I'd like to scale the different variables with different factors. When I run this command, only the variable "inlevg" is scaled by the number 0.2059424 and the others are not scaled.
Is it possible to change my code in order to have each variable scaled with the factor as in the code??
esttab reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6 using "$/Tables/Table 2.rtf", replace transform (inlevg @*0.2059424, @logsales @*2.372992 @ mktb @*1.819439 @ prof @*0.2165378 @ tang @*0.25703 @ cfvol @0.1752433 @ indmedbl @*0.1095369 @ divpayer @*0.49548070 @) label title (Table 2: The Effect of Initial Leverage on Future Leverage) noconst cells(b(fmt(%4.2f)) t(par fmt(%3.2f))) starlevels(* 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01) stats(YearFE r2_a N, fmt(%9.2f %9.2f %9.0fc) label("Year FE" "Adj. R2" "Obs."))
I'd like to scale the different variables with different factors. When I run this command, only the variable "inlevg" is scaled by the number 0.2059424 and the others are not scaled.
Is it possible to change my code in order to have each variable scaled with the factor as in the code??
esttab reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6 using "$/Tables/Table 2.rtf", replace transform (inlevg @*0.2059424, @logsales @*2.372992 @ mktb @*1.819439 @ prof @*0.2165378 @ tang @*0.25703 @ cfvol @0.1752433 @ indmedbl @*0.1095369 @ divpayer @*0.49548070 @) label title (Table 2: The Effect of Initial Leverage on Future Leverage) noconst cells(b(fmt(%4.2f)) t(par fmt(%3.2f))) starlevels(* 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01) stats(YearFE r2_a N, fmt(%9.2f %9.2f %9.0fc) label("Year FE" "Adj. R2" "Obs."))