I want to export a table from stata using the estout command, and I want to put in the table personalized p-values.
I have this p-values in a matrix.
I have the following code:
The problem is that the table that I export have the original p-values, not the ones that are in the pval matrix.
How can I solve this?
I want to export a table from stata using the estout command, and I want to put in the table personalized p-values.
I have this p-values in a matrix.
I have the following code:
reg vardep varind estimates store m1 mat pval= (0.0001, 0.10, 0.045) estadd matrix pval= pval estout m1, cells(b(star pvalue(pval) fmt(%9.3f)) p(par fmt(%9.3f))) replace label
How can I solve this?