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  • Logistic regression: Variables, transformation, moderation/interaction and interpretation of coefficients

    Dear all,

    I've found really helpful advice in this forum already, so first of all a big thank you to everybody contributing here. Everything I've done so far is self taught, so I'm happy for any advice guiding me into things I should further investigate. I've gathered a few questions (mostly in bold) that hopefully somebody is able to answer since I'm feeling a bit stuck. I can't share the data since it's confidential, I hope you can still help out. If not, I will try to generate dummy data. Sorry for the lengthy post in advance

    • I want to analyze, if certain linguistic cues correlate with a binary outcome, therefore I apply computer aided text analysis to count occurence of words that are related to different intentions.
    • The measure always counts the occurence of specified words (e.g., "support, helpful, reiterate...") and divides this number by the total count of words e.g., of a forum posting, blog article etc. This is then "normalized" to 100 words, so the measure tells you: "Number of words related to intention / 100 words"
    • Let's assume I want to find out, if statalist forum members, that use language related to solving problems (IV1: go_score_n - continuous ) or related to offer emotional support (IV2: ecvo_score_n - continuous) are more likely to become administrators/moderators (DV: furoyn - binary)
    • I also want to analyze, whether different additional linguistic signals moderate those relationships (Mod1: innovativeness_n- continuous, Mod2: Proactiveness_n- continuous, Mod3: risk_taking_n- continuous))
    • I'm using the most current version of Stata
    • I'm using logit
    1: Variables:
    • I'm concerned, that IV1 is 0 in 95% of the observations. There is just not many post including terms related to problem solving at all. I looked at zero inflation, right skewed data and others, but it seems not to be a problem. Should I further investigate here?
    . sum go_score_n
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
      go_score_n |     13,847     .074657    .3567864          0   8.064516
    . sum ecvo_score_n
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    ecvo_score_n |     13,847    2.927646    2.970964          0   22.64151
    . sum furoyn
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
          furoyn |     13,847    .5579548    .4966478          0          1
    . sum innovativeness_n
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    innovative~n |     13,847    .7639856    1.125253          0   11.53846
    . sum proactiveness_n
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    proactiven~n |     13,847     .163814    .5410325          0   7.692308
    . sum risk_taking_n
        Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    risk_takin~n |     13,847    .0687102     .349786          0   7.619048

    2: Standardization of variables
    • IV2 takes higher values than IV1 by design (generally more words related to emotional support)
    • I control for several variables (some binary) that are on different scales (Age of the member, number of posts per member)
    • I hence decided to standardize/Center (mean 0, std. dev. 1) all variables (Except binary) to make the results easier to interpret using
      egen zgo_score = std(go_score_n)
    • This should not change the results of the regression as far as I know and this holds true as long as I don't include interaction terms
    • If I now include interaction terms of different moderators, the results change significantly (p values of innovativeness and proactiveness (line 3+4)), everything else stays unchanged
    • Can anybody explain why this could be the case?

    With z transformation:
    Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     13,742
                                                    LR chi2(106)      =    1692.27
                                                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
    Log likelihood = -8576.1432                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0898
                               furoyn |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                            zgo_score |   .0573774   .0202306     2.84   0.005     .0177261    .0970287
                          zecvo_score |   .0667573   .0202507     3.30   0.001     .0270667    .1064478
                      zinnovativeness |  -.0337875    .018816    -1.80   0.073    -.0706662    .0030912
                       zproactiveness |  -.0512685   .0188153    -2.72   0.006    -.0881458   -.0143913
                         zrisk_taking |   .0579722   .0204958     2.83   0.005     .0178011    .0981433
                       single_founder |  -.3199351   .0609761    -5.25   0.000     -.439446   -.2004242
                      con_team_degree |   .6123062   .0475026    12.89   0.000     .5192028    .7054095
            con_team_previous_venture |   .0386609   .0477949     0.81   0.419    -.0550153    .1323371
              con_team_tech_education |   .2128431   .0525024     4.05   0.000     .1099403    .3157459
          con_team_business_education |  -.1074691   .0527645    -2.04   0.042    -.2108857   -.0040526
                      zcount_founders |   .1913459   .0326648     5.86   0.000     .1273241    .2553676
                          zword_count |  -.0543813   .0183626    -2.96   0.003    -.0903713   -.0183913
                         foundingyear |   .0021185   .0114429     0.19   0.853    -.0203093    .0245462
                               region |
                              Alaska  |  -1.109519   .8046796    -1.38   0.168    -2.686662    .4676237
                             Arizona  |  -.7251805   .4376708    -1.66   0.098       -1.583    .1326386
                            Arkansas  |   .3232572   .5457719     0.59   0.554    -.7464361    1.392951
                          California  |  -.3185187   .3969132    -0.80   0.422    -1.096454    .4594168
                            Colorado  |  -.6014498   .4106057    -1.46   0.143    -1.406222    .2033226
                         Connecticut  |  -.4330013    .465866    -0.93   0.353    -1.346082    .4800793
                            Delaware  |  -.7672515   .4569004    -1.68   0.093     -1.66276    .1282568
                District of Columbia  |   -.690878   .4276217    -1.62   0.106    -1.529001    .1472451
                             Florida  |  -1.010855    .408132    -2.48   0.013    -1.810779   -.2109306
                             Georgia  |  -.7572474   .4176518    -1.81   0.070     -1.57583    .0613351
                              Hawaii  |   .4668803   .6618001     0.71   0.481    -.8302241    1.763985
                               Idaho  |  -.1884798   .6145301    -0.31   0.759    -1.392937    1.015977
                            Illinois  |  -.9273684   .4063148    -2.28   0.022    -1.723731    -.131006
                             Indiana  |  -.2560208   .4787829    -0.53   0.593    -1.194418    .6823765
                                Iowa  |  -.2581004   .6201546    -0.42   0.677    -1.473581    .9573804
                              Kansas  |  -.2179371   .6186952    -0.35   0.725    -1.430557    .9946832
                            Kentucky  |  -.6792111   .4947542    -1.37   0.170    -1.648912    .2904893
                           Louisiana  |  -1.214356   .6802647    -1.79   0.074     -2.54765    .1189382
                               Maine  |    .153582   .7241754     0.21   0.832    -1.265776     1.57294
                            Maryland  |   -.480212     .43328    -1.11   0.268    -1.329425    .3690011
                       Massachusetts  |  -.3841625   .4064893    -0.95   0.345    -1.180867    .4125419
                            Michigan  |  -.8431387   .4462405    -1.89   0.059    -1.717754    .0314765
                           Minnesota  |   -.442101   .4466314    -0.99   0.322    -1.317482    .4332804
                         Mississippi  |          0  (empty)
                            Missouri  |  -.1174401   .4509215    -0.26   0.795     -1.00123    .7663497
                             Montana  |  -1.538069   .9945414    -1.55   0.122    -3.487335     .411196
                            Nebraska  |   .6689198   .5867952     1.14   0.254    -.4811776    1.819017
                              Nevada  |  -1.042005   .4543644    -2.29   0.022    -1.932543   -.1514666
                       New Hampshire  |  -1.173678   .5665448    -2.07   0.038    -2.284085   -.0632702
                          New Jersey  |  -.9301801   .4344686    -2.14   0.032    -1.781723   -.0786372
                          New Mexico  |  -.9545475   .8320588    -1.15   0.251    -2.585353    .6762578
                            New York  |  -.3207621   .3983335    -0.81   0.421    -1.101482    .4599573
                      North Carolina  |  -.4658146   .4251189    -1.10   0.273    -1.299032    .3674031
                        North Dakota  |   -2.44293   1.147913    -2.13   0.033    -4.692797   -.1930628
                                Ohio  |  -.2814488    .433807    -0.65   0.516    -1.131695    .5687973
                            Oklahoma  |  -.2217325   .5522796    -0.40   0.688    -1.304181    .8607156
                              Oregon  |  -.2773838   .4381029    -0.63   0.527     -1.13605    .5812822
                        Pennsylvania  |  -.3560048   .4180474    -0.85   0.394    -1.175363    .4633532
                        Rhode Island  |  -.6084539   .6234432    -0.98   0.329     -1.83038    .6134723
                      South Carolina  |  -.2939946   .5118774    -0.57   0.566    -1.297256    .7092666
                        South Dakota  |  -.5589396   1.131233    -0.49   0.621    -2.776115    1.658236
                           Tennessee  |   .0421886    .438486     0.10   0.923    -.8172281    .9016053
                               Texas  |  -.6331516   .4036925    -1.57   0.117    -1.424374    .1580712
                                Utah  |  -.4721358   .4403477    -1.07   0.284    -1.335201    .3909298
                             Vermont  |    1.67578    1.15223     1.45   0.146    -.5825492    3.934109
                            Virginia  |  -.4078477    .425317    -0.96   0.338    -1.241454    .4257584
                          Washington  |  -.2937702   .4100078    -0.72   0.474    -1.097371    .5098304
                           Wisconsin  |   .1017823   .4835633     0.21   0.833    -.8459843    1.049549
                             Wyoming  |  -.2999933   .7248317    -0.41   0.679    -1.720637    1.120651
                            industry1 |
                         Advertising  |   -.325256   .1719015    -1.89   0.058    -.6621767    .0116647
             Agriculture and Farming  |   .8336457   .2669505     3.12   0.002     .3104324    1.356859
                                Apps  |   .0223488    .163654     0.14   0.891    -.2984071    .3431047
             Artificial Intelligence  |   .5262165   .1693271     3.11   0.002     .1943414    .8580915
                       Biotechnology  |   .9522141   .2025336     4.70   0.000     .5552554    1.349173
                Clothing and Apparel  |  -.0796111   .1914206    -0.42   0.677    -.4547886    .2955664
               Commerce and Shopping  |  -.0517229   .1639394    -0.32   0.752    -.3730382    .2695924
             Community and Lifestyle  |  -.3504756   .1795559    -1.95   0.051    -.7023986    .0014475
                Consumer Electronics  |    .519147    .181004     2.87   0.004     .1643856    .8739084
                      Consumer Goods  |   .3690071   .2614281     1.41   0.158    -.1433826    .8813967
              Content and Publishing  |  -.4925994   .1872672    -2.63   0.009    -.8596363   -.1255624
                  Data and Analytics  |   .0854468   .1712017     0.50   0.618    -.2501024     .420996
                              Design  |  -.8222705   .2427893    -3.39   0.001    -1.298129   -.3464123
                           Education  |  -.5124529   .1779941    -2.88   0.004    -.8613149    -.163591
                              Energy  |  -.0274701    .262089    -0.10   0.917    -.5411551    .4862149
                              Events  |  -.5981025   .2268772    -2.64   0.008    -1.042774   -.1534313
                  Financial Services  |  -.1599506   .1690107    -0.95   0.344    -.4912055    .1713043
                   Food and Beverage  |   .4842532   .2271892     2.13   0.033     .0389706    .9295359
                              Gaming  |   .0481925   .2457615     0.20   0.845    -.4334913    .5298763
             Government and Military  |  -.0933653   .3277165    -0.28   0.776    -.7356777    .5489472
                            Hardware  |   .2492227   .1899067     1.31   0.189    -.1229875     .621433
                         Health Care  |   .2881997   .1743739     1.65   0.098    -.0535667    .6299662
              Information Technology  |  -.2723342   .1713707    -1.59   0.112    -.6082147    .0635463
                   Internet Services  |   -.305543     .17835    -1.71   0.087    -.6551026    .0440165
                       Manufacturing  |   .2425024   .3271221     0.74   0.458     -.398645    .8836499
             Media and Entertainment  |  -.5598453   .2147598    -2.61   0.009    -.9807668   -.1389239
    Messaging and Telecommunications  |  -.4363826   1.462768    -0.30   0.765    -3.303355     2.43059
                              Mobile  |  -.2656979   .2275671    -1.17   0.243    -.7117213    .1803255
                   Natural Resources  |          0  (empty)
              Navigation and Mapping  |   .2282353   .9033722     0.25   0.801    -1.542342    1.998812
                           Platforms  |          0  (empty)
                Privacy and Security  |  -.8363825   .6651409    -1.26   0.209    -2.140035    .4672696
               Professional Services  |  -.8785513   .2525927    -3.48   0.001    -1.373624   -.3834787
                         Real Estate  |  -.4114463   .2387765    -1.72   0.085    -.8794397    .0565471
                 Sales and Marketing  |  -1.337407   .3007298    -4.45   0.000    -1.926826   -.7479872
             Science and Engineering  |   .0059357   .5217708     0.01   0.991    -1.016716    1.028588
                            Software  |  -.6327325   .2042772    -3.10   0.002    -1.033108   -.2323566
                              Sports  |  -.5129398    .386754    -1.33   0.185    -1.270964    .2450841
                      Sustainability  |  -.7314088   .6993522    -1.05   0.296    -2.102114    .6392963
                      Transportation  |  -.1276911   .2870238    -0.44   0.656    -.6902473    .4348651
                  Travel and Tourism  |   -.905871    .315702    -2.87   0.004    -1.524636   -.2871064
        c.zgo_score#c.zinnovativeness |  -.0141557   .0194638    -0.73   0.467     -.052304    .0239926
         c.zgo_score#c.zproactiveness |  -.0353104   .0250604    -1.41   0.159     -.084428    .0138071
           c.zgo_score#c.zrisk_taking |   .0585036   .0368148     1.59   0.112    -.0136521    .1306593
      c.zecvo_score#c.zinnovativeness |   .0018892   .0201918     0.09   0.925     -.037686    .0414644
       c.zecvo_score#c.zproactiveness |  -.0585501   .0189837    -3.08   0.002    -.0957574   -.0213428
         c.zecvo_score#c.zrisk_taking |  -.0370386   .0186474    -1.99   0.047    -.0735869   -.0004903
                                _cons |  -3.756265   23.06196    -0.16   0.871    -48.95688    41.44435

    Without z transformation:
    Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     13,742
                                                    LR chi2(106)      =    1692.63
                                                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
    Log likelihood = -8575.9622                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0898
                               furoyn |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                           go_score_n |   .1857598   .0651084     2.85   0.004     .0581498    .3133698
                         ecvo_score_n |   .0304762   .0081967     3.72   0.000     .0144111    .0465413
                     innovativeness_n |  -.0290167   .0225704    -1.29   0.199    -.0732539    .0152206
                      proactiveness_n |   .0254278    .047654     0.53   0.594    -.0679723     .118828
                        risk_taking_n |    .234966   .0834066     2.82   0.005     .0714921    .3984398
                       single_founder |  -.3206551   .0609715    -5.26   0.000    -.4401571    -.201153
                      con_team_degree |   .6121687   .0475049    12.89   0.000     .5190608    .7052766
            con_team_previous_venture |   .0385023   .0477944     0.81   0.420    -.0551729    .1321775
              con_team_tech_education |   .2134653    .052501     4.07   0.000     .1105653    .3163654
          con_team_business_education |  -.1083126   .0527666    -2.05   0.040    -.2117332   -.0048921
                   con_count_founders |   .1973004   .0337704     5.84   0.000     .1311117    .2634891
                       con_word_count |  -.0008846   .0002945    -3.00   0.003    -.0014618   -.0003075
                         foundingyear |   .0022315   .0114411     0.20   0.845    -.0201927    .0246557
                               region |
                              Alaska  |  -1.109111   .8047711    -1.38   0.168    -2.686434     .468211
                             Arizona  |  -.7249093   .4377157    -1.66   0.098    -1.582816    .1329978
                            Arkansas  |   .3393901   .5460102     0.62   0.534    -.7307703    1.409551
                          California  |  -.3174591   .3969562    -0.80   0.424    -1.095479    .4605606
                            Colorado  |  -.5999918    .410643    -1.46   0.144    -1.404837    .2048537
                         Connecticut  |   -.432064    .465898    -0.93   0.354    -1.345207    .4810793
                            Delaware  |  -.7621999    .456989    -1.67   0.095    -1.657882    .1334821
                District of Columbia  |  -.6909295   .4276567    -1.62   0.106    -1.529121    .1472623
                             Florida  |  -1.008612   .4081808    -2.47   0.013    -1.808632   -.2085927
                             Georgia  |  -.7568877   .4176902    -1.81   0.070    -1.575545    .0617701
                              Hawaii  |   .4645618   .6618281     0.70   0.483    -.8325973    1.761721
                               Idaho  |  -.1881197   .6145961    -0.31   0.760    -1.392706    1.016467
                            Illinois  |  -.9261033   .4063537    -2.28   0.023    -1.722542   -.1296647
                             Indiana  |  -.2501133   .4788137    -0.52   0.601    -1.188571    .6883443
                                Iowa  |  -.2580802   .6201997    -0.42   0.677    -1.473649     .957489
                              Kansas  |  -.2162479    .618802    -0.35   0.727    -1.429078    .9965817
                            Kentucky  |  -.6796527   .4947599    -1.37   0.170    -1.649364    .2900588
                           Louisiana  |  -1.212405   .6802093    -1.78   0.075     -2.54559     .120781
                               Maine  |   .1536597    .724234     0.21   0.832    -1.265813    1.573132
                            Maryland  |   -.479964   .4333462    -1.11   0.268    -1.329307    .3693789
                       Massachusetts  |  -.3830277   .4065299    -0.94   0.346    -1.179812    .4137562
                            Michigan  |  -.8424482   .4462722    -1.89   0.059    -1.717126    .0322291
                           Minnesota  |  -.4407286   .4466884    -0.99   0.324    -1.316222    .4347647
                         Mississippi  |          0  (empty)
                            Missouri  |  -.1165391   .4509421    -0.26   0.796    -1.000369    .7672912
                             Montana  |  -1.540827    .994091    -1.55   0.121    -3.489209     .407556
                            Nebraska  |   .6693885   .5868211     1.14   0.254    -.4807597    1.819537
                              Nevada  |  -1.039474   .4544065    -2.29   0.022    -1.930094   -.1488536
                       New Hampshire  |  -1.176375   .5664964    -2.08   0.038    -2.286688   -.0660625
                          New Jersey  |  -.9297181   .4344896    -2.14   0.032    -1.781302   -.0781342
                          New Mexico  |  -.9611424   .8323167    -1.15   0.248    -2.592453    .6701684
                            New York  |  -.3195699   .3983761    -0.80   0.422    -1.100373    .4612329
                      North Carolina  |  -.4638198   .4251485    -1.09   0.275    -1.297096     .369456
                        North Dakota  |  -2.438739   1.147858    -2.12   0.034      -4.6885   -.1889781
                                Ohio  |  -.2810673   .4338334    -0.65   0.517    -1.131365    .5692305
                            Oklahoma  |  -.2231829   .5522519    -0.40   0.686    -1.305577     .859211
                              Oregon  |   -.273123   .4382201    -0.62   0.533    -1.132019    .5857727
                        Pennsylvania  |  -.3555153   .4180836    -0.85   0.395    -1.174944    .4639134
                        Rhode Island  |  -.6073499   .6234847    -0.97   0.330    -1.829357    .6146577
                      South Carolina  |  -.2950072   .5118405    -0.58   0.564    -1.298196    .7081818
                        South Dakota  |   -.557638   1.131027    -0.49   0.622    -2.774411    1.659135
                           Tennessee  |   .0420345   .4385161     0.10   0.924    -.8174412    .9015101
                               Texas  |   -.629307   .4037416    -1.56   0.119    -1.420626    .1620121
                                Utah  |  -.4716458   .4403674    -1.07   0.284     -1.33475    .3914586
                             Vermont  |   1.672156   1.152024     1.45   0.147     -.585769    3.930081
                            Virginia  |  -.4056221   .4253884    -0.95   0.340    -1.239368    .4281238
                          Washington  |  -.2928753   .4100479    -0.71   0.475    -1.096554    .5108039
                           Wisconsin  |    .107011   .4836524     0.22   0.825    -.8409303    1.054952
                             Wyoming  |  -.3031328    .724674    -0.42   0.676    -1.723468    1.117202
                            industry1 |
                         Advertising  |  -.3235814   .1718969    -1.88   0.060    -.6604931    .0133302
             Agriculture and Farming  |   .8334421   .2669152     3.12   0.002      .310298    1.356586
                                Apps  |   .0245531   .1636442     0.15   0.881    -.2961836    .3452898
             Artificial Intelligence  |   .5269334   .1693098     3.11   0.002     .1950923    .8587745
                       Biotechnology  |   .9526859   .2025142     4.70   0.000     .5557655    1.349606
                Clothing and Apparel  |  -.0786473   .1914114    -0.41   0.681    -.4538068    .2965122
               Commerce and Shopping  |  -.0502132    .163925    -0.31   0.759    -.3715003    .2710739
             Community and Lifestyle  |  -.3506888   .1795289    -1.95   0.051    -.7025591    .0011815
                Consumer Electronics  |   .5191581    .180977     2.87   0.004     .1644497    .8738664
                      Consumer Goods  |   .3713495   .2614782     1.42   0.156    -.1411384    .8838373
              Content and Publishing  |  -.4915518   .1872494    -2.63   0.009    -.8585539   -.1245496
                  Data and Analytics  |   .0860204   .1711798     0.50   0.615    -.2494858    .4215265
                              Design  |  -.8209494   .2427359    -3.38   0.001    -1.296703   -.3451959
                           Education  |  -.5116925   .1779732    -2.88   0.004    -.8605136   -.1628714
                              Energy  |  -.0266922    .262059    -0.10   0.919    -.5403183    .4869339
                              Events  |  -.5980316   .2268579    -2.64   0.008    -1.042665   -.1533983
                  Financial Services  |  -.1580492    .168994    -0.94   0.350    -.4892713    .1731729
                   Food and Beverage  |   .4862599   .2271832     2.14   0.032      .040989    .9315308
                              Gaming  |   .0474327   .2457226     0.19   0.847    -.4341747    .5290401
             Government and Military  |  -.0926754   .3276943    -0.28   0.777    -.7349444    .5495936
                            Hardware  |   .2505003   .1898872     1.32   0.187    -.1216718    .6226725
                         Health Care  |   .2897721   .1743523     1.66   0.097    -.0519522    .6314964
              Information Technology  |  -.2716878   .1713481    -1.59   0.113    -.6075239    .0641483
                   Internet Services  |  -.3034245    .178332    -1.70   0.089    -.6529487    .0460997
                       Manufacturing  |   .2436891   .3270453     0.75   0.456    -.3973079    .8846861
             Media and Entertainment  |  -.5577907   .2147538    -2.60   0.009    -.9787004   -.1368811
    Messaging and Telecommunications  |  -.4438552   1.462689    -0.30   0.762    -3.310673    2.422963
                              Mobile  |  -.2658972   .2275387    -1.17   0.243    -.7118648    .1800705
                   Natural Resources  |          0  (empty)
              Navigation and Mapping  |     .23026    .903679     0.25   0.799    -1.540918    2.001438
                           Platforms  |          0  (empty)
                Privacy and Security  |  -.8250114   .6663974    -1.24   0.216    -2.131126    .4811036
               Professional Services  |  -.8783809   .2525578    -3.48   0.001    -1.373385   -.3833767
                         Real Estate  |  -.4079659   .2387648    -1.71   0.088    -.8759362    .0600044
                 Sales and Marketing  |  -1.338194   .3006448    -4.45   0.000    -1.927447   -.7489409
             Science and Engineering  |   .0078115   .5217189     0.01   0.988    -1.014739    1.030362
                            Software  |  -.6324878   .2042539    -3.10   0.002    -1.032818   -.2321575
                              Sports  |  -.5118419   .3867198    -1.32   0.186    -1.269799     .246115
                      Sustainability  |   -.727901   .6994042    -1.04   0.298    -2.098708    .6429062
                      Transportation  |  -.1287526   .2870052    -0.45   0.654    -.6912724    .4337672
                  Travel and Tourism  |  -.9046213   .3156622    -2.87   0.004    -1.523308   -.2859346
      c.go_score_n#c.innovativeness_n |  -.0352607   .0484613    -0.73   0.467     -.130243    .0597217
       c.go_score_n#c.proactiveness_n |  -.1833083   .1298296    -1.41   0.158    -.4377696     .071153
         c.go_score_n#c.risk_taking_n |    .466917    .294718     1.58   0.113    -.1107196    1.044554
    c.ecvo_score_n#c.innovativeness_n |   .0005422   .0060391     0.09   0.928    -.0112942    .0123786
     c.ecvo_score_n#c.proactiveness_n |  -.0364081    .011813    -3.08   0.002    -.0595611   -.0132551
       c.ecvo_score_n#c.risk_taking_n |   -.035593   .0179387    -1.98   0.047    -.0707521   -.0004339
                                _cons |  -4.327526   23.06105    -0.19   0.851    -49.52635     40.8713


  • #2
    3: Moderation effects
    • Based on the significant p values between ecvo_score and proactiveness in the regression above (third line from bottom) I decided to investigate further using margins
    • Testing the slope of high and low moderator scenarios. I used 0.5 SD distance (lower bound is 0) from the mean but have found different measures- how to determine the two right "anchor points"?
      • Code:
         margins, dydx(ecvo_score_n) at(proactiveness=( 0 0.4)) // 0 and1 0.5 SDs above, both significant, higher values not significant
        		Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     =     13,742
        		Model VCE    : OIM
        		Expression   : Pr(furoyn), predict()
        		dy/dx w.r.t. : ecvo_score_n
        		1._at        : proactiven~n    =           0
        		2._at        : proactiven~n    =          .4
        		             |            Delta-method
        		             |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        		ecvo_score_n |
        		         _at |
        		          1  |   .0062226   .0015443     4.03   0.000     .0031958    .0092495
        		          2  |   .0030697   .0015968     1.92   0.055      -.00006    .0061994
    • Moderation plot: the same question- how to determine the two right "anchor points"?
      • Code:
         margins, at (ecvo_score_n =(0 4.5) proactiveness=( 0 0.4))
        		Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =     13,742
        		Model VCE    : OIM
        		Expression   : Pr(furoyn), predict()
        		1._at        : ecvo_score_n    =           0
        		               proactiven~n    =           0
        		2._at        : ecvo_score_n    =           0
        		               proactiven~n    =          .4
        		3._at        : ecvo_score_n    =         4.5
        		               proactiven~n    =           0
        		4._at        : ecvo_score_n    =         4.5
        		               proactiven~n    =          .4
        		             |            Delta-method
        		             |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        		         _at |
        		          1  |   .5464024    .006136    89.05   0.000     .5343761    .5584287
        		          2  |   .5474812   .0063472    86.26   0.000      .535041    .5599214
        		          3  |   .5744697   .0048572   118.27   0.000     .5649498    .5839895
        		          4  |   .5613198   .0051118   109.81   0.000      .551301    .5713387

    4: Interpretation of results
    • I want to make sure, I interpret the results correctly (sorry if this has been answered numerous times, I'm trying to synthesize what I've read so far)
    • I'm using a simplified model, z transformed/centered and standard data and logit as well as logistic, all the code is shown below
    • 1st case: logistic+non centered:
      • Code:
        logistic furoyn go_score_n ecvo_score_n  
        		Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     13,847
        		                                                LR chi2(2)        =      14.62
        		                                                Prob > chi2       =     0.0007
        		Log likelihood = -9497.4744                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0008
        		      furoyn | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        		  go_score_n |   1.185904   .0599388     3.37   0.001     1.074058    1.309398
        		ecvo_score_n |   1.009719   .0058356     1.67   0.094     .9983457    1.021221
        		       _cons |   1.211906   .0294574     7.91   0.000     1.155524    1.271039
      • Interpretation: Odds ratio for go_score =0 and ecvo_score=0 is 1.211: Odds to become a moderator are 1.2 times larger than to no become a moderator
      • For increase of 1 of go_score_n the new odds ratio equals odds ratio (mean)*1.186 (the odds ratio (mean) equals 1.26). so new odds ratio after increase of 1 of go_score equals 1.26*1.185= 1.493?
    • 2nd case: logistic + centered
      • Code:
        logistic furoyn zgo_score zecvo_score 
        		Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     13,847
        		                                                LR chi2(2)        =      14.62
        		                                                Prob > chi2       =     0.0007
        		Log likelihood = -9497.4744                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0008
        		      furoyn | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        		   zgo_score |   1.062723    .019164     3.37   0.001     1.025818    1.100955
        		 zecvo_score |   1.029151   .0176709     1.67   0.094     .9950932    1.064375
        		       _cons |   1.262683   .0216196    13.62   0.000     1.221013    1.305776
        		Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
      • Interpretation: the constant now shows the odds ratio at the mean of the original data (since the mean of the ztransfomed variables is 0)
      • Is there another smart interpretation? Can I derive from here, that the effect of icnrease of go_score is approx. twice as large as the effect from increaing ecvo_score (1.06 vs 1.03)?
    • 3d+4th case: as above, but using Logit instead logistic: same logic, but all values are express in log(odds) instead of odds
    Thanks to all of you who made it this far and hope I could structure my thoughts in a way that other might learn from it


    • #3
      I have two asides:
      1) with such a sky-rocketing number of observations, I suspect that default standard errors are not the way to go;
      2) did you -testparm- the joint statistical significance of your ctagorical predictors?
      3) your Pseudo_R2 are really low. Are you sure that your regression is correctly specified?
      Kind regards,
      (StataNow 18.5)


      • #4
        Dear Carlo, thanks a lot for the input!
        1) Very helpful, I've been looking at robust and region clustered standard errors now and learned a few new things. Results don't change significantly though.
        2) I don't fully understand- I previously used testparm to evaluate interaction effects.- are you suggesting I should include interaction effects of my predictors (why do you only mention categorical?) and check if they are significant?

        Also, any hints why the results between the normal data and the ztransformed data changes?


        • #5
          2) I meant something along the following lines:
          testparm i.region
          Looking at pseudo R_sq values, your models are not that different, regardless ztransformation.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Thanks again! I will look into that again, your suggestion yields
            chi2( 48) =  168.54
                     Prob > chi2 =    0.0000
            Agree on the pseudo R2, but the p-value of the predictors also used for interaction effects (innovativeness, proactiveness, risk taking - line 3,4,5 in examples above) change significantly and I just can't figure out why this is the case. This only happens if i add the interaction terms (go_Score#innovativenes.. etc) to the model.
            asted from above:

            With z transformation:

            Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     13,742
                                                            LR chi2(106)      =    1692.27
                                                            Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
            Log likelihood = -8576.1432                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0898
                                       furoyn |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                    zgo_score |   .0573774   .0202306     2.84   0.005     .0177261    .0970287
                                  zecvo_score |   .0667573   .0202507     3.30   0.001     .0270667    .1064478
                              zinnovativeness |  -.0337875    .018816    -1.80   0.073    -.0706662    .0030912
                               zproactiveness |  -.0512685   .0188153    -2.72   0.006    -.0881458   -.0143913
                                 zrisk_taking |   .0579722   .0204958     2.83   0.005     .0178011    .0981433
                               single_founder |  -.3199351   .0609761    -5.25   0.000     -.439446   -.2004242
                              con_team_degree |   .6123062   .0475026    12.89   0.000     .5192028    .7054095
                    con_team_previous_venture |   .0386609   .0477949     0.81   0.419    -.0550153    .1323371
                      con_team_tech_education |   .2128431   .0525024     4.05   0.000     .1099403    .3157459
                  con_team_business_education |  -.1074691   .0527645    -2.04   0.042    -.2108857   -.0040526
                              zcount_founders |   .1913459   .0326648     5.86   0.000     .1273241    .2553676
                                  zword_count |  -.0543813   .0183626    -2.96   0.003    -.0903713   -.0183913
                                 foundingyear |   .0021185   .0114429     0.19   0.853    -.0203093    .0245462
                                       region |
                                      Alaska  |  -1.109519   .8046796    -1.38   0.168    -2.686662    .4676237
                                     Arizona  |  -.7251805   .4376708    -1.66   0.098       -1.583    .1326386
                                    Arkansas  |   .3232572   .5457719     0.59   0.554    -.7464361    1.392951
                                  California  |  -.3185187   .3969132    -0.80   0.422    -1.096454    .4594168
                                    Colorado  |  -.6014498   .4106057    -1.46   0.143    -1.406222    .2033226
                                 Connecticut  |  -.4330013    .465866    -0.93   0.353    -1.346082    .4800793
                                    Delaware  |  -.7672515   .4569004    -1.68   0.093     -1.66276    .1282568
                        District of Columbia  |   -.690878   .4276217    -1.62   0.106    -1.529001    .1472451
                                     Florida  |  -1.010855    .408132    -2.48   0.013    -1.810779   -.2109306
                                     Georgia  |  -.7572474   .4176518    -1.81   0.070     -1.57583    .0613351
                                      Hawaii  |   .4668803   .6618001     0.71   0.481    -.8302241    1.763985
                                       Idaho  |  -.1884798   .6145301    -0.31   0.759    -1.392937    1.015977
                                    Illinois  |  -.9273684   .4063148    -2.28   0.022    -1.723731    -.131006
                                     Indiana  |  -.2560208   .4787829    -0.53   0.593    -1.194418    .6823765
                                        Iowa  |  -.2581004   .6201546    -0.42   0.677    -1.473581    .9573804
                                      Kansas  |  -.2179371   .6186952    -0.35   0.725    -1.430557    .9946832
                                    Kentucky  |  -.6792111   .4947542    -1.37   0.170    -1.648912    .2904893
                                   Louisiana  |  -1.214356   .6802647    -1.79   0.074     -2.54765    .1189382
                                       Maine  |    .153582   .7241754     0.21   0.832    -1.265776     1.57294
                                    Maryland  |   -.480212     .43328    -1.11   0.268    -1.329425    .3690011
                               Massachusetts  |  -.3841625   .4064893    -0.95   0.345    -1.180867    .4125419
                                    Michigan  |  -.8431387   .4462405    -1.89   0.059    -1.717754    .0314765
                                   Minnesota  |   -.442101   .4466314    -0.99   0.322    -1.317482    .4332804
                                 Mississippi  |          0  (empty)
                                    Missouri  |  -.1174401   .4509215    -0.26   0.795     -1.00123    .7663497
                                     Montana  |  -1.538069   .9945414    -1.55   0.122    -3.487335     .411196
                                    Nebraska  |   .6689198   .5867952     1.14   0.254    -.4811776    1.819017
                                      Nevada  |  -1.042005   .4543644    -2.29   0.022    -1.932543   -.1514666
                               New Hampshire  |  -1.173678   .5665448    -2.07   0.038    -2.284085   -.0632702
                                  New Jersey  |  -.9301801   .4344686    -2.14   0.032    -1.781723   -.0786372
                                  New Mexico  |  -.9545475   .8320588    -1.15   0.251    -2.585353    .6762578
                                    New York  |  -.3207621   .3983335    -0.81   0.421    -1.101482    .4599573
                              North Carolina  |  -.4658146   .4251189    -1.10   0.273    -1.299032    .3674031
                                North Dakota  |   -2.44293   1.147913    -2.13   0.033    -4.692797   -.1930628
                                        Ohio  |  -.2814488    .433807    -0.65   0.516    -1.131695    .5687973
                                    Oklahoma  |  -.2217325   .5522796    -0.40   0.688    -1.304181    .8607156
                                      Oregon  |  -.2773838   .4381029    -0.63   0.527     -1.13605    .5812822
                                Pennsylvania  |  -.3560048   .4180474    -0.85   0.394    -1.175363    .4633532
                                Rhode Island  |  -.6084539   .6234432    -0.98   0.329     -1.83038    .6134723
                              South Carolina  |  -.2939946   .5118774    -0.57   0.566    -1.297256    .7092666
                                South Dakota  |  -.5589396   1.131233    -0.49   0.621    -2.776115    1.658236
                                   Tennessee  |   .0421886    .438486     0.10   0.923    -.8172281    .9016053
                                       Texas  |  -.6331516   .4036925    -1.57   0.117    -1.424374    .1580712
                                        Utah  |  -.4721358   .4403477    -1.07   0.284    -1.335201    .3909298
                                     Vermont  |    1.67578    1.15223     1.45   0.146    -.5825492    3.934109
                                    Virginia  |  -.4078477    .425317    -0.96   0.338    -1.241454    .4257584
                                  Washington  |  -.2937702   .4100078    -0.72   0.474    -1.097371    .5098304
                                   Wisconsin  |   .1017823   .4835633     0.21   0.833    -.8459843    1.049549
                                     Wyoming  |  -.2999933   .7248317    -0.41   0.679    -1.720637    1.120651
                                    industry1 |
                                 Advertising  |   -.325256   .1719015    -1.89   0.058    -.6621767    .0116647
                     Agriculture and Farming  |   .8336457   .2669505     3.12   0.002     .3104324    1.356859
                                        Apps  |   .0223488    .163654     0.14   0.891    -.2984071    .3431047
                     Artificial Intelligence  |   .5262165   .1693271     3.11   0.002     .1943414    .8580915
                               Biotechnology  |   .9522141   .2025336     4.70   0.000     .5552554    1.349173
                        Clothing and Apparel  |  -.0796111   .1914206    -0.42   0.677    -.4547886    .2955664
                       Commerce and Shopping  |  -.0517229   .1639394    -0.32   0.752    -.3730382    .2695924
                     Community and Lifestyle  |  -.3504756   .1795559    -1.95   0.051    -.7023986    .0014475
                        Consumer Electronics  |    .519147    .181004     2.87   0.004     .1643856    .8739084
                              Consumer Goods  |   .3690071   .2614281     1.41   0.158    -.1433826    .8813967
                      Content and Publishing  |  -.4925994   .1872672    -2.63   0.009    -.8596363   -.1255624
                          Data and Analytics  |   .0854468   .1712017     0.50   0.618    -.2501024     .420996
                                      Design  |  -.8222705   .2427893    -3.39   0.001    -1.298129   -.3464123
                                   Education  |  -.5124529   .1779941    -2.88   0.004    -.8613149    -.163591
                                      Energy  |  -.0274701    .262089    -0.10   0.917    -.5411551    .4862149
                                      Events  |  -.5981025   .2268772    -2.64   0.008    -1.042774   -.1534313
                          Financial Services  |  -.1599506   .1690107    -0.95   0.344    -.4912055    .1713043
                           Food and Beverage  |   .4842532   .2271892     2.13   0.033     .0389706    .9295359
                                      Gaming  |   .0481925   .2457615     0.20   0.845    -.4334913    .5298763
                     Government and Military  |  -.0933653   .3277165    -0.28   0.776    -.7356777    .5489472
                                    Hardware  |   .2492227   .1899067     1.31   0.189    -.1229875     .621433
                                 Health Care  |   .2881997   .1743739     1.65   0.098    -.0535667    .6299662
                      Information Technology  |  -.2723342   .1713707    -1.59   0.112    -.6082147    .0635463
                           Internet Services  |   -.305543     .17835    -1.71   0.087    -.6551026    .0440165
                               Manufacturing  |   .2425024   .3271221     0.74   0.458     -.398645    .8836499
                     Media and Entertainment  |  -.5598453   .2147598    -2.61   0.009    -.9807668   -.1389239
            Messaging and Telecommunications  |  -.4363826   1.462768    -0.30   0.765    -3.303355     2.43059
                                      Mobile  |  -.2656979   .2275671    -1.17   0.243    -.7117213    .1803255
                           Natural Resources  |          0  (empty)
                      Navigation and Mapping  |   .2282353   .9033722     0.25   0.801    -1.542342    1.998812
                                   Platforms  |          0  (empty)
                        Privacy and Security  |  -.8363825   .6651409    -1.26   0.209    -2.140035    .4672696
                       Professional Services  |  -.8785513   .2525927    -3.48   0.001    -1.373624   -.3834787
                                 Real Estate  |  -.4114463   .2387765    -1.72   0.085    -.8794397    .0565471
                         Sales and Marketing  |  -1.337407   .3007298    -4.45   0.000    -1.926826   -.7479872
                     Science and Engineering  |   .0059357   .5217708     0.01   0.991    -1.016716    1.028588
                                    Software  |  -.6327325   .2042772    -3.10   0.002    -1.033108   -.2323566
                                      Sports  |  -.5129398    .386754    -1.33   0.185    -1.270964    .2450841
                              Sustainability  |  -.7314088   .6993522    -1.05   0.296    -2.102114    .6392963
                              Transportation  |  -.1276911   .2870238    -0.44   0.656    -.6902473    .4348651
                          Travel and Tourism  |   -.905871    .315702    -2.87   0.004    -1.524636   -.2871064
                c.zgo_score#c.zinnovativeness |  -.0141557   .0194638    -0.73   0.467     -.052304    .0239926
                 c.zgo_score#c.zproactiveness |  -.0353104   .0250604    -1.41   0.159     -.084428    .0138071
                   c.zgo_score#c.zrisk_taking |   .0585036   .0368148     1.59   0.112    -.0136521    .1306593
              c.zecvo_score#c.zinnovativeness |   .0018892   .0201918     0.09   0.925     -.037686    .0414644
               c.zecvo_score#c.zproactiveness |  -.0585501   .0189837    -3.08   0.002    -.0957574   -.0213428
                 c.zecvo_score#c.zrisk_taking |  -.0370386   .0186474    -1.99   0.047    -.0735869   -.0004903
                                        _cons |  -3.756265   23.06196    -0.16   0.871    -48.95688    41.44435
            Without z transformation:
            Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     13,742
                                                            LR chi2(106)      =    1692.63
                                                            Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
            Log likelihood = -8575.9622                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0898
                                       furoyn |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                   go_score_n |   .1857598   .0651084     2.85   0.004     .0581498    .3133698
                                 ecvo_score_n |   .0304762   .0081967     3.72   0.000     .0144111    .0465413
                             innovativeness_n |  -.0290167   .0225704    -1.29   0.199    -.0732539    .0152206
                              proactiveness_n |   .0254278    .047654     0.53   0.594    -.0679723     .118828
                                risk_taking_n |    .234966   .0834066     2.82   0.005     .0714921    .3984398
                               single_founder |  -.3206551   .0609715    -5.26   0.000    -.4401571    -.201153
                              con_team_degree |   .6121687   .0475049    12.89   0.000     .5190608    .7052766
                    con_team_previous_venture |   .0385023   .0477944     0.81   0.420    -.0551729    .1321775
                      con_team_tech_education |   .2134653    .052501     4.07   0.000     .1105653    .3163654
                  con_team_business_education |  -.1083126   .0527666    -2.05   0.040    -.2117332   -.0048921
                           con_count_founders |   .1973004   .0337704     5.84   0.000     .1311117    .2634891
                               con_word_count |  -.0008846   .0002945    -3.00   0.003    -.0014618   -.0003075
                                 foundingyear |   .0022315   .0114411     0.20   0.845    -.0201927    .0246557
                                       region |
                                      Alaska  |  -1.109111   .8047711    -1.38   0.168    -2.686434     .468211
                                     Arizona  |  -.7249093   .4377157    -1.66   0.098    -1.582816    .1329978
                                    Arkansas  |   .3393901   .5460102     0.62   0.534    -.7307703    1.409551
                                  California  |  -.3174591   .3969562    -0.80   0.424    -1.095479    .4605606
                                    Colorado  |  -.5999918    .410643    -1.46   0.144    -1.404837    .2048537
                                 Connecticut  |   -.432064    .465898    -0.93   0.354    -1.345207    .4810793
                                    Delaware  |  -.7621999    .456989    -1.67   0.095    -1.657882    .1334821
                        District of Columbia  |  -.6909295   .4276567    -1.62   0.106    -1.529121    .1472623
                                     Florida  |  -1.008612   .4081808    -2.47   0.013    -1.808632   -.2085927
                                     Georgia  |  -.7568877   .4176902    -1.81   0.070    -1.575545    .0617701
                                      Hawaii  |   .4645618   .6618281     0.70   0.483    -.8325973    1.761721
                                       Idaho  |  -.1881197   .6145961    -0.31   0.760    -1.392706    1.016467
                                    Illinois  |  -.9261033   .4063537    -2.28   0.023    -1.722542   -.1296647
                                     Indiana  |  -.2501133   .4788137    -0.52   0.601    -1.188571    .6883443
                                        Iowa  |  -.2580802   .6201997    -0.42   0.677    -1.473649     .957489
                                      Kansas  |  -.2162479    .618802    -0.35   0.727    -1.429078    .9965817
                                    Kentucky  |  -.6796527   .4947599    -1.37   0.170    -1.649364    .2900588
                                   Louisiana  |  -1.212405   .6802093    -1.78   0.075     -2.54559     .120781
                                       Maine  |   .1536597    .724234     0.21   0.832    -1.265813    1.573132
                                    Maryland  |   -.479964   .4333462    -1.11   0.268    -1.329307    .3693789
                               Massachusetts  |  -.3830277   .4065299    -0.94   0.346    -1.179812    .4137562
                                    Michigan  |  -.8424482   .4462722    -1.89   0.059    -1.717126    .0322291
                                   Minnesota  |  -.4407286   .4466884    -0.99   0.324    -1.316222    .4347647
                                 Mississippi  |          0  (empty)
                                    Missouri  |  -.1165391   .4509421    -0.26   0.796    -1.000369    .7672912
                                     Montana  |  -1.540827    .994091    -1.55   0.121    -3.489209     .407556
                                    Nebraska  |   .6693885   .5868211     1.14   0.254    -.4807597    1.819537
                                      Nevada  |  -1.039474   .4544065    -2.29   0.022    -1.930094   -.1488536
                               New Hampshire  |  -1.176375   .5664964    -2.08   0.038    -2.286688   -.0660625
                                  New Jersey  |  -.9297181   .4344896    -2.14   0.032    -1.781302   -.0781342
                                  New Mexico  |  -.9611424   .8323167    -1.15   0.248    -2.592453    .6701684
                                    New York  |  -.3195699   .3983761    -0.80   0.422    -1.100373    .4612329
                              North Carolina  |  -.4638198   .4251485    -1.09   0.275    -1.297096     .369456
                                North Dakota  |  -2.438739   1.147858    -2.12   0.034      -4.6885   -.1889781
                                        Ohio  |  -.2810673   .4338334    -0.65   0.517    -1.131365    .5692305
                                    Oklahoma  |  -.2231829   .5522519    -0.40   0.686    -1.305577     .859211
                                      Oregon  |   -.273123   .4382201    -0.62   0.533    -1.132019    .5857727
                                Pennsylvania  |  -.3555153   .4180836    -0.85   0.395    -1.174944    .4639134
                                Rhode Island  |  -.6073499   .6234847    -0.97   0.330    -1.829357    .6146577
                              South Carolina  |  -.2950072   .5118405    -0.58   0.564    -1.298196    .7081818
                                South Dakota  |   -.557638   1.131027    -0.49   0.622    -2.774411    1.659135
                                   Tennessee  |   .0420345   .4385161     0.10   0.924    -.8174412    .9015101
                                       Texas  |   -.629307   .4037416    -1.56   0.119    -1.420626    .1620121
                                        Utah  |  -.4716458   .4403674    -1.07   0.284     -1.33475    .3914586
                                     Vermont  |   1.672156   1.152024     1.45   0.147     -.585769    3.930081
                                    Virginia  |  -.4056221   .4253884    -0.95   0.340    -1.239368    .4281238
                                  Washington  |  -.2928753   .4100479    -0.71   0.475    -1.096554    .5108039
                                   Wisconsin  |    .107011   .4836524     0.22   0.825    -.8409303    1.054952
                                     Wyoming  |  -.3031328    .724674    -0.42   0.676    -1.723468    1.117202
                                    industry1 |
                                 Advertising  |  -.3235814   .1718969    -1.88   0.060    -.6604931    .0133302
                     Agriculture and Farming  |   .8334421   .2669152     3.12   0.002      .310298    1.356586
                                        Apps  |   .0245531   .1636442     0.15   0.881    -.2961836    .3452898
                     Artificial Intelligence  |   .5269334   .1693098     3.11   0.002     .1950923    .8587745
                               Biotechnology  |   .9526859   .2025142     4.70   0.000     .5557655    1.349606
                        Clothing and Apparel  |  -.0786473   .1914114    -0.41   0.681    -.4538068    .2965122
                       Commerce and Shopping  |  -.0502132    .163925    -0.31   0.759    -.3715003    .2710739
                     Community and Lifestyle  |  -.3506888   .1795289    -1.95   0.051    -.7025591    .0011815
                        Consumer Electronics  |   .5191581    .180977     2.87   0.004     .1644497    .8738664
                              Consumer Goods  |   .3713495   .2614782     1.42   0.156    -.1411384    .8838373
                      Content and Publishing  |  -.4915518   .1872494    -2.63   0.009    -.8585539   -.1245496
                          Data and Analytics  |   .0860204   .1711798     0.50   0.615    -.2494858    .4215265
                                      Design  |  -.8209494   .2427359    -3.38   0.001    -1.296703   -.3451959
                                   Education  |  -.5116925   .1779732    -2.88   0.004    -.8605136   -.1628714
                                      Energy  |  -.0266922    .262059    -0.10   0.919    -.5403183    .4869339
                                      Events  |  -.5980316   .2268579    -2.64   0.008    -1.042665   -.1533983
                          Financial Services  |  -.1580492    .168994    -0.94   0.350    -.4892713    .1731729
                           Food and Beverage  |   .4862599   .2271832     2.14   0.032      .040989    .9315308
                                      Gaming  |   .0474327   .2457226     0.19   0.847    -.4341747    .5290401
                     Government and Military  |  -.0926754   .3276943    -0.28   0.777    -.7349444    .5495936
                                    Hardware  |   .2505003   .1898872     1.32   0.187    -.1216718    .6226725
                                 Health Care  |   .2897721   .1743523     1.66   0.097    -.0519522    .6314964
                      Information Technology  |  -.2716878   .1713481    -1.59   0.113    -.6075239    .0641483
                           Internet Services  |  -.3034245    .178332    -1.70   0.089    -.6529487    .0460997
                               Manufacturing  |   .2436891   .3270453     0.75   0.456    -.3973079    .8846861
                     Media and Entertainment  |  -.5577907   .2147538    -2.60   0.009    -.9787004   -.1368811
            Messaging and Telecommunications  |  -.4438552   1.462689    -0.30   0.762    -3.310673    2.422963
                                      Mobile  |  -.2658972   .2275387    -1.17   0.243    -.7118648    .1800705
                           Natural Resources  |          0  (empty)
                      Navigation and Mapping  |     .23026    .903679     0.25   0.799    -1.540918    2.001438
                                   Platforms  |          0  (empty)
                        Privacy and Security  |  -.8250114   .6663974    -1.24   0.216    -2.131126    .4811036
                       Professional Services  |  -.8783809   .2525578    -3.48   0.001    -1.373385   -.3833767
                                 Real Estate  |  -.4079659   .2387648    -1.71   0.088    -.8759362    .0600044
                         Sales and Marketing  |  -1.338194   .3006448    -4.45   0.000    -1.927447   -.7489409
                     Science and Engineering  |   .0078115   .5217189     0.01   0.988    -1.014739    1.030362
                                    Software  |  -.6324878   .2042539    -3.10   0.002    -1.032818   -.2321575
                                      Sports  |  -.5118419   .3867198    -1.32   0.186    -1.269799     .246115
                              Sustainability  |   -.727901   .6994042    -1.04   0.298    -2.098708    .6429062
                              Transportation  |  -.1287526   .2870052    -0.45   0.654    -.6912724    .4337672
                          Travel and Tourism  |  -.9046213   .3156622    -2.87   0.004    -1.523308   -.2859346
              c.go_score_n#c.innovativeness_n |  -.0352607   .0484613    -0.73   0.467     -.130243    .0597217
               c.go_score_n#c.proactiveness_n |  -.1833083   .1298296    -1.41   0.158    -.4377696     .071153
                 c.go_score_n#c.risk_taking_n |    .466917    .294718     1.58   0.113    -.1107196    1.044554
            c.ecvo_score_n#c.innovativeness_n |   .0005422   .0060391     0.09   0.928    -.0112942    .0123786
             c.ecvo_score_n#c.proactiveness_n |  -.0364081    .011813    -3.08   0.002    -.0595611   -.0132551
               c.ecvo_score_n#c.risk_taking_n |   -.035593   .0179387    -1.98   0.047    -.0707521   -.0004339
                                        _cons |  -4.327526   23.06105    -0.19   0.851    -49.52635     40.8713
            Last edited by Erik Windorf; 20 Apr 2022, 06:54.


            • #7
              1) -testparm- tells you that -i.region- should be kept in;
              2) I would test what happend when standard errors are clustered on -i.region-;
              3) I do not have am answer for the changed coefficients in lines 3-5;
              4) I would check whether a more parsimonious model (say, without interactions) and/or different predictors gives back a higher pseudo R_sq.
              Kind regards,
              (StataNow 18.5)

