Dear all,
I am running a DiD regression with an unbalanced panel dataset. The data consists of 41 countries with monthly observations from 2009 to 2020. When I xtreg stata drops almost half of the countries since the results only contain 24 countries. It is important to get all 41 countries included. What can be the issue here?
The code used is the following:
DV = DVGTcirculareocnomy
treated = 1 for treated group and 0 for control group
DiD1Time = 1 post treatment and 0 pre treatment
Inflation to co2emission are control variables where I don't have complete data of all, thus the unbalanced dataset.
Super grateful for any help or advice.
Thank you and best regards,
I am running a DiD regression with an unbalanced panel dataset. The data consists of 41 countries with monthly observations from 2009 to 2020. When I xtreg stata drops almost half of the countries since the results only contain 24 countries. It is important to get all 41 countries included. What can be the issue here?
The code used is the following:
xtreg DVGTcirculareconomy i.treated##i.DiD1Time i.period inflation gdp householdexp industrialization hdi educationexp recycling2 randd internet electricity age15plus work co2emission
treated = 1 for treated group and 0 for control group
DiD1Time = 1 post treatment and 0 pre treatment
Inflation to co2emission are control variables where I don't have complete data of all, thus the unbalanced dataset.
Super grateful for any help or advice.
Thank you and best regards,