I am outputting a correlation matrix into a .tex file, to present as a table in Latex. I'm using estpost to do it, following posts by others. I want to use the variable labels in the left-hand row titles, hence my use of the label option in esttab. However, I would like to SEPARATELY control the row that is automatically created as column titles, because the labels are far too long. (Oddly, they are not actually column titles, as in mtitles, they are below the mtitles.)
Here is a reproducible example. Code:
It creates a .tex file with this content:
While I can delete the top row by adding "nomtitle" to the options in esttab, what I'd LIKE to delete is the second two lines, "& Price&Mileage (mpg)&Headroom (in.)&Weight (lbs.)&Length (in.)\\" and the empty line after it.
Here is a reproducible example. Code:
PHP Code:
sysuse auto, clear
estpost corr price mpg headroom weight length, matrix
esttab using "${TABLES}/Tab_CorrMat1.tex", unstack noobs nonum cells(rho(fmt(2))) collabels("") label replace fragment mtitle("About this correlation matrix")
PHP Code:
&\multicolumn{5}{c}{About this correlation matrix} \\
& Price&Mileage (mpg)&Headroom (in.)&Weight (lbs.)&Length (in.)\\
& & & & & \\
Price & 1.00& & & & \\
Mileage (mpg) & -0.47& 1.00& & & \\
Headroom (in.) & 0.11& -0.41& 1.00& & \\
Weight (lbs.) & 0.54& -0.81& 0.48& 1.00& \\
Length (in.) & 0.43& -0.80& 0.52& 0.95& 1.00\\
While I can delete the top row by adding "nomtitle" to the options in esttab, what I'd LIKE to delete is the second two lines, "& Price&Mileage (mpg)&Headroom (in.)&Weight (lbs.)&Length (in.)\\" and the empty line after it.