I am currently running analysis of the effect of a defunding policy on local level crime rates. I only have 3 time periods for my data (due to lack of data availability), and I have 203 data points for each. I have been struggling to find significance with my DID results, however, I believe I now have achieved this.
My question is, when including fixed effects, is it always necessary to include time-variant fixed effects for such panel data when running xtreg? When I include this (i.year , fe), my results become insignificant, whereas if I do not (,fe), my results are significant.
Any advice would be much appreciated
I am currently running analysis of the effect of a defunding policy on local level crime rates. I only have 3 time periods for my data (due to lack of data availability), and I have 203 data points for each. I have been struggling to find significance with my DID results, however, I believe I now have achieved this.
My question is, when including fixed effects, is it always necessary to include time-variant fixed effects for such panel data when running xtreg? When I include this (i.year , fe), my results become insignificant, whereas if I do not (,fe), my results are significant.
Any advice would be much appreciated