.1612941   .0744183    -2.17   0.030    -.3529829    .0303948
                  1.bMinorities3 |  -.3878242   .2780126    -1.39   0.163    -1.103937    .3282887
            1.bFamilyOwnedStrict |  -.0067955   .0877846    -0.08   0.938    -.2329138    .2193227
                   1.bSubsidiary |  -.9459234   .0836821   -11.30   0.000    -1.161474   -.7303725
              1.bOnlySwissOwners |  -.0339271   .0691737    -0.49   0.624    -.2121067    .1442524
                       lncapital |  -.5078447   .0504619   -10.06   0.000    -.6378259   -.3778635
               cntSignatoryPower |  -.5062302   .0208521   -24.28   0.000    -.5599416   -.4525188
                           lnAge |  -.6022279   .0638934    -9.43   0.000    -.7668065   -.4376493
                   avgNoShabPubs |  -1.138151   .0614058   -18.53   0.000    -1.296322   -.9799803
                  1.bHasBranches |  -1.193102   .1342056    -8.89   0.000    -1.538793   -.8474114
                      firmCanton |
                             AI  |   1.240115   .4926004     2.52   0.012    -.0287391     2.50897
                             AR  |   .2980259   .1947755     1.53   0.126    -.2036824    .7997343
                             BE  |  -.0589271   .0901769    -0.65   0.513    -.2912075    .1733533
                             BL  |   .0592383   .1161268     0.51   0.610    -.2398844     .358361
                             BS  |  -.3693482   .1714296    -2.15   0.031    -.8109215    .0722251
                             FR  |  -.4299275   .1179324    -3.65   0.000    -.7337011   -.1261538
                             GE  |  -.2443703   .1001771    -2.44   0.015    -.5024095    .0136689
                             GL  |   -.071689   .2456319    -0.29   0.770    -.7043949    .5610168
                             GR  |   .1300642   .1731638     0.75   0.453    -.3159762    .5761046
                             JU  |  -.1702695   .2300692    -0.74   0.459    -.7628884    .4223494
                             LU  |   -.080824   .1110989    -0.73   0.467    -.3669958    .2053477
                             NE  |   -.047052   .1225655    -0.38   0.701    -.3627597    .2686557
                             NW  |   .3596254   .2170637     1.66   0.098    -.1994936    .9187445
                             OW  |   .6994519   .2298985     3.04   0.002     .1072727    1.291631
                             SG  |   .1103158   .0725667     1.52   0.128    -.0766036    .2972352
                             SH  |  -.2949557   .2161747    -1.36   0.172     -.851785    .2618736
                             SO  |  -.0257963   .1186887    -0.22   0.828    -.3315181    .2799254
                             SZ  |   .3058508   .0998317     3.06   0.002     .0487014    .5630002
                             TG  |   .3076498   .0928781     3.31   0.001     .0684117    .5468879
                             TI  |  -.1256526   .1131521    -1.11   0.267    -.4171132     .165808
                             UR  |   .5154998   .3591022     1.44   0.151    -.4094861    1.440486
                             VD  |  -.3837973   .0765948    -5.01   0.000    -.5810924   -.1865023
                             VS  |   .1021893   .1342204     0.76   0.446    -.2435396    .4479183
                             ZG  |   .1034611    .120662     0.86   0.391    -.2073436    .4142659
                             ZH  |  -.0496297   .1298575    -0.38   0.702    -.3841205    .2848612
                           _cons |    11.7866   .6126498    19.24   0.000     10.20852    13.36468
            In my humble opinion, the results do not change much from a qualitative point of view: The coefficients of the following variables do not change much and remain significant at the 0.99 level:
            bNonManagerOwners, bNonOwnerManagers, bSubsidiary, lncapital, cntSignatoryPower, lnAge, avgNoShabPubs, bHasBranches

            I am inclined to go for option a) "regular standard errors" but bring up the alternative model b) as part of the robustness discussion.
            What do you think? Does this make sense?

            Kind regards,


            • #7
              I would sponsor code b) as the standard errors are twice (on average) than with a).
              Last edited by Carlo Lazzaro; 19 Apr 2022, 06:47.
              Kind regards,
              (StataNow 18.5)


              • #8
                Thank you very much, Carlo, for your support and valuable guidance, I really appreciate it.

                Kind regards,

