Dear all,
I am trying to run a latent profile analysis based on 4 observed variables (different unfavorable eating behaviors, severity rated from 0 (low severity) - 100 (high severity)). My data for each variable, as expected, are highly skewed, with most people showing very low severity and only some showing higher values (sample size is 600+, so there is some decent heterogeneity there nonetheless). I've run a very basic LPA (2-5 profile solution) using the basic following code:
My 4-profile solution works best when considering AIC and BIC, and it also makes most sense from a conceptual standpoint. However, I am still worried about how the extreme skewness of my observed variables might adversely affect my model. In Spurk et al. (2020)* I've read that, in this case, it may be one option to apply robust standard errors, which I then did in the following way:
The profiles don't really change, except the confidence intervals for the predicted margins become very large (as it would probably be expected).
Based on all these things, I would be super grateful for ideas reagrding the follwoing questions:
1) Can I apply LPA using the Gaussian family specification although my observed variables are very skewed?
2) Are there specifications that I can add to the model to improve it, especially with regard to the skewness?
3) Is the vce(robust)addition even helpful in this case?
Thanks so much in advance!
*Spurk, D., Hirschi, A., Wang, M., Valero, D., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Latent profile analysis: A review and “how to” guide of its application within vocational behavior research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 120, 103445.
I am trying to run a latent profile analysis based on 4 observed variables (different unfavorable eating behaviors, severity rated from 0 (low severity) - 100 (high severity)). My data for each variable, as expected, are highly skewed, with most people showing very low severity and only some showing higher values (sample size is 600+, so there is some decent heterogeneity there nonetheless). I've run a very basic LPA (2-5 profile solution) using the basic following code:
gsem (eat1 eat2 eat3 eat4 <- _cons), lclass(C 4) /// startvalues(randomid, draws(5) seed(15)) emopts(iter(20)) estimates store c4inv estat lcmean marginsplot estat lcprob
gsem (eat1 eat2 eat3 eat4 <- _cons), lclass(C 4) /// startvalues(randomid, draws(5) seed(15)) emopts(iter(20)) vce(robust)
Based on all these things, I would be super grateful for ideas reagrding the follwoing questions:
1) Can I apply LPA using the Gaussian family specification although my observed variables are very skewed?
2) Are there specifications that I can add to the model to improve it, especially with regard to the skewness?
3) Is the vce(robust)addition even helpful in this case?
Thanks so much in advance!
*Spurk, D., Hirschi, A., Wang, M., Valero, D., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Latent profile analysis: A review and “how to” guide of its application within vocational behavior research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 120, 103445.