Dear Stata Users,
I am analysing the evolution of political attitudes (such as trust in politics, support for economic redistribution, satisfaction with the functioning of democracy, euroscepticism...) over time and how they relate to the preference for populist parties, using the European Social Survey data. The central question that I am trying to respond to is the following: do these attitudes have the same impact at different time points, or do they matter more (or less) in specific years (such as in times of crisis)?
I am analysing 9 countries, and I have 9 time points. The ESS data have modules, that are repeated, through stable design and mostly unchanged contents in every wave of the survey (even though with different respondents for each wave).
I am currently using a multilevel model to track the change over time and the different impact that the attitudes have in the analysed years. I have now landed on a model but I would like to get your feedback on whether it is correct or not. The dependent variable is binary, expressing the preference for populist parties (1) or mainstream parties (0). The time variable (essround) goes from 1 to 9. The independent variables are continuous variables which are the results of combined items after checking for Cronbach's alpha. I also have a series of control variables such as age, education level, occupation, religiosity, income, gender, left or right ideology.
As the model is already pretty complex, I was thinking about running a series of models with only the key predictors (trustpolitics satisfaction socialint euroscept immigration_good ecored) and the interaction term with the time variable essround.
From this, I was planning to calculate the marginal effects to see the changing effect that the specific attitude has at different time points in determining the preference for populist parties:
Do these codes look correct for the purpose of the analysis?
Also, is the margin code suitable if I want to calculate the predicted probability to support populist parties per each predictor, at different time points?
Thank you,
I am analysing the evolution of political attitudes (such as trust in politics, support for economic redistribution, satisfaction with the functioning of democracy, euroscepticism...) over time and how they relate to the preference for populist parties, using the European Social Survey data. The central question that I am trying to respond to is the following: do these attitudes have the same impact at different time points, or do they matter more (or less) in specific years (such as in times of crisis)?
I am analysing 9 countries, and I have 9 time points. The ESS data have modules, that are repeated, through stable design and mostly unchanged contents in every wave of the survey (even though with different respondents for each wave).
I am currently using a multilevel model to track the change over time and the different impact that the attitudes have in the analysed years. I have now landed on a model but I would like to get your feedback on whether it is correct or not. The dependent variable is binary, expressing the preference for populist parties (1) or mainstream parties (0). The time variable (essround) goes from 1 to 9. The independent variables are continuous variables which are the results of combined items after checking for Cronbach's alpha. I also have a series of control variables such as age, education level, occupation, religiosity, income, gender, left or right ideology.
melogit populistvote trustpolitics satisfaction socialint euroscept immigration_good ecored pdwrk income edulvla lrscale rlgdgr agea gender_male i.essround [pw= pspwght] || Country: essround, cov(unstr)
melogit populistvote i.essround##c.trustpolitics || Country: essround, cov(unstr)
margins, dydx(trustpolitics) over(essround) atmeans nose margins, at(trustpolitics =(1/10)) over(essround) atmeans nose
Also, is the margin code suitable if I want to calculate the predicted probability to support populist parties per each predictor, at different time points?
Thank you,