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  • Reshaping the data in STATA


    I am using the data which looks like this and I want to reshape that into the structure I am showing below.

    1) This is how the data looks like the table below. There are 3 vars per country-per-year. These are VA, LA and TA.

    country Variable year Agriculture Mining Manufacturing
    Argentina VA 1990 8,317 2,710 43,779
    Argentina VA 1991 18,048 5,130 104,598
    Argentina LA 1990 26,961 7,173 154,044
    Argentina LA 1991 21,701 7,776 138,917
    Argentina TA 1990 82,464 45,964 332,043
    Argentina TA 1991 91,136 64,815 395,648
    United Kingdom VA 1990 5,356 5,357 89,923
    United Kingdom VA 1991 23,123 23,124 101,892
    United Kingdom LA 1990 23,443 23,444 213,123
    United Kingdom LA 1991 29,866 29,867 213,213
    United Kingdom TA 1990 78,232 78,233 131,233
    United Kingdom TA 1991 90,456 90,457 312,313

    2) And this is how I want to reshape the data for analysis:

    country year VA -Agriculture LA- Agriculture TA- Agriculture VA- Mining LA- Mining TA-Mining VA- Manufacturing LA- Manufacturing TA- Manufacturing Total -VA Total -LA Total -TA
    Argentina 1990 8,317 26,961 82,464 2,710 7,173 45,964 43,779 154,044 332,043
    Argentina 1991 18,048 21,701 91,136 5,130 7,776 64,815 104,598 138,917 395,648
    United Kingdom 1990 5,356 23,443 78,232 5,357 23,444 78,233 89,923 213,123 131,233
    United Kingdom 1991 23,123 29,866 90,456 23,124 29,867 90,457 101,892 213,213 312,313
    In the end, I want to calculate the total for my three vars: VA , LA and TA so for the year 1990, the total would be VA-Agriculture+VA-Mining+VA-Manufacturing.

    You help shall be really appreciated.

    Last edited by Abdullah Ijaz; 15 Apr 2022, 09:07.

  • #2
    For what it's worth, you do not need to (and probably shouldn't, because data in long format is generally easier to work with than data in wide format) reshape the data to get your desired output. To generate a variable containing totals per year for VA/LA/TA across three variables in long format, simply do:

    egen rowtotal = rowtotal(agriculture mining manufacturing)
    bysort variable year: egen total = total(rowtotal)
    If you still want to reshape, however, you can do it like so:

    reshape wide agriculture mining manufacturing, i(country year) j(variable) string


    • #3
      I need to merge this data with other datasets. That's why I wanted to reshape it. Otherwise, I have to repeat some obervations for each year. Let's say GDP for the country in 1991 is 22345, then I need to add this GDP for three vars, VA, LA and TA for every time in 1991. Or is there any easier way to deal with long data that I am missing out on. But Thanks for your suggestion.

