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  • How to fix the fracmented result table

    I ran a correlation command and got a fragmented table. How can I fix it into the same table
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Stata:MP 15.1 — Data 2013-2019.dta 2022-04-15 00-15-27.png
Views:	1
Size:	751.6 KB
ID:	1659684

  • #2
    As you undoubtedly discovered, Stata's command -correlate- has a "wrap" option, but the command -pwcorr- does not. The simple answer would be to just manually cut and paste in a MS Word document. But I assume you would like a solution that could be applied repeatedly.

    Here's an answer to your problem that allows me to reference Luke Gallup 's utility -frmttable-, which he describes in this Stata Journal article: Gallup, L., "A programmer's command to build formatted statistical tables," Volume 12 Number 4: pp. 655-673. This program has an extensive set of help files which supplement the journal article. It can be described and installed with the following command from inside Stata:

    view net describe sg97_5, from(

    *    This code recreates the output of -pwcorr- using Luke Gallup's -frmtble-.
    *    Load an arbitrary example data set
    webuse nlsy80
    *    A pairwise-correlation table with 9 variables produced by Stata's -pwcorr-
    *    breaks up the output in the results window.  
    pwcorr wage hours iq kww educ exper tenure age married, star(0.05) sig
    *    The -pwcorr- command returns the following results.
    return list
    *    Save the two matrices
    mat def C = r(C)
    mat def sig = r(sig)
    *    Define a new matrix which has a column of the -sig- matrix
    *    and a blank column after every column of the C matrix
    capture mat drop C_with_sig
    mat define empty = J(`: colsof C',1,.)
    forvalues i = 1/`: colsof C' {
        mat def C_with_sig = nullmat(C_with_sig), C[1...,`i'], sig[1...,`i'] , empty
    *    This matrix has three times as many columns as rows, three columns for each variable.
    *    For each variable, the second column contains the p-value from the matrix -sig-
    *    and the third column is blank so that -frmttable- replicates the blank rows
    *    between variables in the output from -pwcorr-.
    matlist C_with_sig
    *    Now, with its option -substat(2)-, -frmttable- produces the -pwcorr-  
    *    correlation matrix without wrapping the output in the results window
    frmttable, statmat(C_with_sig) substat(2) nobrket
    *    With some further code, we can tweak the -frmttable output
    *    to resemble more closely the output from -pwcorr-.
    *    We want to (a) annotate the correlation coefficients with asterisks
    *    and (b) display only the lower triangle of the triangular matrix.
    *    In order to annotate the coefficients with stars,
    *    -frmttable- needs a matrix containing the number of asterisks
    *    to add to each cell of the table.
    *    The following code generates the -stars- matrix and also suppresses
    *    display of the above-diagonal elements of the triangular correlation matrix.
    matrix stars = J(`: rowsof C_with_sig',`: colsof C_with_sig',0)
    forvalues i = 1/`: rowsof C' {
        forvalues j = 1/`: colsof C' {
            local j3m2 = `j'*3 - 2
            matrix stars[`i',`j3m2'] = cond(`i'<=`j',0, (sig[`i',`j'] < .05 ) + (sig[`i',`j'] < 0.01) )
            matrix  C_with_sig[`i',`j3m2'] = cond(`i'<`j',., C_with_sig[`i',`j3m2'] )
            local j3m1 = `j'*3 - 1
            matrix  C_with_sig[`i',`j3m1'] = cond(`i'<=`j',., C_with_sig[`i',`j3m1'] )
    *    With its -using- option, -frmttable- writes the table to a document in MS Word's ".doc" format.
    frmttable using temp.doc, statmat(C_with_sig) substat(2) nobrket ///
        annotate(stars) asymbol(*,**) landscape replace   ///
        note("* p<0.05; ** p<0.01" "p-value appears below correlation coefficient")
    Here's the result as it appears in Stata's results window:

                wage   hours     iq      kww     educ    exper   tenure   age    married
     wage       1.00                                                                    
     hours     -0.01    1.00                                                            
     iq        0.31**  0.07*    1.00                                                    
                0.00    0.02                                                            
     kww       0.33**  0.11**  0.41**    1.00                                            
                0.00    0.00    0.00                                                    
     educ      0.33**  0.09**  0.52**   0.39**   1.00                                    
                0.00    0.01    0.00     0.00                                            
     exper      0.00   -0.06   -0.22**   0.02   -0.46**   1.00                          
                0.95    0.06    0.00     0.59    0.00                                    
     tenure    0.13**  -0.06    0.04    0.14**   -0.04   0.24**   1.00                  
                0.00    0.09    0.20     0.00    0.27     0.00                          
     age       0.16**   0.02    -0.04   0.39**   -0.01   0.50**  0.27**   1.00          
                0.00    0.45    0.18     0.00    0.71     0.00    0.00                  
     married   0.14**   0.03    -0.01   0.09**   -0.06   0.11**  0.07*   0.11**   1.00  
                0.00    0.32    0.65     0.01    0.07     0.00    0.03    0.00          
                                     * p<0.05; ** p<0.01
                        p-value appears below correlation coefficient
    The generated MS Word formatted table saved to -temp.doc- looks like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	temp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	98.1 KB
ID:	1659897

    Other -frmttable- options can further modify this table.
    Last edited by Mead Over; 16 Apr 2022, 03:37.

